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Regionwise Properties Panes

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The Regionwise Properties pane or panes are on the SUTRA Options dialog box.

It is only present for SUTRA 4.0 models.

There can be multiple copies of the Regionwise Properties pane.

Each Regionwise Properties pane has up to five tabs. Which panes are present depends on the options selected for the model.

Adsorption Parameters or Transport Model tab

The Adsorption Parameters or Transport Model tab is used to define the input for dataset 11A. It is always visible. Depending on whether solute or energy transport is being simulated, the user specifies either an adsorption model or a thermal transport model.

oThe adsorption model can be None, Linear, Freundlich, or Langmuir.

oThe thermal transport model can be Arithmetic mean, Geometric-mean, or Harmonic-mean.

oThe first distribution coefficient and second distribution coefficient are specified with Linear, Freundlich, or Langmuir adsorption models.

Total Water Saturation tab

The Total Water Saturation tab is used to define the input for dataset 11B. It is visible if unsaturated flow or freezing transport is simulated. See section 2.2 of the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.

oThe user must choose a total water saturation function (SWMOD) which can be None, van Genuchten, Brooks-Corey, Piecewise-linear, or User-defined. For van Genuchten, Brooks-Corey, and Piecewise-linear, the user specifies several additional variables on the tab. The ones to be specified depend on the choice of total water saturation function.

oResidual total water saturation (SWRES). The value below which total-water saturation cannot fall due to decrease in pressure because the fluid becomes effectively immobile.

ovan Genuchten function parameter α_VG (AA). Van Genuchten model parameter usually dependent on inverse of absolute value of the air-entry pressure. See equation 47 in the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.  

ovan Genuchten function parameter n_VG (VN). Van Genuchten model parameter dependent on pore-size distribution. See equation 47 in the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.  

oAir-entry pressure (PENT). The air-entry pressure. the (negative) pressure above which the porous medium effectively remains fully saturated; normally PENT<0

oPore size distribution index (RLAMB). See equation 49 in the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.

oPressure at which the saturation reaches the residual saturation (PSWRES). Pressure at which the sloping linear segment of the function in equation 51 gives SW = SWRES. This usually has a value less than zero.

oFor a user-defined total water saturation function, the user must program the subroutine UNSAT. The regionwise inputs for that subroutine, if any, are specified in a table that appears at the bottom of the Total Water Saturation tab. The table is only visible if User-defined is selected.

Relative Permeability Parameters tab

The Relative Permeability Parameters tab is used to define the input for dataset 11C. It is visible if unsaturated flow or freezing transport is simulated. See section 2.4 of the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.

oThe specified relative permeability function (RKMOD) can have values of None, van Genuchten, Brooks-Corey, Piecewise-linear, or User-defined. For van Genuchten, Brooks-Corey, and Piecewise-linear, the user specifies several additional variables on the tab. The ones to be specified depend on the choice of specified relative permeability function (RKMOD).

oMinimum relative permeability (RKMIN) Value of the minimum relative permeability, krmin, allowed a for region. With the van Genuchten or Brooks-Corey options, setting RKMIN=0 allows the relative permeability in the corresponding region to approach zero asymptotically.

ovan Genuchten function parameter n_VG (VN) van Genuchten function parameter nVG

oPore size distribution index (RLAMB) Value of the pore size distribution index in the Brooks-Corey function.

oLiquid-water saturation at which the relative permeability reaches its minimum (SLRKMIN) Value of the liquid-water saturation in the piecewise-linear function at which relative permeability reaches its minimum value.

oFor a user-defined specified relative permeability function, the user must program the subroutine RELPERM. The regionwise inputs for that subroutine, if any, are specified in a table that appears at the bottom of the Relative Permeability Parameters tab. The table is only visible if User-defined is selected.

Liquid Water Saturation tab

The Liquid Water Saturation tab is used to define the input for dataset 11D. It is visible if freezing transport is simulated. See section 2.3 of the SUTRA 4.0 documentation.

oThe specified liquid water saturation function (SLMOD) can be None, Exponential, Modified power law, Piecewise-linear, or User-defined. For Exponential, Modified power law, and Piecewise-linear, the user specifies several additional variables on the tab. The ones to be specified depend on the choice of specified liquid water saturation function.

oResidual liquid water saturation  (SLSATRES) Value of the residual liquid water saturationSLressat.

oExponential parameter w_EXP (W) exponential parameter wEXP

oModified power law model parameter, α_POW (ALPHA) Modified power law model parameter, αPOW.

oModified power law model parameter, β_POW(BETA) Modified power law model parameter, βPOW.

oRelative temperature at which the liquid saturation reaches the residual liquid saturation (TLRES) Value of the relative temperature, T- Tf, below which SLsat = SLressat in the piecewise-linear function.

oFor a user-defined specified liquid water saturation function, the user must program the subroutine LIQSAT. The regionwise inputs for that subroutine, if any, are specified in a table that appears at the bottom of the Liquid Water Saturation tab. The table is only visible if User-defined is selected.

Freezing Water and Latent Heat. tab

The Freezing Water and Latent Heat. tab is used to define the input for dataset 11E. It is visible if freezing transport is simulated.

oMaximum freezing temperature of pore water (TFREEZ) Maximum freezing temperature of pore water, Tf. Typically 0 ºC, but may be set to, for example, a negative value that is representative of the freezing-point depression caused by solutes dissolved in the groundwater.

oLatent heat of fusion (HTLAT) latent heat of fusion of free water (ΔH>0), user-specified value, usually ΔH ~ +3.34×105 J/kg  (where J indicates Joules and 1 J = 1 [kg⋅m2⋅s−2]) when free water has zero solute concentration; but may be user-specified to be different from this value, to represent latent heat of fusion change (usually a decrease) resulting from solutes in the groundwater.