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Liquid Water and Ice Properties Pane

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The Liquid Water and Ice Properties pane is on the SUTRA Options dialog box. It is used to set properties of the liquid water and ice.
(Note: For SUTRA 2 and SUTRA 3 models, this pane is labeled the Fluid Properties pane.)

COMPFL is the Fluid compressibility which is related to storativity.

CW, the fluid specific heat, is not used on for solute transport.

SIGMAW is fluid diffusivity for solute transport and fluid thermal conductivity for heat transport.

RHOWØ, DRWDU, and URHOWØ are used together to calculate the density of the water at a particular solute concentration or temperature using a linear equation. RHOWØ is the density of fluid at a base concentration or temperature. URHOWØ is the base value of solute concentration or temperature. DRWDU is the coefficient of fluid density change with concentration (fraction) or temperature.

VISCØ is Fluid viscosity for solute transport. For energy transport it can be used as a scale factor for converting the units of the viscosity that SUTRA calculates.