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Solid Matrix, Adsorption Pane

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The Solid Matrix, Adsorption pane is on the SUTRA Options dialog box.

It is only present for SUTRA models prior to SUTRA 4.0.

Solid matrix properties:

COMPMA is the solid matrix compressibility which is related to the storativity.

CS is the solid grain specific heat. It is not used for solute transport.

SIGMAS is the solid grain thermal conductivity. It is not used for solute transport.

RHOS is the density of a solid grain. It is not used for solute transport.

Adsorption parameters:

ADSMOD is the sorption model. It is only used for solute transport.

CHI1 is the value of linear, Freundlich or Langmuir distribution coefficient, depending on sorption model chosen.

CHI2 is the value of Freundlich or Langmuir coefficient, depending on sorption model chosen. It is not used for linear sorption.