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SFR: MODFLOW 6 Streamflow Routing Package Pane

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The Streamflow-Routing (SFR) package is used to simulate streams in a model. The pane for this package is on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box under Head Dependant Flux.

There are six options that the user must specify the the SFR package in MODFLOW 6.

Print stage (PRINT_STAGE): If this option is checked, the stream reach stages will be printed in the listing file when heads are printed.

Print flows (PRINT_FLOWS): If this option is checked, the stream reach flows will be printed in the listing file when budget is printed.

Save stage (stagefile): If this option is checked, the stream stages will be saved in in a binary file with the extension ."stage."

Save budget (budgetfile): If this option is checked, the stream budget information will be saved in in a binary file with the extension ."sfr_budget."

Maximum number of Picard iterations (maximum_picard_iteration): This defines the maximum number of Streamflow Routing picard iterations allowed when solving for reach stages and flows as part of the GWF formulate step. Picard iterations are used to minimize differences in SFR package results between subsequent GWF picard (non-linear) iterations as a result of non-optimal reach numbering. If reaches are numbered in order, from upstream to downstream, MAXIMUM PICARD ITERATIONS can be set to 1 to reduce model run time. By default, MAXIMUM PICARD ITERATIONS is equal to 100.

Maximum number of streamflow iterations (maximum_iteration): This defines the maximum number of Streamflow Routing Newton-Raphson iterations allowed for a reach.

Stream depth closure criterion (maximum_depth_change): This defines the depth closure tolerance.

See also: SFR: MODFLOW-6 Streamflow Routing Package Pane on the Object Properties dialog box.