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The LKT: Lake Transport Package pane is is on the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box under MT3DMS or MT3D-USGS. It is used to specify some of the data for the LKT package in MT3D-USGS. The LKT package is not included with MT3DMS. The Lake Transport Package in MT3D-USGS can only be used if the groundwater flow model is a MODFLOW-NWT model.

In addition to comments, there are two variables that are specified in the LKT: Lake Transport Package pane: IETLAK and ICBCLK.

Solute leaves system in evaporation (IETLAK) specifies whether or not evaporation, as simulated in the flow solution, will act as a mass sink. If the checkbox is checked, solute will leave the system in evaporation.

Print transport information for each lake to .lktobs file (ICBCLK) specifies whether or not lake-bylake transport information will be printed to fa file with the extension .lktobs.