Unit PhastModelUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


The main purpose of PhastModelUnit is to provide classes used in saving a PHAST model to a stream and reading a PHAST model from a stream.

TPhastModel does this by making the significant features of a model published properties. Because TPhastModel is derived from TPersistent, this automatically provides it with methods to read and write its published properties. Most of the published properties of TPhastModel correspond directly to settings in PHAST. However DataSetList and ObjectList are are descendants of TCollection. They store instances of TDataArray and TScreenObject respectively.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TDataSetCreationData  
Class TDataSetClassification  
Class TProgramLocations  
Class TDataSetItem TDataSetItem is used to save or load a TDataArray from a stream or save it to a stream.
Class TDataSetCollection TDataSetCollection is a collection of TDataSetItems.
Class TUnits TUnits stores the default units in PHAST.
Class TPrintInitial TPrintInitial stores options related to the PRINT_INITIAL data block in PHAST.
Class TGridOptions TGridOptions is used to store options related to the grid in PHAST.
Class TFluidProperties TFluidProperties is used to store fluid properties in PHAST.
Class TSolutionOptions TSolutionOptions specifies options related to the solution method in PHAST.
Class TSteadyFlowOptions TSteadyFlowOptions is used to store options related to the STEADY_FLOW data block in PHAST.
Class TChemistryOptions TChemistryOptions stores options related to chemistry in PHAST.
Class TTimeListGroup TTimeListGroup is used to group together a series of related TPhastTimeLists.
Class TLookUpList  
Class TDataArrayManager  
Class TCustomModel  
record TMapping  
Class TFontChangeNotifyier  
Class TPhastModel TPhastModel is used to read model configuration data to and from a stream and to store TDataArrays and TScreenObjects.
Class TChildDiscretization  
Class TChildDiscretizationCollection  
record TGridRange  
Class TChildModel  
Class TChildModelEdit  
Class TChildModelEditCollection  
Class TChildModelItem  
Class TChildModelCollection  

Functions and Procedures

procedure EnableLighting;
function GenerateNewName( Root: string = ''; InvalidNames: TStringList = nil; Connector: string = ''): string;
function GenerateNewRoot(const Root: string): string;


TEvaluationType = (...);
TpgPrintOrientation = (...);
TModelMateOperation = (...);
TGetZoomBoxEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; var ZoomBox: TQrbwZoomBox2) of object;
TGetCurrentScreenObjectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; var ScreenObject: TScreenObject) of object;
TConvertPointEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; const RealPoint: TPoint2D; var ScreenCoordinate: TPoint) of object;
TCheckScreenObjectEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ScreenObject: TScreenObject; var IsACurrentScreenObject: boolean) of object;
TMappingArray = array of TMapping;
TSaveDataSetValues = (...);
TStartingHeadSource = (...);
TLgrPrintChoice = (...);
TCouplingMethod = (...);


kHufThickness = '_Thickness';
StrHufThickness = kHufThickness;
rsActive = 'Active';
rsKx = 'Kx';
rsKy = 'Ky';
rsKz = 'Kz';
rsPorosity = 'Porosity';
rsSpecific_Storage = 'Specific_Storage';
rsLong_Dispersivity = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity';
rsHorizontal_Transv_Dispersivity = 'Horizontal_Transverse_Dispersivity';
rsVertical_Transv_Dispersivity = 'Vertical_Transverse_Dispersivity';
rsInitial_Head = 'Initial_Head';
rsInitial_Water_Table = 'Initial_Water_Table';
rsChemistry_Initial_Solution = 'Chemistry_Initial_Solution';
rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases = 'Chemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases';
rsChemistry_Initial_Surface = 'Chemistry_Initial_Surface';
rsChemistry_Initial_Exchange = 'Chemistry_Initial_Exchange';
rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase = 'Chemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase';
rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions = 'Chemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions';
rsChemistry_Initial_Kinetics = 'Chemistry_Initial_Kinetics';
rsPrint_Chemistry = 'Print_Chemistry';
rsPrint_XYZ_Chemistry = 'Print_XYZ_Chemistry';
rsResLayer = 'Reservoir_Layer';
rsResBottom = 'Reservoir_Elevation';
rsResKv = 'Reservoir_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
rsResBedThickness = 'Reservoir_Bed_Thickness';
rsLakeID = 'Lake_ID';
rsLakeLeakance = 'Lakebed_Leakance';
rsModflowSpecifiedHead = 'Modflow_Specified_Head';
StrUzfLandSurface = 'Land_Surface';
StrUzfLayer = 'UZF_Layer';
StrUzfDischargeRouting = 'Discharge_Routing';
StrUzfVerticalK = 'Maximum_Unsaturated_Vertical_K';
StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilon = 'Brooks_Corey_Epsilon';
StrUzfSaturatedWaterContent = 'Saturated_Water_Content';
StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'Initial_Unsaturated_Water_Content';
StrUzfReisidualWaterContent = 'Residual_Water_Content';
StrUzfGage_1_and_2 = 'UZF_Gage_1_and_2';
StrUzfGage3 = 'UZF_Gage3';
rsModflow_Initial_Head = 'Modflow_Initial_Head';
rsModflow_CBKz = 'Confining_Bed_Kz';
rsVerticalAnisotropy = 'Vertical_Anisotropy';
rsHorizontalAnisotropy = 'Horizontal_Anisotropy';
rsSpecificYield = 'Specific_Yield';
rsWetDryThreshold = 'Wet_Dry_Threshold';
rsWetDryFlag = 'Wet_Dry_Flag';
rsWetDry = 'WetDry';
StrModpathZone = 'Modpath_Zone';
StrHufReferenceSurface = 'HUF_Reference_Surface';
StrTransmissivity = 'Transmissivity';
StrVerticalConductance = 'Vertical_Leakance';
StrConfinedStorageCoe = 'Confined_Storage_Coefficient';
StrHUFKxName = 'HUF_Kx';
StrHUFKyName = 'HUF_Ky';
StrHUFInterlayerKz = 'HUF_Interlayer_Kz';
StrHUFSSName = 'HUF_SS';
StrHUFAverageSYName = 'HUF_Average_SY';
StrHUFSYName = 'HUF_SY';
StrZones = 'Zones';
StrGeostaticStress = 'Geostatic_Stress';
StrSpecificGravityUns = 'Specific_Gravity_Unsaturated';
StrSpecificGravitySat = 'Specific_Gravity_Saturated';
StrInitialPreOffsets = 'Initial_Preconsolidation_Stress_Offset';
StrInitialPreconsolida = 'Initial_Preconsolidation_Stress';
STR_MT3DMS_Observation_Locations = 'MT3DMS_Observation_Locations';
StrMT3DMSActive = 'MT3DMS_Active';
rsBulkDensity = 'Bulk_Density';
rsImmobPorosity = 'Immobile_Domain_Porosity';
rsMT3DMS_Layer_Thickness = 'MT3DMS_Layer_Thickness';
KModpathBudget = 'Modpath_Budget';
KModpathRetardation = 'Modpath_Retardation';
KNodalPorosity = 'Nodal_Porosity';
KNodalThickness = 'Nodal_Thickness';
KUnsatRegionNodes = 'Unsat_Region_Nodes';
KUnsatRegionElements = 'Unsat_Region_Elements';
KMaximumPermeability = 'Maximum_Permeability';
KMiddlePermeability = 'Middle_Permeability';
KMinimumPermeability = 'Minimum_Permeability';
KMaximumK = 'Maximum_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KMiddleK = 'Middle_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KMinimumK = 'Minimum_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KHorizontalAngle = 'Angle_Horizontal';
KVerticalAngle = 'Angle_Vertical';
KRotationalAngle = 'Angle_Rotational';
KMaxLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Max_Dir';
KMidLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Mid_Dir';
KMinLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Min_Dir';
KMaxTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Max_Dir';
KMidTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Mid_Dir';
KMinTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Min_Dir';
KInitialPressure = 'InitialPressure';
KInitialConcentration = 'InitialConcentration';
KInitialTemperature = 'InitialTemperature';
rsTopLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Top_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
rsTopLeakyThickness = 'Top_Leaky_Thickness';
rsFrontLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Front_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
rsFrontLeakyThickness = 'Front_Leaky_Thickness';
rsSideLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Side_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
rsSideLeakyThickness = 'Side_Leaky_Thickness';
rsRiverHydraulicConductivity = 'River_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
rsRiverWidth = 'River_Width';
rsRiverDepth = 'River_Depth';
rsRiverBedThickness = 'River_Bed_Thickness';
rsSolutionType = 'Specified_Head_Solution_Type';
StrSpecifiedHead = 'Specified_Head';
StrSpecifiedHeadSolution = 'Specified_Head_Solution';
StrTopFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Top_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrFrontFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Front_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrSideFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Side_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrTopFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Top_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrFrontFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Front_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrSideFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Side_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrTopLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Top_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrTopLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Top_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrFrontLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Front_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrFrontLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Front_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrSideLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Side_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrSideLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Side_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrRiverHead = 'River_Head';
StrRiverAssocSoln = 'River_Associated_Solution';
StrWellInjectionRate = 'Well_Injection_Rate';
StrWellSolution = 'Well_Solution';
StrMODFLOWWellPumping = 'WEL Pumping Rate';
StrMODFLOWGhbConductance = 'GHB Conductance';
StrMODFLOWGhbHead = 'GHB Boundary Head';
StrMODFLOWDrainConductance = 'DRN Conductance';
StrMODFLOWDrainElevation = 'DRN Elevation';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnConductance = 'DRT Return Conductance';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnElevation = 'DRT Return Elevation';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnFraction = 'DRT Return Fraction';
StrMODFLOWRiverConductance = 'RIV Conductance';
StrMODFLOWRiverStage = 'RIV Stage';
StrMODFLOWRiverBottom = 'RIV Bottom';
StrMODFLOWCHDStartingHead = 'CHD Starting Head';
StrMODFLOWCHDEndingHead = 'CHD Ending Head';
StrMODFLOWEtsRateFraction = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Rate Fraction';
StrMODFLOWEtsDepthFraction = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Depth Fraction';
StrMODFLOWEtsRate = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Rate';
StrMODFLOWEtsDepth = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Depth';
StrMODFLOWEtsSurface = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Surface';
StrMODFLOWEtsLayer = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Layer';
StrMODFLOWEvtRate = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Rate';
StrMODFLOWEvtDepth = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Depth';
StrMODFLOWEvtSurface = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Surface';
StrMODFLOWEvtLayer = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Layer';
StrMODFLOWRchRate = 'RCH Rate';
StrMODFLOWRchLayer = 'RCH Layer';
StrModflowSfrSegment = 'SFR Segment';
StrModflowSfrReach = 'SFR Reach';
StrModflowSfrIcalc = 'SFR ICALC';
StrModflowSfrReachLength = 'SFR Reach Length';
StrModflowSfrStreamTop = 'SFR Streambed Top';
StrModflowSfrStreamSlope = 'SFR Stream Slope';
StrModflowSfrStreamThickness = 'SFR Streambed Thickness';
StrModflowSfrStreamK = 'SFR Streambed Kv';
StrModflowSfrSatWatCont = 'SFR Saturated Volumetric Water Content';
StrModflowSfrInitWatCont = 'SFR Initial Volumentric Water Content';
StrModflowSfrBrooksCorey = 'SFR Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrVertK = 'SFR Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamSegment = 'SFR Outflow Segment';
StrModflowSfrDiversionSegment = 'SFR Diversion Segment';
StrModflowSfrIprior = 'SFR Diversion Priority';
StrModflowSfrFlow = 'SFR Flow';
StrModflowSfrRunoff = 'SFR Runoff';
StrModflowSfrPrecipitation = 'SFR Precipitation';
StrModflowSfrEvapotranspiration = 'SFR Evapotranspiration';
StrModflowSfrChannelRoughness = 'SFR Channel Roughness';
StrModflowSfrBankRoughness = 'SFR Bank Roughness';
StrModflowSfrDepthCoefficient = 'SFR Depth Coefficient';
StrModflowSfrDepthExponent = 'SFR Depth Exponent';
StrModflowSfrWidthCoefficient = 'SFR Width Coefficient';
StrModflowSfrWidthExponent = 'SFR Width Exponent';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamHydraulicConductivity = 'SFR Upstream Hydraulic Conductivity';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamHydraulicConductivity = 'SFR Downstream Hydraulic Conductivity';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamWidth = 'SFR Upstream Width';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamWidth = 'SFR Downstream Width';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamThickness = 'SFR Upstream Thickness';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamThickness = 'SFR Downstream Thickness';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamElevation = 'SFR Upstream Elevation';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamElevation = 'SFR Downstream Elevation';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamDepth = 'SFR Upstream Depth';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamDepth = 'SFR Downstream Depth';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamSaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Upstream Saturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamSaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Downstream Saturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Upstream Initial Unsaturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Downstream Initial Unsaturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamBrooksCoreyExponent = 'SFR Upstream Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamBrooksCoreyExponent = 'SFR Downstream Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamMaxUnsaturatedKz = 'SFR Upstream Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamMaxUnsaturatedKz = 'SFR Downstream Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrUzfInfiltrationRate = 'UZF Infiltration Rate';
StrUzfExtinctionDepth = 'UZF Extinction Depth';
StrUzfWaterContent = 'UZF Water Content';
StrUzfEtDemand = 'UZF ET Demand';
StrMODFLOWHeadObservations = 'Head Observations';
StrWellRadius = 'Well Radius';
StrSkinRadius = 'Skin Radius';
StrSkinK = 'Skin K';
StrB = 'B';
StrC = 'C';
StrP = 'P';
StrCellToWellConductance = 'Cell to Well Conductance';
StrPartialPenetration = 'Partial Penetration Fraction';
StrMT3DMSSSMConcentra = 'MT3DMS SSM Concentration';
KSutra22 = 'SUTRA2.2';
KSutraDefaultPath = 'C:\SutraSuite\SUTRA_2_2\bin\sutra_2_2.exe';
strUzfClassification = 'UZF';
StrHydrology = 'Hydrology';
StrChemistry = 'Chemistry';
StrOutput = 'Output';
WetError = 'The wetting option is active but ' + 'no layers of the proper type have been specified.';
StrNewDataSet = 'NewDataSet';
rsResClassificaton = 'Reservoir';
rsLakeClassificaton = 'Lake';
StrMT3DMS_Classificaton = 'MT3DMS';
StrSpecifiedPressure = 'SUTRA Specified Pressure';
StrSutraSpecifiedHead = 'SUTRA Specified Head';
StrAssocPresConc = 'SP Associated Conc.';
StrAssocHeadConc = 'SH Associated Conc.';
StrAssocPresTemp = 'SP Associated Temp.';
StrSpecifiedTemp = 'Specified Temperature';
StrSpecifiedConc = 'Specified Concentration';
StrFluidFlux = 'Fluid Flux';
StrFluxAssocPresConc = 'Flux Associated Conc.';
StrFluxAssocPresTemp = 'Flux Associated Temp.';
StrMassFlux = 'Mass Flux';
StrEnergyFlux = 'Energy Flux';
StrNoStressPeriods = 'No stress periods have been defined for MT3DMS.';
WettableLayers = [1,3];
rsActiveDisplayName = rsActive;
rsKxDisplayName = rsKx;
rsKyDisplayName = rsKy;
rsKzDisplayName = rsKz;
rsPorosityDisplayName = rsPorosity;
rsSpecific_StorageDisplayName = rsSpecific_Storage;
rsLong_DispersivityDisplayName = rsLong_Dispersivity;
rsHorizontal_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName = rsHorizontal_Transv_Dispersivity;
rsVertical_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName = rsVertical_Transv_Dispersivity;
rsInitial_HeadDisplayName = rsInitial_Head;
rsInitial_Water_TableDisplayName = rsInitial_Water_Table;
rsChemistry_Initial_SolutionDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Solution;
rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_PhasesDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases;
rsChemistry_Initial_SurfaceDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Surface;
rsChemistry_Initial_ExchangeDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Exchange;
rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_PhaseDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase;
rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_SolutionsDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions;
rsChemistry_Initial_KineticsDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Kinetics;
rsPrint_ChemistryDisplayName = rsPrint_Chemistry;
rsPrint_XYZ_ChemistryDisplayName = rsPrint_XYZ_Chemistry;
rsResLayerDisplayName = rsResLayer;
rsResBottomDisplayName = rsResBottom;
rsResKvDisplayName = rsResKv;
rsResBedThicknessDisplayName = rsResBedThickness;
rsLakeIDDisplayName = rsLakeID;
rsLakeLeakanceDisplayName = rsLakeLeakance;
rsModflowSpecifiedHeadDisplayName = rsModflowSpecifiedHead;
StrUzfLandSurfaceDisplayName = StrUzfLandSurface;
StrUzfLayerDisplayName = StrUzfLayer;
StrUzfDischargeRoutingDisplayName = StrUzfDischargeRouting;
StrUzfVerticalKDisplayName = StrUzfVerticalK;
StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilonDisplayName = StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilon;
StrUzfSaturatedWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfSaturatedWaterContent;
StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent;
StrUzfReisidualWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfReisidualWaterContent;
StrUzfGage_1_and_2DisplayName = StrUzfGage_1_and_2;
StrUzfGage3DisplayName = StrUzfGage3;
rsModflow_Initial_HeadDisplayName = rsModflow_Initial_Head;
rsModflow_CBKzDisplayName = rsModflow_CBKz;
rsVerticalAnisotropyDisplayName = rsVerticalAnisotropy;
rsHorizontalAnisotropyDisplayName = rsHorizontalAnisotropy;
rsSpecificYieldDisplayName = rsSpecificYield;
rsWetDryThresholdDisplayName = rsWetDryThreshold;
rsWetDryFlagDisplayName = rsWetDryFlag;
rsWetDryDisplayName = rsWetDry;
StrModpathZoneDisplayName = StrModpathZone;
StrHufReferenceSurfaceDisplayName = StrHufReferenceSurface;
StrTransmissivityDisplayName = StrTransmissivity;
StrVerticalConductanceDisplayName = StrVerticalConductance;
StrConfinedStorageCoeDisplayName = StrConfinedStorageCoe;
StrHUFKxNameDisplayName = StrHUFKxName;
StrHUFKyNameDisplayName = StrHUFKyName;
StrHUFInterlayerKzDisplayName = StrHUFInterlayerKz;
StrHUFSSNameDisplayName = StrHUFSSName;
StrHUFAverageSYNameDisplayName = StrHUFAverageSYName;
StrHUFSYNameDisplayName = StrHUFSYName;
StrHUFSYTPNameDisplayName = StrHUFSYTPName;
StrZonesDisplayName = StrZones;
StrGeostaticStressDisplayName = StrGeostaticStress;
StrSpecificGravityUnsDisplayName = StrSpecificGravityUns;
StrSpecificGravitySatDisplayName = StrSpecificGravitySat;
StrInitialPreOffsetsDisplayName = StrInitialPreOffsets;
StrInitialPreconsolidaDisplayName = StrInitialPreconsolida;
STR_MT3DMS_Observation_LocationsDisplayName = STR_MT3DMS_Observation_Locations;
StrMT3DMSActiveDisplayName = StrMT3DMSActive;
rsBulkDensityDisplayName = rsBulkDensity;
rsImmobPorosityDisplayName = rsImmobPorosity;
rsMT3DMS_Layer_ThicknessDisplayName = rsMT3DMS_Layer_Thickness;
KModpathBudgetDisplayName = KModpathBudget;
KModpathRetardationDisplayName = KModpathRetardation;
StrNodalPorosityDisplayName = KNodalPorosity;
StrNodalThicknessDisplayName = KNodalThickness;
StrUnsatRegionNodesDisplayName = KUnsatRegionNodes;
StrUnsatRegionElementsDisplayName = KUnsatRegionElements;
StrMaximumPermeability = KMaximumPermeability;
StrMiddlePermeability = KMiddlePermeability;
StrMinimumPermeability = KMinimumPermeability;
StrMaximumK = KMaximumK;
StrMiddleK = KMiddleK;
StrMinimumK = KMinimumK;
StrHorizontalAngle = KHorizontalAngle;
StrVerticalAngle = KVerticalAngle;
StrRotationalAngle = KRotationalAngle;
StrMaxLongitudinalDisp = KMaxLongitudinalDisp;
StrMidLongitudinalDisp = KMidLongitudinalDisp;
StrMinLongitudinalDisp = KMinLongitudinalDisp;
StrMaxTransverseDisp = KMaxTransverseDisp;
StrMidTransverseDisp = KMidTransverseDisp;
StrMinTransverseDisp = KMinTransverseDisp;
StrInitialPressure = KInitialPressure;
StrInitialConcentration = KInitialConcentration;
StrInitialTemperature = KInitialTemperature;
StrWrongHeadModpath = 'Wrong head output file type for MODPATH';
StrWrongHeadModpathDetailed = 'MODPATH version 6 requires that heads be ' + 'saved in a binary format instead of a text format. You can change the ' + 'format in the Output Control dialog box.';
StrGlobalVariables = 'Global Variables';
StrNotepadexe = 'Notepad.exe';
StrModelName = 'ModelMuse';
IModelVersion = '';
StrPvalExt = '.pval';
StrJtf = '.jtf';
StandardLock : TDataLock = [dcName, dcType, dcOrientation, dcEvaluatedAt];
StrHUF = 'HUF2';
kTop = '_Top';
StrZonebudget = 'ZoneBudget';
StrFhd = '.fhd';
StrBhd = '.bhd';
StrFdn = '.fdn';
StrBdn = '.bdn';
StrCbcExt = '.cbc';
StrHuffhd = '.huf_fhd';
StrHufbhd = '.huf_bhd';
StrHufflow = '.huf_flow';
StrSubOut = '.Sub_Out';
StrSwtOut = '.Swt_Out';
StrSubSubOut = '.SubSubOut';
StrSubComMlOut = '.SubComMlOut';
StrSubComIsOut = '.SubComIsOut';
StrSubVdOut = '.SubVdOut';
StrSubNdCritHeadOut = '.SubNdCritHeadOut';
StrSubDCritHeadOut = '.SubDCritHeadOut';
StrSwtSubOut = '.SwtSubOut';
StrSwtComMLOut = '.SwtComMLOut';
StrSwtComIsOut = '.SwtComIsOut';
StrSwtVDOut = '.SwtVDOut';
StrSwtPreConStrOut = '.SwtPreConStrOut';
StrSwtDeltaPreConStrOu = '.SwtDeltaPreConStrOut';
StrSwtGeoStatOut = '.SwtGeoStatOut';
StrSwtDeltaGeoStatOut = '.SwtDeltaGeoStatOut';
StrSwtEffStressOut = '.SwtEffStressOut';
StrSwtDeltaEffStressOu = '.SwtDeltaEffStressOut';
StrSwtVoidRatioOut = '.SwtVoidRatioOut';
StrSwtThickCompSedOut = '.SwtThickCompSedOut';
StrSwtLayerCentElevOut = '.SwtLayerCentElevOut';
StrMt3dConcFile = '.ucn';
StrMtName = '.mt_nam';
strMtObs = '.mto';
kSUTRAMeshTop = 'SUTRA_Mesh_Top';
MaxString12 = 12;
MaxString20 = 20;
MaxString255 = 255;
StrTop = kTop;
StrSUTRAMeshTop = kSUTRAMeshTop;
StrSUTRASpecifiedPres = 'SUTRA Specified Pressure';
StrSUTRASpecifiedConcTemp = 'SUTRA Specified Concentration or Temperature';
StrSutraFluidFlux = 'SUTRA Fluid Flux';
StrMassEnergyFlux = 'SUTRA Mass or Energy Flux';


Functions and Procedures

procedure EnableLighting;
function GenerateNewName( Root: string = ''; InvalidNames: TStringList = nil; Connector: string = ''): string;

GenerateNewName generates a name for a data set that is valid and does not conflict with the names of any existing data sets.

function GenerateNewRoot(const Root: string): string;

GenerateNewRoot is used to generate a valid name from one that may be invalid. Valid names must begin with a letter or underscore. The remaining characters must be letters, digits or the underscore character.


TEvaluationType = (...);
  • etExport:  
  • etDisplay:  
TpgPrintOrientation = (...);

TpgPrintOrientation represents how PHAST results are printed - XY orientation or XZ orientation.

  • pgXY:  
  • pgXZ:  
TModelMateOperation = (...);
  • mmoImport:  
  • mmoExport:  
TGetZoomBoxEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; var ZoomBox: TQrbwZoomBox2) of object;
TGetCurrentScreenObjectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; var ScreenObject: TScreenObject) of object;
TConvertPointEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; VD: TViewDirection; const RealPoint: TPoint2D; var ScreenCoordinate: TPoint) of object;
TCheckScreenObjectEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ScreenObject: TScreenObject; var IsACurrentScreenObject: boolean) of object;
TMappingArray = array of TMapping;
TSaveDataSetValues = (...);
  • sdsvNever:  
  • sdsvAlways:  
TStartingHeadSource = (...);
  • shsSelf:  
  • shsParent:  
TLgrPrintChoice = (...);
  • lpcScreen:  
  • lpcListing:  
  • lpcNone:  
TCouplingMethod = (...);
  • cmOneWay:  
  • cmTwoWay:  


kHufThickness = '_Thickness';
StrHufThickness = kHufThickness;
rsActive = 'Active';

rsActive is the name of the TDataArray that specifies whether an element in PHAST is active or not.

rsKx = 'Kx';

rsKx is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the X direction.

rsKy = 'Ky';

rsKy is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the Y direction.

rsKz = 'Kz';

rsKz is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the Z direction.

rsPorosity = 'Porosity';

rsPorosity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the porosity.

rsSpecific_Storage = 'Specific_Storage';

rsSpecific_Storage is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the specific storage.

rsLong_Dispersivity = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity';

rsLong_Dispersivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the longitudinal dispersivity.

rsHorizontal_Transv_Dispersivity = 'Horizontal_Transverse_Dispersivity';

rsHorizontal_Transv_Dispersivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the horizontal transverse dispersivity.

rsVertical_Transv_Dispersivity = 'Vertical_Transverse_Dispersivity';

rsVertical_Transv_Dispersivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the vertical transverse dispersivity.

rsInitial_Head = 'Initial_Head';

rsInitial_Head is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial head.

rsInitial_Water_Table = 'Initial_Water_Table';

rsInitial_Water_Table is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial water table.

rsChemistry_Initial_Solution = 'Chemistry_Initial_Solution';

rsChemistry_Initial_Solution is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial solution.

rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases = 'Chemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases';

rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial equilibrium phases.

rsChemistry_Initial_Surface = 'Chemistry_Initial_Surface';

rsChemistry_Initial_Surface is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial surface properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Exchange = 'Chemistry_Initial_Exchange';

rsChemistry_Initial_Exchange is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial exchange properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase = 'Chemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase';

rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial gas phase properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions = 'Chemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions';

rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial solid-solution properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Kinetics = 'Chemistry_Initial_Kinetics';

rsChemistry_Initial_Kinetics is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial kinetic properties.

rsPrint_Chemistry = 'Print_Chemistry';

rsPrint_Chemistry is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the "Print Chemistry" distribution.

rsPrint_XYZ_Chemistry = 'Print_XYZ_Chemistry';

rsPrint_XYZ_Chemistry is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the "Print XYZ Chemistry" distribution.

rsResLayer = 'Reservoir_Layer';

rsResLayer indicates the layer number for a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResBottom = 'Reservoir_Elevation';

rsResBottom is the elevation of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResKv = 'Reservoir_Hydraulic_Conductivity';

rsResKv is the hydraulic conductivity of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResBedThickness = 'Reservoir_Bed_Thickness';

rsResBedThickness is the bed thickness of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsLakeID = 'Lake_ID';

rsLakeID is the lake number of a MODFLOW lake.

rsLakeLeakance = 'Lakebed_Leakance';

rsLakeLeakance is the leakance of a MODFLOW lake.

rsModflowSpecifiedHead = 'Modflow_Specified_Head';
StrUzfLandSurface = 'Land_Surface';

StrUzfLandSurface is the land surface in UZF. It is used to set IUZFBND.

StrUzfLayer = 'UZF_Layer';

StrUzfLayer set IUZFBND.

StrUzfDischargeRouting = 'Discharge_Routing';
StrUzfVerticalK = 'Maximum_Unsaturated_Vertical_K';
StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilon = 'Brooks_Corey_Epsilon';
StrUzfSaturatedWaterContent = 'Saturated_Water_Content';
StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'Initial_Unsaturated_Water_Content';
StrUzfReisidualWaterContent = 'Residual_Water_Content';
StrUzfGage_1_and_2 = 'UZF_Gage_1_and_2';
StrUzfGage3 = 'UZF_Gage3';
rsModflow_Initial_Head = 'Modflow_Initial_Head';
rsModflow_CBKz = 'Confining_Bed_Kz';
rsVerticalAnisotropy = 'Vertical_Anisotropy';
rsHorizontalAnisotropy = 'Horizontal_Anisotropy';
rsSpecificYield = 'Specific_Yield';
rsWetDryThreshold = 'Wet_Dry_Threshold';
rsWetDryFlag = 'Wet_Dry_Flag';
rsWetDry = 'WetDry';
StrModpathZone = 'Modpath_Zone';
StrHufReferenceSurface = 'HUF_Reference_Surface';
StrTransmissivity = 'Transmissivity';
StrVerticalConductance = 'Vertical_Leakance';
StrConfinedStorageCoe = 'Confined_Storage_Coefficient';
StrHUFKxName = 'HUF_Kx';
StrHUFKyName = 'HUF_Ky';
StrHUFInterlayerKz = 'HUF_Interlayer_Kz';
StrHUFSSName = 'HUF_SS';
StrHUFAverageSYName = 'HUF_Average_SY';
StrHUFSYName = 'HUF_SY';
StrZones = 'Zones';
StrGeostaticStress = 'Geostatic_Stress';
StrSpecificGravityUns = 'Specific_Gravity_Unsaturated';
StrSpecificGravitySat = 'Specific_Gravity_Saturated';
StrInitialPreOffsets = 'Initial_Preconsolidation_Stress_Offset';
StrInitialPreconsolida = 'Initial_Preconsolidation_Stress';
STR_MT3DMS_Observation_Locations = 'MT3DMS_Observation_Locations';
StrMT3DMSActive = 'MT3DMS_Active';
rsBulkDensity = 'Bulk_Density';
rsImmobPorosity = 'Immobile_Domain_Porosity';
rsMT3DMS_Layer_Thickness = 'MT3DMS_Layer_Thickness';
KModpathBudget = 'Modpath_Budget';
KModpathRetardation = 'Modpath_Retardation';
KNodalPorosity = 'Nodal_Porosity';
KNodalThickness = 'Nodal_Thickness';
KUnsatRegionNodes = 'Unsat_Region_Nodes';
KUnsatRegionElements = 'Unsat_Region_Elements';
KMaximumPermeability = 'Maximum_Permeability';
KMiddlePermeability = 'Middle_Permeability';
KMinimumPermeability = 'Minimum_Permeability';
KMaximumK = 'Maximum_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KMiddleK = 'Middle_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KMinimumK = 'Minimum_Hydraulic_Conductivity';
KHorizontalAngle = 'Angle_Horizontal';
KVerticalAngle = 'Angle_Vertical';
KRotationalAngle = 'Angle_Rotational';
KMaxLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Max_Dir';
KMidLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Mid_Dir';
KMinLongitudinalDisp = 'Longitudinal_Dispersivity_Min_Dir';
KMaxTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Max_Dir';
KMidTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Mid_Dir';
KMinTransverseDisp = 'Transverse_Dispersivity_Min_Dir';
KInitialPressure = 'InitialPressure';
KInitialConcentration = 'InitialConcentration';
KInitialTemperature = 'InitialTemperature';
rsTopLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Top_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';

rsTopLeakyHydraulicConductivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity for the leaky boundary condition on the top view of the model.

rsTopLeakyThickness = 'Top_Leaky_Thickness';

rsTopLeakyThickness is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the thickness associated with the leaky boundary condition on the top view of the model.

rsFrontLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Front_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';

rsFrontLeakyHydraulicConductivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity for the leaky boundary condition on the front view of the model.

rsFrontLeakyThickness = 'Front_Leaky_Thickness';

rsFrontLeakyThickness is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the thickness associated with the leaky boundary condition on the front view of the model.

rsSideLeakyHydraulicConductivity = 'Side_Leaky_Hydraulic_Conductivity';

rsSideLeakyHydraulicConductivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity for the leaky boundary condition on the side view of the model.

rsSideLeakyThickness = 'Side_Leaky_Thickness';

rsSideLeakyThickness is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the thickness associated with the leaky boundary condition on the side view of the model.

rsRiverHydraulicConductivity = 'River_Hydraulic_Conductivity';

rsRiverHydraulicConductivity is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity for the river boundary condition.

rsRiverWidth = 'River_Width';

rsRiverWidth is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the width for the river boundary condition.

rsRiverDepth = 'River_Depth';

rsRiverDepth is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the depth for the river boundary condition.

rsRiverBedThickness = 'River_Bed_Thickness';

rsRiverBedThickness is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the bed thickness for the river boundary condition.

rsSolutionType = 'Specified_Head_Solution_Type';

rsSolutionType is the name of the TDataArray that specifies what type of solution is occurs with a specified head boundary. (specified solution or associated solution).

StrSpecifiedHead = 'Specified_Head';
StrSpecifiedHeadSolution = 'Specified_Head_Solution';
StrTopFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Top_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrFrontFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Front_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrSideFluxBoundaryFlux = 'Side_Flux_Boundary_Flux';
StrTopFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Top_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrFrontFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Front_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrSideFluxBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Side_Flux_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrTopLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Top_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrTopLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Top_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrFrontLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Front_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrFrontLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Front_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrSideLeakyBoundaryHead = 'Side_Leaky_Boundary_Head';
StrSideLeakyBoundaryAssocSoln = 'Side_Leaky_Boundary_Associated_Solution';
StrRiverHead = 'River_Head';
StrRiverAssocSoln = 'River_Associated_Solution';
StrWellInjectionRate = 'Well_Injection_Rate';
StrWellSolution = 'Well_Solution';
StrMODFLOWWellPumping = 'WEL Pumping Rate';

names of TModflowBoundaryDisplayTimeLists

StrMODFLOWGhbConductance = 'GHB Conductance';
StrMODFLOWGhbHead = 'GHB Boundary Head';
StrMODFLOWDrainConductance = 'DRN Conductance';
StrMODFLOWDrainElevation = 'DRN Elevation';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnConductance = 'DRT Return Conductance';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnElevation = 'DRT Return Elevation';
StrMODFLOWDrainReturnFraction = 'DRT Return Fraction';
StrMODFLOWRiverConductance = 'RIV Conductance';
StrMODFLOWRiverStage = 'RIV Stage';
StrMODFLOWRiverBottom = 'RIV Bottom';
StrMODFLOWCHDStartingHead = 'CHD Starting Head';
StrMODFLOWCHDEndingHead = 'CHD Ending Head';
StrMODFLOWEtsRateFraction = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Rate Fraction';
StrMODFLOWEtsDepthFraction = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Depth Fraction';
StrMODFLOWEtsRate = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Rate';
StrMODFLOWEtsDepth = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Depth';
StrMODFLOWEtsSurface = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Surface';
StrMODFLOWEtsLayer = 'ETS Evapotranspiration Layer';
StrMODFLOWEvtRate = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Rate';
StrMODFLOWEvtDepth = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Depth';
StrMODFLOWEvtSurface = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Surface';
StrMODFLOWEvtLayer = 'EVT Evapotranspiration Layer';
StrMODFLOWRchRate = 'RCH Rate';
StrMODFLOWRchLayer = 'RCH Layer';
StrModflowSfrSegment = 'SFR Segment';
StrModflowSfrReach = 'SFR Reach';
StrModflowSfrIcalc = 'SFR ICALC';
StrModflowSfrReachLength = 'SFR Reach Length';
StrModflowSfrStreamTop = 'SFR Streambed Top';
StrModflowSfrStreamSlope = 'SFR Stream Slope';
StrModflowSfrStreamThickness = 'SFR Streambed Thickness';
StrModflowSfrStreamK = 'SFR Streambed Kv';
StrModflowSfrSatWatCont = 'SFR Saturated Volumetric Water Content';
StrModflowSfrInitWatCont = 'SFR Initial Volumentric Water Content';
StrModflowSfrBrooksCorey = 'SFR Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrVertK = 'SFR Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamSegment = 'SFR Outflow Segment';
StrModflowSfrDiversionSegment = 'SFR Diversion Segment';
StrModflowSfrIprior = 'SFR Diversion Priority';
StrModflowSfrFlow = 'SFR Flow';
StrModflowSfrRunoff = 'SFR Runoff';
StrModflowSfrPrecipitation = 'SFR Precipitation';
StrModflowSfrEvapotranspiration = 'SFR Evapotranspiration';
StrModflowSfrChannelRoughness = 'SFR Channel Roughness';
StrModflowSfrBankRoughness = 'SFR Bank Roughness';
StrModflowSfrDepthCoefficient = 'SFR Depth Coefficient';
StrModflowSfrDepthExponent = 'SFR Depth Exponent';
StrModflowSfrWidthCoefficient = 'SFR Width Coefficient';
StrModflowSfrWidthExponent = 'SFR Width Exponent';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamHydraulicConductivity = 'SFR Upstream Hydraulic Conductivity';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamHydraulicConductivity = 'SFR Downstream Hydraulic Conductivity';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamWidth = 'SFR Upstream Width';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamWidth = 'SFR Downstream Width';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamThickness = 'SFR Upstream Thickness';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamThickness = 'SFR Downstream Thickness';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamElevation = 'SFR Upstream Elevation';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamElevation = 'SFR Downstream Elevation';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamDepth = 'SFR Upstream Depth';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamDepth = 'SFR Downstream Depth';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamSaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Upstream Saturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamSaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Downstream Saturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Upstream Initial Unsaturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent = 'SFR Downstream Initial Unsaturated Water Content';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamBrooksCoreyExponent = 'SFR Upstream Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamBrooksCoreyExponent = 'SFR Downstream Brooks Corey Exponent';
StrModflowSfrUpstreamMaxUnsaturatedKz = 'SFR Upstream Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrModflowSfrDownstreamMaxUnsaturatedKz = 'SFR Downstream Max Unsaturated Kz';
StrUzfInfiltrationRate = 'UZF Infiltration Rate';
StrUzfExtinctionDepth = 'UZF Extinction Depth';
StrUzfWaterContent = 'UZF Water Content';
StrUzfEtDemand = 'UZF ET Demand';
StrMODFLOWHeadObservations = 'Head Observations';
StrWellRadius = 'Well Radius';
StrSkinRadius = 'Skin Radius';
StrSkinK = 'Skin K';
StrB = 'B';
StrC = 'C';
StrP = 'P';
StrCellToWellConductance = 'Cell to Well Conductance';
StrPartialPenetration = 'Partial Penetration Fraction';
StrMT3DMSSSMConcentra = 'MT3DMS SSM Concentration';
KSutra22 = 'SUTRA2.2';
KSutraDefaultPath = 'C:\SutraSuite\SUTRA_2_2\bin\sutra_2_2.exe';
strUzfClassification = 'UZF';
StrHydrology = 'Hydrology';
StrChemistry = 'Chemistry';
StrOutput = 'Output';
WetError = 'The wetting option is active but ' + 'no layers of the proper type have been specified.';
StrNewDataSet = 'NewDataSet';
rsResClassificaton = 'Reservoir';
rsLakeClassificaton = 'Lake';
StrMT3DMS_Classificaton = 'MT3DMS';
StrSpecifiedPressure = 'SUTRA Specified Pressure';
StrSutraSpecifiedHead = 'SUTRA Specified Head';
StrAssocPresConc = 'SP Associated Conc.';
StrAssocHeadConc = 'SH Associated Conc.';
StrAssocPresTemp = 'SP Associated Temp.';
StrSpecifiedTemp = 'Specified Temperature';
StrSpecifiedConc = 'Specified Concentration';
StrFluidFlux = 'Fluid Flux';
StrFluxAssocPresConc = 'Flux Associated Conc.';
StrFluxAssocPresTemp = 'Flux Associated Temp.';
StrMassFlux = 'Mass Flux';
StrEnergyFlux = 'Energy Flux';
StrNoStressPeriods = 'No stress periods have been defined for MT3DMS.';
WettableLayers = [1,3];
rsActiveDisplayName = rsActive;

rsActiveDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies whether an element in PHAST is active or not.

rsKxDisplayName = rsKx;

rsKxDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the X direction.

rsKyDisplayName = rsKy;

rsKyDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the Y direction.

rsKzDisplayName = rsKz;

rsKzDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the hydraulic conductivity in the Z direction.

rsPorosityDisplayName = rsPorosity;

rsPorosityDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the porosity.

rsSpecific_StorageDisplayName = rsSpecific_Storage;

rsSpecific_StorageDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the specific storage.

rsLong_DispersivityDisplayName = rsLong_Dispersivity;

rsLong_DispersivityDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the longitudinal dispersivity.

rsHorizontal_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName = rsHorizontal_Transv_Dispersivity;

rsHorizontal_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the horizontal transverse dispersivity.

rsVertical_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName = rsVertical_Transv_Dispersivity;

rsVertical_Transv_DispersivityDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the vertical transverse dispersivity.

rsInitial_HeadDisplayName = rsInitial_Head;

rsInitial_HeadDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial head.

rsInitial_Water_TableDisplayName = rsInitial_Water_Table;

rsInitial_Water_TableDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial water table.

rsChemistry_Initial_SolutionDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Solution;

rsChemistry_Initial_SolutionDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial solution.

rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_PhasesDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_Phases;

rsChemistry_Initial_Equilibrium_PhasesDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial equilibrium phases.

rsChemistry_Initial_SurfaceDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Surface;

rsChemistry_Initial_SurfaceDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial surface properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_ExchangeDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Exchange;

rsChemistry_Initial_ExchangeDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial exchange properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_PhaseDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_Phase;

rsChemistry_Initial_Gas_PhaseDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial gas phase properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_SolutionsDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_Solutions;

rsChemistry_Initial_Solid_SolutionsDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial solid-solution properties.

rsChemistry_Initial_KineticsDisplayName = rsChemistry_Initial_Kinetics;

rsChemistry_Initial_KineticsDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the initial kinetic properties.

rsPrint_ChemistryDisplayName = rsPrint_Chemistry;

rsPrint_ChemistryDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the "Print Chemistry" distribution.

rsPrint_XYZ_ChemistryDisplayName = rsPrint_XYZ_Chemistry;

rsPrint_XYZ_ChemistryDisplayName is the name of the TDataArray that specifies the "Print XYZ Chemistry" distribution.

rsResLayerDisplayName = rsResLayer;

rsResLayerDisplayName indicates the layer number for a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResBottomDisplayName = rsResBottom;

rsResBottomDisplayName is the elevation of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResKvDisplayName = rsResKv;

rsResKvDisplayName is the hydraulic conductivity of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsResBedThicknessDisplayName = rsResBedThickness;

rsResBedThicknessDisplayName is the bed thickness of a MODFLOW reservoir.

rsLakeIDDisplayName = rsLakeID;

rsLakeIDDisplayName is the lake number of a MODFLOW lake.

rsLakeLeakanceDisplayName = rsLakeLeakance;

rsLakeLeakanceDisplayName is the leakance of a MODFLOW lake.

rsModflowSpecifiedHeadDisplayName = rsModflowSpecifiedHead;
StrUzfLandSurfaceDisplayName = StrUzfLandSurface;

StrUzfLandSurfaceDisplayName is the land surface in UZF. It is used to set IUZFBND.

StrUzfLayerDisplayName = StrUzfLayer;

StrUzfLayerDisplayName set IUZFBND.

StrUzfDischargeRoutingDisplayName = StrUzfDischargeRouting;
StrUzfVerticalKDisplayName = StrUzfVerticalK;
StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilonDisplayName = StrUzfBrooksCoreyEpsilon;
StrUzfSaturatedWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfSaturatedWaterContent;
StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfInitialUnsaturatedWaterContent;
StrUzfReisidualWaterContentDisplayName = StrUzfReisidualWaterContent;
StrUzfGage_1_and_2DisplayName = StrUzfGage_1_and_2;
StrUzfGage3DisplayName = StrUzfGage3;
rsModflow_Initial_HeadDisplayName = rsModflow_Initial_Head;
rsModflow_CBKzDisplayName = rsModflow_CBKz;
rsVerticalAnisotropyDisplayName = rsVerticalAnisotropy;
rsHorizontalAnisotropyDisplayName = rsHorizontalAnisotropy;
rsSpecificYieldDisplayName = rsSpecificYield;
rsWetDryThresholdDisplayName = rsWetDryThreshold;
rsWetDryFlagDisplayName = rsWetDryFlag;
rsWetDryDisplayName = rsWetDry;
StrModpathZoneDisplayName = StrModpathZone;
StrHufReferenceSurfaceDisplayName = StrHufReferenceSurface;
StrTransmissivityDisplayName = StrTransmissivity;
StrVerticalConductanceDisplayName = StrVerticalConductance;
StrConfinedStorageCoeDisplayName = StrConfinedStorageCoe;
StrHUFKxNameDisplayName = StrHUFKxName;
StrHUFKyNameDisplayName = StrHUFKyName;
StrHUFInterlayerKzDisplayName = StrHUFInterlayerKz;
StrHUFSSNameDisplayName = StrHUFSSName;
StrHUFAverageSYNameDisplayName = StrHUFAverageSYName;
StrHUFSYNameDisplayName = StrHUFSYName;
StrHUFSYTPNameDisplayName = StrHUFSYTPName;
StrZonesDisplayName = StrZones;
StrGeostaticStressDisplayName = StrGeostaticStress;
StrSpecificGravityUnsDisplayName = StrSpecificGravityUns;
StrSpecificGravitySatDisplayName = StrSpecificGravitySat;
StrInitialPreOffsetsDisplayName = StrInitialPreOffsets;
StrInitialPreconsolidaDisplayName = StrInitialPreconsolida;
STR_MT3DMS_Observation_LocationsDisplayName = STR_MT3DMS_Observation_Locations;
StrMT3DMSActiveDisplayName = StrMT3DMSActive;
rsBulkDensityDisplayName = rsBulkDensity;
rsImmobPorosityDisplayName = rsImmobPorosity;
rsMT3DMS_Layer_ThicknessDisplayName = rsMT3DMS_Layer_Thickness;
KModpathBudgetDisplayName = KModpathBudget;
KModpathRetardationDisplayName = KModpathRetardation;
StrNodalPorosityDisplayName = KNodalPorosity;
StrNodalThicknessDisplayName = KNodalThickness;
StrUnsatRegionNodesDisplayName = KUnsatRegionNodes;
StrUnsatRegionElementsDisplayName = KUnsatRegionElements;
StrMaximumPermeability = KMaximumPermeability;
StrMiddlePermeability = KMiddlePermeability;
StrMinimumPermeability = KMinimumPermeability;
StrMaximumK = KMaximumK;
StrMiddleK = KMiddleK;
StrMinimumK = KMinimumK;
StrHorizontalAngle = KHorizontalAngle;
StrVerticalAngle = KVerticalAngle;
StrRotationalAngle = KRotationalAngle;
StrMaxLongitudinalDisp = KMaxLongitudinalDisp;
StrMidLongitudinalDisp = KMidLongitudinalDisp;
StrMinLongitudinalDisp = KMinLongitudinalDisp;
StrMaxTransverseDisp = KMaxTransverseDisp;
StrMidTransverseDisp = KMidTransverseDisp;
StrMinTransverseDisp = KMinTransverseDisp;
StrInitialPressure = KInitialPressure;
StrInitialConcentration = KInitialConcentration;
StrInitialTemperature = KInitialTemperature;
StrWrongHeadModpath = 'Wrong head output file type for MODPATH';
StrWrongHeadModpathDetailed = 'MODPATH version 6 requires that heads be ' + 'saved in a binary format instead of a text format. You can change the ' + 'format in the Output Control dialog box.';
StrGlobalVariables = 'Global Variables';
StrNotepadexe = 'Notepad.exe';
StrModelName = 'ModelMuse';
IModelVersion = '';

'' is release candidate 1. '' is release candidate 2. '' is initial release version. '' fixed bug that caused access violations if a formula was invalid such as '1 2'. Fixed bug that caused access violations if all the vertices in a contour were deleted when it was first created. Changed the hint in the Working area depending on the selected tool. '' Fixed bug that caused access violations if the user changed an object so that it no longer affected a data set and then tried to edit the object again. Fixed bug that would cause access violations if a new model was started while frmShowHideObjects was visible. Fixed bug that allowed the undo and redo menu items and buttons to remain enabled when starting a new model. '1'0.3.0' Fixed the "ObjectIntersectArea" and "ObjectIntersectLength" functions. '1'0.4.0' Fixed bug that caused access violations if the user edited the data sets that an object affected and then tried to undo those changes. Fixed bug in reading character fields from Shapefiles. '' Fixed bug that caused object intersections to be evaluated incorrectly if the object was evaluated at nodes. Fixed bug that could cause access violations when deleting objects. Updated memory manager. '' Fixed bug that caused access violations when closing GoPhast if a dataset had been deleted and then restored. Fixed bug that caused certain formulas to be 'decompiled' incorrectly. '' Fixed bug that caused access violations when editing objects that specified boundary conditions via PHAST-style interpolation. '' Fixed "ObjectIntersectArea" function. Fixed bug in interpolation. '' Fixed bug that prevented adding new wells. '' Final beta version of ModelMuse. '' First release of ModelMuse: Added support for MODFLOW-2005 and MODPATH. '' Fixed problem with backwards particle tracking in MODPATH. Automatically updates formulas when the names of data sets and global variables are changed. '' Fixed bug in exporting "Factor" in flow observations. '' Fixed bug that allowed a global variable to have the same name as a TDataArray. Added ability to specify additions to the batch files that run MODFLOW or PHAST. '' Fixed bug exporting LAYWET. Added export of HUF package. '' Fixed bug (introduced in in freeing TScreenObject. '' Added support for a new way of selecting objects for editing. Added support for importing calculated heads for HUF units. '' Fixed bug importing multiplier and zone arrays when "none" or 'all" are not in upper case letters. Added support for importing flow files from HUF. '' Fixed bug: when pasting an TScreenObject from the clipboard, imported values were not pasted too. Fixed bug in Nearest Point interpolation method. Fixed bugs in importing DRN, DRT, and UZF packages. In Show/Hide Objects dialog box, the selected objects are displayed in a bold font. New Data Set Values dialog box. Improved speed of Nearest Point method when point objects are used. Imported flow observations '' Fixed bug importing elevations formulas when importing Shapefiles. '' Fixed bug importing gridded data with rotated grid. Improved speed of some interpolation methods. Modified the Rearrange Objects dialog box to allow it to show only the visible or only the selected objects. '' worked on speeding up importing Shapefiles. '' Fixed bugs in managing subscriptions. '' Reduced memory usage. '' Fixed bug importing Shapefile. Improved display of frmShowHideObjects. '' Fixed bug reading existing files. '' Fixed bug determining stress periods. '' Added capability to export objects as Shapefiles. Added the ability to delete images that have been imported. Deleting all the points in an object in the Object Properties dialog box now results in the object being deleted. When exporting boundary conditions, there is now a warning if no cells are defined. Grid Values dialog box updated to show grid cell dimensions. Transient data after the end of the last defined stress period is now ignored. '' Fixed problems with exporting Shapefiles. Observations outside the defined model times are no longer exported. '' Improved export of objects to Shapefiles. Holding down the Shift key when releasing the mouse while creating objects of moving nodes of objects now causes the new or moved vertex to "snap" to the location of a nearby node of another object if it is within 3 pixels of the cursor location. '' Fixed bug in contouring data. Fixed bug in selecting CHD package (couldn't specify comments for the CHD package even if it was selected.) '' Added shortcut for displaying the Show/Hide objects dialog box. Fixed bug in reducing the number of items for a MODFLOW boundary condition. '' Better names for objects when importing model results. '' When snapping to points is activated, the cursor changes when it is in the vicinity of a point on a different ob '' Changed the way MODFLOW wells are exported so that if an object has multiple sections in the same cell, the exported pumping rate is the sum of the pumping rate for each section. '' Fixed bug coloring the grid with parameters after modifying the grid. Fixed bugs in export of MODPATH files. '' Fixed bug importing points; a blank file name is no longer added to the files to archive. '' Fixed bug importing EVT, ETS, and RCH packages when parameters were used. Added Save and Clear buttons to Errors and Warnings dialog box. Fixed bug in export of WETDRY in HUF. Fixed bug in export of FACTOR in imported flow observations. '' Fixed bug importing WETDRY in LPF. Fixed bug setting elevations of objects when importing EVT and ETS packages. Fixed bug importing SFR. Fixed bug importing DIS. '' Fixed bug in which models that used parameters but not zones were not imported correctly. '' Changed the way that CHD, DRN, DRT, GHB, and WEL are exported. Now each section of an object will represent a different boundary cell if two or more sections are in the same cell. Fixed bug in TframeSfrParamInstances that prevented some valid parameter instance names from being accepted. Fixed bug in TframeSfrParamInstances that prevented the Delete and insert buttons from being visible. '' Improved handling of pasting vertex data in the Object Properties form. Fixed bug that sometimes prevented data set comments from being edited properly. Added support for new options in MODFLOW-2005 version 1.7. Added support for Gage type 4 for Lakes in the Gage package. Added support for Gage type 8 for SFR streams in the Gage package. Added support for SURFDEPTH in Lake package. New functionality in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box. If the input for a package is listed in the Name File dialog box, the input file for that package will not be generated by ModelMuse. See the help for the MODFLOW Name File dialog box for full details. '' Fixed saving data for HUF package. This bug was not present in version ''. Reduced memory usage. '' Fixed bug that caused non parameter data to appear in the Object Properties dialog box for objects that did not have non-parameter data. The bug occurred if a previous object which did have non-parameter data was edited first. Fixed bug that caused ModelMuse to hang if there was an error in a data set formula. '' Added support for MNW2 and MNWI packages. Added new filters for coloring and contouring "Active only" and "Values to Ignore". Added import of ITT when importing head observations from Shapefiles. Fixed bug importing UZF gages. Fixed bug in setting head observation names. Spaces and quotes are removed. '' Worked on reading pathlines from MODPATH. Fixed bug that caused COFF to be exported incorrectly if an observation was exactly on a column boundary. Fixed bug in which the display of head observations was not changed when a TScreenObject was moved. Fixed bug that caused head observations imported from an existing MODFLOW model to be imported with the elevation from the wrong cell if ROFF = -0.5 or COFF = 0.5. Fixed bug that could cause access violations when contouring 2D data sets if the selected layer (or row or column) was not the first layer (or row or column). Added import of parameter names when importing RCH from a Shapefile. '' Added import of parameter names when importing CHD, DRN, DRT, ETS, EVT, GHB, RIV, or WEL from a Shapefile. Fixed bug exporting flow observations when the formula for Factor is complex. '' Added support for displaying pathlines from MODPATH. '' Fixed bug that caused too much memory to be used when exporting ETS package. '' Fixed bug that caused problems editing ETS data for objects. Added support for displaying endpoints from MODPATH. '' Added support for displaying time-series data from MODPATH. Added support for multiple vertical screens in MNW2. Multiplier and Zone arrays for transient data are tested to see if they are identical to a previous Multiplier or Zone array for transient data. If so, the previous array is reused. This saves memory in MODFLOW. Fixed bug exporting gridded data to Shapefile. Duplicate fieldnames are no longer created. Fixed access violation bug in closing TfrmImportGriddedData. When importing points, empty lines and lines starting with "#" are skipped. Ruler settings are now saved with the file. Changed "Select Objects of Editing" dialog box to "Select Objects of Editing or Deletion" dialog box along with a change in functionality to allow objects to be deleted with this dialog box. '' Fixed bug that prevented RunPhast.bat from executing correctly when it was executed by ModelMuse. '' When importing model results, heads and drawdowns equal to HDRY and HNOFLO are not used in assigning the minimum and maximum values for the array. In Data Set Values dialog box, the layers are now in a list on the left. Fixed bug that caused the HFB and UZF packages to become deselected whenever the selected flow package was switched. Fixed bug that caused the number of wetting iterations could be saved as zero incorrectly if it should have been a 1. However, MODFLOW would change it back to 1 so it would not affect model computations. Added support for BCF package. When the HUF package is selected, optional data sets will be created that display hydraulic properties that result from applying the HUF parameters to the model. Added support of importing the MNWI package from an existing model. Fixed bug exporting HUF files in which storage parameters were exported in steady-state models. '' Fixed bug in LPF and HUF package export in which there could be no space between a multiplier array name and a zone array name. Fixed bug in HUF package in which zone and multiplier arrays were not written. Fixed bugs that could cause access violation when opening a new model after having edited objects in the currently opened model. '' Fixed bug that kept the videos from being played automatically. Added a check of the fractional depth and fractional rates in the ETS package. Fixed bug that caused an error when certain functions were used to assign values to data sets. Improved speed. Fixed bug that caused errors creating temporary files if more than one model was being run at one time. Fixed bug getting temp file names. '' Added warning when an input file specified in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box does not exist. Files specified in the MODFLOW Name File dialog box are now included in the archive. Fixed export of Shapefiles. '' The mouse wheel can now be used to zoom in or out in the top, front, or side views of the model. Fixed bug importing ModelMate file. Added support for the SUB package. Fixed bug deleting the last Layer group in a model. Added support for importing binary files generated by the SUB package. Added support for importing the SUB package from existing MODFLOW models. Fixed bug in getting the formula from the Formula Editor. '' Fixed bug importing models that contain the HUF package when a zone array was not used with a parameter. Fixed bug that allowed invalid formulas to be set for the Z elevation formulas for an object. Fixed bug with access violations when checking the internet. Disabled MODPATH export for PHAST models. '' Assigned default names to new systems of delay and no-delay beds. Fixed bug in evaluating formulas that contain "ActiveOnLayer" for Z-coordinates '' When updating ModelMate files, if an observation or prediction group has no associated observations or predictions, and the user has elected to delete unused observations or predictions, the unused observation or prediction groups are deleted too. When importing model results and updating existing data for the results duplicate copies of HDRY and HNOFLO are no longer added to the values to skip. Improved error messages for functions that retrieve imported data. Fixed bug getting names of new temporary files. Fixed bugs in exporting ModelMate files. '' Added info on associated model input data sets for SUB package. Added support for importing Surfer Grid files. '' Attempted to fix problem with access violations when accessing the file menu. '' Added support for Surfer ASCII grid files. '' Fixed bug with not conserving memory properly in EVT. '' Worked on conserving memory. '' Worked on conserving memory. Fixed bug that caused access violations when undoing the setting of a boundary condition. '' Fixed bug that could cause layer elevations to be set incorrectly after changing the layer structure. Fixed bug that could cause access violation when deleting a data set. '' Bug fix: Corrected name of the "Select Objects for Editing or Deletion." Enhancement: Added warning messages in export of the MODPATH input files if the required MODFLOW input or output files are missing. Bug fix: when deleting data sets, check that all data set formulas are still OK. Bug fix: the text on the status panel is no longer truncated when it is over 110 characters in length. Bug fix: fixed access violation when closing with the Color Grid or Contour data dialog boxes open. Bug fix: fixed import of rate data in the UZF package when some rates are reused and others are not reused. Change: Boundary condition times prior to the beginning of the first defined boundary condition are now ignored. '' Enhancement: Added support for sampling DEM files. Bug fix: Fixed access violations that occurred when closing ModelMuse after deleting a data set. Change: When importing character attributes of Shapefiles, blank characters at the beginning or end will be removed. Bug fix: The row width is now displayed correctly on the Grid Values dialog box. Bug fix: When the first time defined in the MODFLOW Time dialog box is after the first time defined in an object, values were not assigned properly. (Bug introduced in version '' Change: added pumping rate comment for wells. This can be helpful when using PEST. '' Bug fix: If attempting to draw a bitmap results in an out-of-resources error, drawing the bitmap will be skipped. Change: menu item caption switches between "Show 2-D Grid" and "Hide 2-D Grid" depending on whether or not the grid lines are visible. Bug fix: Various controls on the Color Grid and Contour Grid dialog boxes now changes position appropriately if the dialog box is changed in size. Bug fix: The beginning and ending times for MODPATH can now be set to non-integer values. Bug fix: The name of a multiplier array would not be exported correctly if it was used in one of the HUF package input files but that input file was not being created by ModelMuse. '' Change: if a bitmap can not be displayed, it will be hidden and then must be shown again manually after decreasing the magnification. Bug fix: fixed "List index out of bounds" error when deleting a data set. Bug fix: If every cell has gone dry, there is no longer an "List index out of bounds" error when attempting to import the model results. Enhancement: It is now possible to paste multiple data set names in the table on the Data tab of the Import Shapefile dialog box. '' Bug fix: The labels for the various Z-coordinate formulas in the Import Shapefile dialog box are now enabled when appropriate. '' - '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that prevented the Packages and Programs dialog box from being displayed on some computers. Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused an Assertion error when attempting to show the "Select Objects By Name" dialog box in a model that had no objects. '' Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box has been changed to display the name of the selected object and to show its 3'rd dimension coordinates for those cells intersected or enclosed by the object. '' Enhancement: Improved speed of importing data. '' Bug fix: Saving the ModelMuse file with a new file name now results in the default name for the model input files being changed as well. Bug fix: When importing Shapefiles, if the feature that is being imported must be imported as separate objects, the Import Shapefile dialog box no longer allows them to be combined. Bug fix: When flow observations were used the GHB, DRN, RIV, and CHD packages were not always exported correctly. '' - '' Reduced disk usage. '' Enhancement: Improved speed. '' Bug fix: fixed bug introduced in ''. '' Bug fix: Fixed display of the recharge, EVT, and ETS layers when no parameters were defined. Bug fix: The SFR package input could be generated incorrectly if an object that was supposed to define a stream segment did not intersect the grid. '' Bug fix: Fixed display of RCH, EVT, and ETS rates when parameters are first defined. Bug fix: Fixed when certain controls related to MODPATH become enabled. Bug fix: There no longer is an access violation if you attempt to create a new model while in the midst of creating a new object. Bug fix: Fixed calculation of HUF_Kx. Bug fix: Fixed export of Reference time in the MODPATH response file. '' Enhancement: When the MODFLOW Hydrogeologic Units dialog box is closed, it now checks that at least one parameter has been associated with each hydrogeologic unit and that each parameter is associated with at least one hydrogeologic unit. Enhancement: The thickness of HUF units is now constrained to be greater than or equal to zero. Bug fix: Access violations no longer occur when creating a new object after having closed a previous model and starting a new model. Bug fix: fixed export of BeginPeriod and BeginStep. They must both be set to 1 if any stress period in the model is a steady-state stress period. '' Bug fix: Fixed Assertion error in evaluation of MNW2 input. Enhancement: Added error message if a MODPATH particle start time was invalid. Bug fix: Fixed import of the RES package from existing models. Enhancement: Added Epsilon when specifying data values to skip. Bug fix: Fixed display of UZF transient data sets. Bug fix: Fixed deletion of vertices in an object when all but one vertices are deleted. Bug fix: Fixed default file names for the MODFLOW name file and for the default output files when the file name has a space in it. Bug fix: Fixed display of MODPATH particle release times. Bug fix: Fixed assignment of color to MODPATH pathlines. Bug fix: Fixed crash when entering multiple times for flow observations. Change: Statistic and Stat-Flag are no longer visible for head observations unless ModelMate interface has been activated. Bug fix: When attempting to import an incomplete Shapefile, ModelMuse now exits the procedure properly. Enhancement: When importing head observations, if the ModelMate interface is active, Statistic and StatFlag are imported too. '' Bug fix. Entering a real number for the recharge layer no longer causes ModelMuse to hang. Instead an error message is displayed. '' Bug fix: If wetting is active but there are no convertible layers a warning is displayed. Bug fix: If wetting is active but there are no convertible layers data set 7 is no longer created in the LPF package and data set 4 is no longer created in the HUF package. Bug fix: When the ET Surface and the ET Depth are undefined in the EVT or ETS packages, an error message is displayed instead of the export failing. Bug fix: Editing an object containing SFR data no longer results in an access violation if the SFR package is not selected. Bug fix: Editing an object that defines data for the SFR, MNW2, HOB or HFB packages no longer results in deletion of data for those packages when those packages are not selected. Bug fix: In the Object Properties dialog box, clicking the "Edit F()..." button on the Data Sets tab would cause an Assertion error when no data set was selected. The button is now disabled when no data set is selected. '' Bug fix: When performing coordinate conversions on Shapefiles, you can no longer select a UTM zone until you have chosen to perform the conversion. Enhancement: In the Show or Hide Objects dialog box, any collapsed branch that contains a selected object is shown with a bold font. Bug fix: Fixed access violations when opening a model when a model is already open. Enhancement: If additional vertices are added to an object that defines head observations, an error message is displayed when attempting to export the HOB input file or plot HOB data on the grid. Bug fix: If the flow package corresponding to a flow observation is not selected in the object properties dialog box, attempting to select the flow observation will no longer cause toggling of the selected node. Bug fix: After selecting the item with with to color the grid in the Color Grid dialog box, you can click directly on the Apply button without clicking elsewhere first. Enhancement: When defining a new global variable, default values for the type and value are displayed in the Global Variables dialog box. Enhancement: Bitmaps that were hidden because the magnification was too high, are now displayed again automatically when the magnification is sufficiently reduced. Enhancement: Added new function for use in formulas - PositionInList. Enhancement: Objects now have a comment field that can be used to document what the object does. Enhancement: The Grid Spacing dialog box now allows negative numbers for the default spacing for columns, rows, and layers. In MODFLOW models, the default spacing for rows is set to -100 instead of 100. Enhancement: When tips are turned off, ModelMuse will tell you when it detects new videos on the ModelMuse web site. Bug Fix: Editing an object that defines an SFR stream with unsaturated properties defined no longer causes an assertion failure if the object is edited again. Bug fix: Importing a model no longer causes an access violation when the previous model had objects that defined an SFR stream with unsaturated properties. '' No additional changes. '' Enhancement: It is now possible to copy and paste multiple cells in the parameter grids in the Packages and Programs dialog box. Enhancement: The helpfile has increased functionality. Enhancement: Support for ZONEBUDGET added. '' Bug fix: The number of observations in the Flow observations packages was calculated incorrectly when both observation and predictions were used. '' Bug fix: FractionOfObjectLength was calculated incorrectly if an object had more than one section. Enhancement: Added new function InterpolatedVertexValues that allows numeric values associated with individual vertices to be interpolated along the length of the object. '' Bug fix: ObjectLength was calculated incorrectly if an object had more than one section. Bug fix: ObjectVertexDistance was calculated incorrectly if an object had more than one section. Enhancement: Antialiasing used to improve appearance. Bug fix: Importing a MODFLOW-2005 model failed if LAYVKA in the LPF package was anything besides a zero or one. Bug fix: If there VKA is less than or equal to zero but there is only one layer, ModelMuse no longer reports and error while exporting the LPF package. Bug fix: Unchecking the MODPATH initial particle placement checkbox didn't work. Bug fix: Editing more than one object at a time could result in an assertion failure. Enhancement: When coloring grid only on the active areas, inactive areas are shaded. Enhancement: Additional options for displaying grid lines have been added. It is now possible to show just the outline of the active area or just the grid lines inside the active area. '' Bug fix; Sample DEM imported data at the wrong locations if the grid angle was not zero. '' Enhancement: Legends have been added to the Color Grid and Contour Data dialog boxes. Enhancement: Added three new functions ColumnCenter, RowCenter, and LayerCenter. See help for details. '' Bug fix: When deleting time-varying data from objects for the RCH, EVT, or ETS packages, sometimes not all the data would be deleted properly. Bug fix: In the LPF package, LAYTYP was not set to a negative value properly when the THICKSTRT option was used. '' No change '' Fixed bug editing LPF parameters that could cause an assertion failure. '' Enhancement: The Export Image dialog box has been added. It allows the user to export an image of the top, front, or side view of the model as an Enhanced Windows Metafile. Enhancement: When a formula results in a value that is infinite or not a number, the maximum double-precision real number is substituted for it. '' Bug fix for Export Image dialog box. '' Bug fix: Under certain circumstances extra LPF parameters would be added incorrectly. '' Bug fix: Attempting to open a model containing a UZF gage caused an access violation. '' Bug fix: Transient UZF data were not displayed properly. This was not a bug in the released version. Bug fix: If the user edited something in the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box that caused the grid to be recolored, the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box might not close properly. This was not a bug in the released version. '' Bug fix: closing the model while the Color Grid or Contour Data dialog boxes were visible could result in an access violation. This was not a bug in the released version. '' Change: Changed default options for ZONEBUDGET. '' Bug fix: ModelMuse could not always read the budget file if there was only one column in the model. '' Enhancement: Enabled MadExcept. '' Second attempt at enabling MadExcept. '' Bug fix: If a parameter or layer group was renamed, formulas that used data sets related to those parameters were not updated properly. '' Bug fix: Using the up-down controls on the Color Grid or Contour Data dialog boxes would cause selected data set to change when clicking on another control until the dialog box was closed. Bug fix: When importing MODFLOW models that contained the lake package the Lake_ID data set was not being set properly. Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused access violations when closing a model. Enhancement: Improved speed of opening Object Properties dialog box. '' Bug fix: Failure to define unsaturated flow properties in the SFR package when they are required now results in an error message instead of an assertion failure. Bug fix: Added support for contour legends with boolean and string data. '' - '' Bug fix: Attempted to work around problem that causes range check errors when closing ModelMuse on some machines. '' Change: Data set values are now saved to file with the data set if the data set values are up to date. This improves the speed of opening some large models. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause an access violation when showing the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box if one of the packages in the dialog box had been deactivated and then the cancel button was pressed. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause extra parameters to be added when a parameter value was edited. Enhancement: When selecting a MODPATH output file, the most likely name of the output file is selected automatically. '' No additional changes. '' Change: The "Object|Edit|Merge Objects" command now operates when very small differences exist between the endpoints of the objects being merged. Previously, the match had to be exact. Enhancement: In the Object Properties dialog box, if you paste a group of vertices, the table will expand to accommodate the new vertices. '' Bug fix: Editing an object in a new model after having previously closed a previous model without restarting ModelMuse caused an Assertion failure. Bug fix: Eliminated an assertion failure that occurred under certain circumstances when attempting to draw an object. '' Bug fix: Eliminated Range Check Error that sometimes occurred when a menu item was selected. '' Bug fix: Fixed bugs in deleting all print/save choices in the Subsidence package. Bug fix: Fixed layout of Subsidence package controls in MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. Bug fix: The Formula Editor was displaying the ActiveOnLayer function in cases where it wouldn't work. Bug fix: The ActiveOnLayer function sometimes returned an incorrect value. '' Bug fix: When closing a model, a stack overflow could occur under unusual circumstances. '' Bug fix: If "Boundary Conditions, Observations, and Other Features" was selected in the "Color Grid" dialog box, an access violation could occur. Bug fix: Fixed problem that sometimes prevented the discretization from begin specified. Enhancement: Added support for SWT package. Bug fix: Export of format codes in SUB package was incorrect. Bug fix: Format codes in SUB package imported incorrectly. Enhancement: Added support for HYDMOD package. Bug fix: When more than one object was being edited in the Object Properties dialog box, switching to the SFR|Network tab and clicking the button under OUTSET and IUPSEG would cause an Assertion failure. Now it gives a more meaningful error message. '' Bug fix: Changing the discretization when the grid was colored with transient data caused an access violation. '' Bug fix: Attempting to export the MODPATH input files before MODPATH has been activated now results in a warning message instead of an assertion failure. Bug fix: It is now possible to select the "Edit vertex values" button when the "Select vertices" button is pressed. Bug fix: When exporting the BCF package, sometimes an attempt was made to export data set 8 when it shouldn't have been exported. '' Bug fix: If a HUF SYTP parameter was defined, attempting to open the MODFLOW packages and programs dialog box would result in an assertion failure. Enhancement: The Manage Parameters dialog box has been added. Enhancement: The Global Variables are now alphabetized. Enhancement: Initial heads can now be read from a binary head file generated by another MODFLOW model. '' Bug fix: Fixed sorting of global variables (bug was not in released version.) '' Enhancement: The selection cube now responds to the mouse wheel. Change: When importing model results, the formulas used for the 3D data sets have been changed to keep the formulas valid if the number of layers is increased. Bug fix: Attempting to contour a data set that is uniform no longer results in a range-check error. Bug fix: When attempting to export the MODFLOW input files, if a file can't be created because it is in use, an error message will be displayed. '' Enhancement: The Manage Head Observations dialog box has been added. Change: If an invalid formula is encountered when exporting the MODFLOW input files the Formula Errors dialog box is not displayed until the export is complete. '' Change: Items in "Search for Objects" dialog box are now listed in a tree component. Bug fix: When parameters are used in the RCH, EVT, and ETS packages, the print codes for the parameters are set correctly. '' Enhancement: When saving a ModelMate file, the user can choose to have the ModelMate file opened with ModelMate. Bug fix: fixed problem that could make it opening the Object Properties dialog box slow. Bug fix: Attempting to open a Shapefile that is already open now generates an error message but not a bug report. Enhancement: A warning is now issued if an observation name is not valid when used in UCODE. Change: ModelMate program locations are now saved to an ini file. Bug fix: In MODFLOW models, if a data set is evaluated at nodes, the user can no longer attempt to color the grid with the data set values or contour the data set values. Bug fix: MODFLOW models in which the same cells are defined as constant head cells through both the BAS and CHD packages are now imported correctly. '' Enhancement: ModelMate interaction improved. '' Enhancement: When the nonparameter data in the CHD, DRN, DRT, EVT, ETS, GHB, RCH, RIV, or WEL packages for one stress period repeat the data from a previous stress period, the package instructs MODFLOW to reuse the data from the previous stress period rather than exporting another copy of the same data. '' Enhancement: Reduced memory usage when opening files. Enhancement: Attempting to read an invalid DEM now results in an error message instead of generating a bug report. '' No further changes. '' Enhancement: When coloring the grid causes a data set to be recalculated, there will be form displaying the steps involved in calculating the values. Bug fix: Postprocessing for Geostatic Stress and changes in Geostatic stress has been fixed. Bug fix: Opening an object in the Object Properties dialog box no longer causes causes transient data to be recalculated. Enhancement: Channel cross sections in the SFR package can now be imported from Shapefiles. '' Enhancement: When importing SFR data from Shapefiles, formulas can now be used for SLOPE, STRTOP, STRTHICK, STRHC1, THTS, THTI, EPS, and UHC. Enhancement: Improved error handling when importing an image. Bug fix: Attempting to write a locked file or attempting to open a file that doesn't exist now results in an error message instead of a bug report. Bug fix: Exporting locations of MODPATH and ZONEBUDGET sometimes were not enclosed in quotes when quotes were required. Enhancement: Reduced flicker when drawing new objects. This may also have fixed a intermittent bug that caused access violations when coloring the grid. Bug fix: Fixed coloring the grid when integer values were being used to color the grid and limits were used to filter what cells would be colored. '' —– '' Bug fix: VertexInterpolate didn't work properly if the grid was rotated. '' Enhancement: Images can now be exported as .bmp files as well as .emf files. Bug fix: Pasting objects didn't work properly if the object had associated vertex values. Bug fix: Sometimes changing the number of Z formulas could lead to an assertion failure. Enhancement: Improved speed of opening the Global Variables dialog box. Bug fix: Opening the Object Properties dialog box would sometimes cause an access violation if another model had been opened previously. Enhancement: In the Select Objects by Name dialog box, the objects are sorted alphabetically. Bug fix: In the Select Objects by Name dialog box, the objects are now placed on the correct tab instead of always being put on the tab for the top view if the model. '' Enhancement: In the Color Grid and Contour Data dialog boxes, when the user changes the data set used to color or contour the grid, the same limits as in the data set that is currently displayed can be used with a newly selected data set. '' Bug fix: in the SFR package, NSTRAIL, ISUZN, and NSFRSETS were written when ISFROPT > 0 instead of when ISFROPT > 1. '' Bug fix: Deleting the last vertex of an object no longer causes an error. Bug fix: When the grid was colored with horizontal flow barriers, changing an object that defines a horizontal flow barrier now causes the displayed barriers to be updated correctly. Editing multiple objects in a new model no longer causes an error. Bug fix: Inactive cells are no longer included in head observations. '' Bug fix: on the Import Image dialog box, it is no longer possible to set the number of rows in the table to less than 1. Bug fix: Previously, the MODPATH zone was incorrectly limited to values greater than or equal to zero even for specified head cells. '' Bug fix: Attempting to import model head or drawdown results from a file in which the number of layers is greater than the number of simulated layers now results in an error message instead of generating an error report. '' Enhancement: The macros "%SP", "%TS", and "%ET" can now be used in text on the Export Image dialog box. They will be replaced by the stress period number, time step number, and elapsed time respectively if those data are in the comment for the data set. Change: The elapsed time is now included in the data set comment when importing MODFLOW results. '' Bug fix: MODPATH results were not cleared when opening a new model. '' Bug fix: Fixed macros in Import Image dialog box so that they work with the title too. (Bug not in released version.) '' Enhancement: Contours can now be exported to a Shapefile. Change: All the commands for exporting Shapefiles have been moved to a submenu. Enhancement: Pathlines can now be exported to a Shapefile. Enhancement: Endpoints can now be exported to a Shapefile. Bug fix: Previously, the display of MODPATH times series points was incorrect when there was more than one release time. Enhancement: TimeSeries can now be exported to a Shapefile. '' Bug fix: when opening a new model, bitmaps from the previous model are now removed. Enhancement: ModelMuse now can create a series of bitmaps that can be used to create a video. '' Enhancement: ModelMuse now will warn the user if a CHD, DRN, DRT, GHB, RIV, SFR, or WEL cell is in an inactive cell. '' Enhancement: When coloring the grid with transient data, only the data for the time being used to color the grid is evaluated. Bug fix: Sometimes moving an object did not cause the data sets that depend on it to be updated. Bug fix: When importing a shape file, the interpretation algorithm is now set correctly. Bug fix: When exporting .emf files, sometimes the image size was set to an incorrect value. '' Change: Updated memory manager to latest version. '' Bug fix: In the Set Widths of Columns, Rows, and Layers, dialog box, it is no longer possible to specify an invalid column, row, or layer. Bug fix: when exporting a PHAST model multiple times, the name of the file wasn't set appropriately. Bug fix: When exporting a MODFLOW model after previously having exported a different MODFLOW model, the default name for the model is now set correctly rather than being the same name used previously. Bug fix: Fixed access violations when importing model results into a model and contouring those results. Bug fix: When computing the size of the MODPATH composite budget file, file sizes larger than 2 GB can now be computed without causing an error. '' Enhancement: Data set values can now be exported to a comma-separated value file along with X, Y, Z coordinates. '' Bug fix: Renaming a data set and then attempting to use that data set in the formula for another data set no longer causes an error. '' Bug fix: when exporting .emf images, the dimensions of the image were set incorrectly. '' Enhancement: When data set values can are exported to a comma-separated value file, column, row, and layer numbers are exported too. '' Bug fix: When a data set is first created, it was treated as being a real number data set in the Formula Editor even if its type had been changed. Bug fix: Pasting data into several of the tables could sometimes cause errors if the data that was being pasted was larger than the table could hold. Bug fix: The ActiveOnLayer function can now only be applied in a context where it will be evaluated on blocks. Enhancement: When importing heads, the water table is imported too. '' Enhancement: When exporting MODPATH input files, ModelMuse now warns the user if not all time steps have been exported. Enhancement: When a new version of ModelMuse is available, the dialog box that informs the user of the new version has a button that the user can click to go to the ModelMuse web site. Enhancement: The "About" dialog box has a button that the user can click to go to the ModelMuse web site. Bug fix: Eliminated a range check error that could sometimes occur if user moved the mouse while importing model results. Enhancement: If the user specifies a head observation with a blank observation name, an error message is generated during export of the head observations file. Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box now allows the user to see the value of any data set instead of just the one that is being used to color the grid or whose values have been contoured. '' Bug fix: When importing model results, the legend on the Color Grid or Contour Data dialog box is updated. Bug fix: When exporting an image of the side view of the model, the horizontal scale now shows the correct values. '' Bug fix: fixed bug that could cause an access violation when deleting parameter in the Manage Parameters dialog box. Bug fix: If the model runs out of memory when attempting to create a new model, an error message is displayed to the user instead of sending a bug report. Bug fix: In the Start-up dialog box, if the user specifies a layer group but does not give it a name, it is skipped instead of causing and assertion failure. Bug fix: Fixed access violation in Export Object as Shapefile dialog that could occur when unchecking a check box. '' Bug fix: Interpolated Vertex Value gave incorrect results if the grid was rotated. '' Bug fix: The main window no longer goes behind the windows of other programs when coloring the grid. Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box displays the vertex number and section of the selected object. at the cursor location. Bug fix: ModelMuse now displays an error message when exporting or displaying the UZF data if some data has not been defined. '' Enhancement: The function Get_HufSytp has been added. It evaluates SYTP parameters in HUF. '' Enhancement: The location of the grid in real world coordinates is written as a comment in the discretization file. Bug fix: Fixed reading shape files from which some shapes have been deleted. Bug fix: Fixed position of Insert and Delete buttons for the table of times for the SFR package in the Object Properties dialog box. Bug fix: Clicking the Insert buttons on the Object Properties dialog box or the MODFLOW Time dialog box could result in errors if no row in the related grid was selected. Enhancement: Reduced memory usage while reading ModelMuse file. Bug fix: Fixed evaluation of the GetHufSytp function. '' Bug fix: fixed evaluation of GetHufKx when KDEP parameters are used. Bug fix: fixed importing models that use SYTP parameters in the HUF package. Bug fix: fixed evaluation of GetHuf_Interlayer_Kz when KDEP parameters are used. Bug fix: If an object has too many vertices, the Object Properties dialog box now does not display them because attempting to display them caused an access violation. Enhancement: When importing data, less memory may be used in some cases. '' Bug fix: Fixed editing the head observation purpose. Enhancement: Added Natural Neighbor interpolation. '' Bug fix: Fixed export of PHAST specified flux associated solution on the X face. '' Bug fix: A problem with duplicate parameter instance names in MODFLOW models has been fixed. '' no additional changes. '' Bug fix: It is no longer possible to show the Manage Head Observations dialog box before any head observations have been defined. Doing so could cause access violations. Bug fix: Under certain circumstances, the "Add point sections", "Add polyline sections", or "Add polygon sections" buttons could be pressed when there is no selected object causing an assertion failure. The buttons now become disabled under those conditions. Enhancement: Grid data can now be exported to 3D Shapefiles. '' Enhancement: In the Search for Objects dialog box, the tree remains open after changing which checkboxes are checked. Bug fix: Attempting to import an empty or invalid results file now generates an error message for the user instead of a bug report. '' Enhancement: Improved warning messages when a specified time for a boundary condition is outside of the range of times defined for the stress periods. Bug fix: Removed incorrect warning message generated when the SFR package was used and the starting time was greater than zero. Bug fix: Fixed assignment of custom layer discretization in Layer Groups dialog box. Bug fix: Deleting a layer group and then undoing the deletion no longer causes an assertion failure. Bug fix: Fixed a problem in which operating ModelMuse on a computer for which the language settings specify the decimal point to be something other than a period caused conversion errors. '' Change: When creating polygon objects or adding polygon sections to existing objects, clicking on the first point of the polygon will close the polygon instead of continuing it. Enhancement: Improved speed of "Select Object by Name" dialog box. Bug fix: the "Set Widths of Columns, Rows, and Layers" dialog box now shows the selected columns, rows, and layers when it is displayed. Bug fix: It is no longer possible to attempt to color or contour the grid before the grid is defined. Bug fix: When sampling a DEM, only one DEM at a time could be selected. Enhancement: Added option to import ASCII raster file. '' Bug fix: Fixed reversal of imported ASCII raster files. (bug is not in released version.) '' Enhancement: added additional error checking in MNW2 package. Bug fix: Fixed the importing of world files in "Import Bitmap" dialog box. Previously, attempting to import some world files would fail because of extra spaces before the beginning of a number. '' Change: When exporting Shapefiles attribute names with an ending trailing underscore have the underscore removed. Bug fix: When exporting Shapefiles of contours or MODPATH data, the bounding boxes of each shape are now set correctly. '' Bug fix: Exporting contour Shapefiles when the specify contour option is checked and contour values are copied from another data set no longer causes an error. Bug fix: Previewing or exporting a series of images containing contours no longer causes an error when the range of values varies among the images. '' Bug fix: Attempting so save a model archive on a disk with insufficient space now generates an error message instead of a bug report. Enhancement: There is a new way to display the Vertex Values dialog box. If no objects are selected on the view of the model with which the user is working, the user can double-click on a vertex of any object to display the Vertex Values dialog box. Enhancement: When importing model results, the default choice for how the imported results should be displayed now depends on the user's past choices on how the results should be displayed. Enhancement: There is now a button on the tool bar for importing model results. Enhancement: Vertex values can now be edited in the Object Properties dialog box. Bug fix: Previously, it you contoured a data set, closed the file, opened another one without closing ModelMuse and attempted to contour a data set, an access violation would occur. That access violation has been eliminated. Bug fix: When importing existing MODFLOW models, ModelMuse will now check that in all the inactive cells, the top of the layer is above the bottom of the layer. The elevations will be fixed in any inactive cells that do not meet this criterion. '' Bug fix: ModelMuse can no longer enter an infinite loop when generating parameter instance names. '' Bug fix: Eliminated an integer overflow error that could occur when exporting the RCH, EVT, or EVT packages. '' Bug fix: Creating a new integer, Boolean, or text data set no longer fails. Enhancement: The user can now choose whether or not to save data set values when those values are up-to-date. Change: When data sets are deleted, the user is now prompted to delete unused objects. Change: The column, row and layer displayed in on the Grid Value dialog box is now the column row, and layer of the cell under the cursor even if a 2D data set is used to color the grid or is being contoured. Bug fix: In the SFR package, a warning about SFR segments circling back on themselves was sometimes generated when it should not have been generated and the segments involved would not be included in in the SFR package input file. '' Enhancement: The speed of exporting the input files has increased Bug fix: Deleting all the vertices of the last section of an object when that section was a polygon caused an error. Bug fix: Making a background image too big now causes it to be hidden rather than generating an error message. Change: When defining CHD boundaries, an object with multiple sections will not define separate boundaries for each section. '' Enhancement: In the SFR package, a warning is generated if the stream segment numbers are in strict numerical order but a segment with a higher number provides flow to one with a lower segment number. Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box now displays information about the closest MODPATH pathline if it is within 1 cell or five pixels of the cursor. '' Bug fix: Attempting to export a model without first defining a grid now results in an error message instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: invalid formulas for river conductance and other, similar data no longer causes an access violation. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that prevented data for SFR data for a time period from being deleted. '' It is now possible for the recharge from several sources to be added together. '' reduced memory usage when recharge from several sources is added together. '' It is now possible for the infiltration in the UZF package from several sources to be added together. '' Bug fix: In some models, the SFR package could not be exported correctly. Bug fix: In some models, the Lake_ID numbers were not set incorrectly. '' Bug fix: the selected layer wasn't being restored properly when opening a model (not in released version). Bug fix: Changing a data set orientation could cause error messages to be incorrectly generated for other data sets. '' Bug fix: Fixed error messages for stream segments that are out of order. (Bug was not in released version.) '' — '' Bug fix: Object used to define the return location in the DRT package are now displayed in the Show or Hide Objects dialog box under an appropriate heading. Bug fix: If you undo and then redo the creation of parameters, objects that use those parameters will no longer lose them. Change: It is now possible to select multiple cells in all tables. '' Enhancement: When importing Shapefiles, the numbers of any shapes with multiple parts will be displayed. '' ModelMonitor has been updated to work with LGR. '' Enhancement: The export image dialog box now has a "Copy image" button that copies the image to the clipboard. Enhancement: The Data Set Values dialog box now shows 2D Front and 2D Side data sets in a single table instead of one table for each layer. Bug fix: The Object Properties dialog box no longer shows times related to time-varying layers in the RCH, EVT, and ETS packages unless time-varying layers have been selected in the corresponding package. '' Bug fix: Multiplier and zone array names are now no longer than 10 characters in length. Enhancement: Improved speed of importing model results. '' Bug fix: Fixed reading heads. Bug not in released version. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused access violations when editing packages with the HFB package selected. Bug not in released version. '' Bug fix: Fixed LGR related bug that could cause, wells, drains, etc to be exported incorrectly (not in released version). '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in editing the objects that control the horizontal placement of LGR Grids. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that would cause range check errors or access violations when animating contours. Enhancement: When deleting vertices of an object with imported data, the corresponding imported data will be deleted too. Enhancement: New command "Object|Edit|Edit|Invert Selected Vertices" to invert the selected nodes. Enhancement: New command "Object|Edit|Split Selected Objects" to convert each part of an object to a separate object. Enhancement: New command "Object|Edit|Make Selected Vertices a Separate Object" converts the selected vertices of an object to a new object while deleting them from the existing object. Enhancement: New command "Object|Edit|Split Object at Selected Vertices" to convert split an object into two separate objects. The objects will be split at the location(s) of any selected vertices with both objects sharing the selected vertices. Bug fix: Adding recharge, evapotranspiration, or ETS parameters formerly could lead to access violations later on. Enhancement: added support for running a single model with BFH data with MODFLOW-LGR. Bug fix: Fixed an assertion failure in specifying zero flow observations. Bug fix: When reversing the order of vertices in an object, the order of any imported data is reversed too. '' Bug fix: new commands for editing objects were never enabled. (not in released version). '' Enhancement: In the Import Gridded Data dialog box, data for a single grid row may not be spread over several lines when pasting data into the grid for arrays. '' Enhancement: Three new functions added: ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle, ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleDegrees, and ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleLimitedDegrees. See help for descriptions. '' Enhancement: Added support for MODFLOW-LGR. Change: When importing head observations from a Shapefile, a default value for the observation name is used if the user has not assigned a name. Enhancement: Improved responsiveness in the Manage Flow Observations dialog box. Enhancement: Decreased time required to display the MODFLOW Time dialog box. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause access violations when displaying the Object Properties dialog box. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused the multiplier and zone array names for the LPF package to change each time the model was exported. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause range check errors when coloring the grid with the RCH, EVT, or ETS packages. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in which a change in a vertex value of an object failed to cause the data sets dependant on that value to be updated. Bug fix: It is no longer possible to create an object with no vertices by starting creating an object and then deleting all the vertices by pressing the ESC key. Bug fix: It is no longer possible to generate an assertion failure by attempting to import a results file by typing the name of a file with an extension not recognized by ModelMuse. Bug fix: The STORAGECOEFFICIENT option in the LPF package can now be edited and stored properly. Bug fix: Fixed a bug in which the selected column, row, or layer was not always displayed properly by the ModelCube. Bug fix: Attempting to import gridded data before defining the grid now results in an error message instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: When editing Flow observations, some observations were not saved. '' Bug fix: Entering an unreasonable value for the grid origin when creating a new model no longer causes an access violation. Bug fix: Sampling a DEM is now possible when the language setting on the computer specify a comma as the decimal separator. Bug fix: If a ModelMuse file can not be saved to the disk, a warning message is displayed rather than generating a bug report. Bug fix: If there are no valid stress periods defined, in the MODFLOW Time dialog box, the dialog box does not save the stress periods. Bug fix: It is no longer possible to edit the cell in the table of the start-up dialog box for MODFLOW by tabbing to the cell. Bug fix: The variables in the LPF package are now initialized properly in a new model. Bug fix: Importing values from ModelMate now works properly when a decimal separator other than a period is used. Bug fix: When exporting an or updating ModelMate files where the user has not previously specified a the ModelMate location, the file is still correctly opened by ModelMate. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that could cause access violations when ModelMuse was closing. Bug fix: Fixed bug that would cause access violations when closing the Object Properties dialog box. Bug fix: Incorrect error messages are no longer generated when coloring the grid with the Head observations. '' Fixed bug that could cause the incorrect text to be replaced in the formula editor when editing a formula. Bug fix: If the selected object is hidden, the dotted box that sometimes surrounds the selected object is also hidden. Enhancement: Added support for MODFLOW-NWT. Change: when importing Surfer grid files, the "files of type" is set to the value at which it was set the previous time a Surfer grid file was imported since the program was started. '' Bug fix: "Objects|Hide All Objects" didn't work if only one object was visible. '' — '' Change: The reference stress period for head and flow observations will now be exported as the stress period containing the observation instead of the first stress period. Change: ModelMuse is now compiled with Delphi XE instead of Delphi 2006. Small changes in the model input changes may occur due to the change in compiler. Enhancement: When exporting the MODFLOW input files, the user also has an opportunity to export the MODPATH or ZONEBUDGET input files too. Enhancement: It is now possible to import CHD, DRN, GHB, RIV, and WEL MODFLOW boundaries from the Import Points dialog box. '' Enhancement: In the Object Properties dialog box, times for MODFLOW boundary conditions are automatically filled in when a previous time is selected. Bug fix: When importing an existing MODFLOW model, Vertical anisotropy in the LPF package was not imported correctly if vertical anisotropy was used in all layers. '' Bug fix: The ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle, ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleDegrees, and ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleLimitedDegrees functions did not return values that were relative to the grid. Bug fix: Fixed a problem with setting an HFB parameter name that caused access violations when closing the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box. '' Enhancement: ModelMuse can now import and display the head observation output. '' —- '' Bug fix: In the GMG solver, the maximum number of iterations could not be edited. '' Bug fix: Fixed export of head observations with LGR child models. Bug fix: In some cases, ModelMuse files in which the HFB package was used could not be read. Bug fix: Renaming a global variable that is used in the formula for the HFB package will now cause the formula to be updated. Bug fix: Fixed reading binary result files. (Bug not in released version of ModelMuse.) '' Bug fix. When opening a browser, ModelMuse no longer attempts to delete files that don't exist. '' —- '' —- '' Enhancement: It is now possible to import CHD, DRN, GHB, RIV, and WEL MODFLOW boundaries as well as head observations from the Import Points dialog box. '' —- '' Fixed naming of objects when importing head observations from the Import Points dialog box. (Bug not in released version of ModelMuse.) '' —- '' No additional changes. '' Bug fix: Importing a feature that allows for a MODFLOW parameter from a Shapefile no longer causes a range check error if no parameter is being imported. '' Change: When a message about a new version is displayed, the version numbers of the new version as well as the version that is being used are both displayed. '' Bug fix: Undoing certain operations no longer results in a range check error. Enhancement: Attempting to import a formatted head file that contains "NaN" no longer results in a bug report. '' Bug fix: SYTP parameters in the HUF package are now written to the PVAL and UCODE template files. '' Bug fix: If the HFB package was selected, using the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box no longer causes access violations. Bug fix: When the HFB package was selected, exporting a model that uses zone arrays no longer causes an Assertion failure. ''' Bug fix: Fixed a problem in which deleting vertices of an object that included imported text data, more of the text data was deleted than should have been deleted. Bug fix: Fixed bugs that could cause access violations when ModelMuse was closed. Bug fix: Reading World Files on computers where the decimal separator is set to a value other than '.' now works correctly. Bug fix: When importing points, it is no longer possible to attempt to define an invalid object name. '' No further changes. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause a "List index out of bounds" error when exporting Shapefiles. '' Bug fix: fixed bug that could ModelMuse to hang when starting a new model. Bug fix: When reading MODPATH pathline files, negative values of time were not handled properly. Bug fix: Attempting to export a model in which the reservoir package is selected but no reservoirs have been defined now results in an error message instead of a bug report. '' Enhancement: Error or warning messages are now issued when a boundary condition package has been activated but no boundaries for it have been defined. Change: When closing a model, the prompt asking the user if they wish to save the model now includes the file name if the file name has been specified. Enhancement: ModelMuse now warns the user if duplicate SFR parameter instances are being used. Bug fix: Fixed export of TBEGIN in MODPATH main file. Enhancement: In LGR models, Streams in the SFR package are now linked between grids. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug with selecting and drawing objects when zoomed in a great deal. '' Bug fix: In LGR models, the selected column, row, and layer are now read correctly when opening a ModelMuse file. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause an access violation if the number of columns or rows was set to zero. '' Bug fix: In PHAST models, switching an object between being evaluated at nodes and elements no longer causes a bug report to be generated. '' Change: The most recent version of PHAST no longer supports specifying an initial water table. However, you can still use the initial water table option in ModelMuse. ModelMuse will use the data in the Initial_Water_Table data set to specify the initial head in a vertical column of nodes. Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box can now display data about the nearest visible MODPATH end point. Bug fix: When attempting to import model results, trying to import from a file that is being used by another program now results in an error message to the user instead of a bug report. '' Enhancement: Added support for GOFAIL option in MODFLOW-NWT. '' Enhancement: When importing an existing MODFLOW model, .mfn is now recognized as a valid extension for a MODFLOW name file. Bug fix: Previously some erroneous error or warning messages were generated for data set values in inactive cells. Bug fix: When a background image was replaced with a new one, the name of the image stored in ModelMuse is now updated. Enhancement: It is now possible to import multiple ASCII raster files at one time. '' Enhancement: Added a measurement function that allows the user to measure distances easily. Enhancement: Contours are now labeled. Change: "GOFAIL" option in MODFLOW-NWT has been renamed "CONTINUE". '' Bug fix: In the Object Properties dialog box, a "no parameter" checkbox has been added to the beginning of the list of parameters for MODFLOW features that allow multiple parameters to be used with a single object. The "no parameter" check box can be unchecked to turn off the definition of a boundary that does not use parameters. Bug fix: When a data set defines the multiplier or zone array of a MODFLOW parameter, it now is possible to delete the data set if the associated parameter is deleted. Enhancement: The positions of objects can now be locked so that they can't be moved accidentally. Change: The multiplier and zone arrays used by the RCH, EVT, and ETS packages are now exported to separate files that are accessed using the OPEN/CLOSE option. This allows the zone and multiplier arrays in other packages to be changed without the need to export the RCH, EVT, and ETS packages. The files are stored in a subdirectory named "arrays." Bug fix: When importing the UZF package from an existing MODFLOW model, NUZTOP is now imported correctly. Change: The following dialog boxes have been deleted and their functionality has been moved to the new Data Visualization dialog box: Color Grid, Contour Data, MODPATH Pathline Display, MODPATH Endpoint Display, MODPATH Time Series Display, and Head Observation Results. Enhancement: In the Data Visualization dialog box, it is now possible to display linkages between streams in the stream package. Bug fix: When editing objects that define SFR streams, the controls for editing multiple cells in tables are now positioned properly. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused access violations when the system color was changed. '' Bug fix. Exporting a grid data to a shape file for data sets whose names are longer than 10 characters now works properly. '' Change: The zone and multiplier arrays files for RCH, EVT, and ETS are stored in a subdirectory named "arrays." '' Change: In the NWT solver, the default value for flux tolerance has been increased from 0.006 to 0.06 Bug fix: Deleting data sets and then opening another ModelMuse project no longer results in an assertion failure. Bug fix: Fixed a problem with invalid cast errors in PHAST models when creating or editing objects. Enhancement: In the Manage Head Observations dialog box, the user can now select multiple rows and then click the "Highlight selected objects" button to select all the objects that define objects on the selected rows. Enhancement: In the Head Observation Results pane of the Data Visualization dialog box, the data can be sorted by clicking on the column headers Enhancement: In the Head Observation Results pane of the Data Visualization dialog box, the objects that define the observations in the selected row of the results table can be selected by clicking the "Highlight selected objects" button. Bug fix: Attempting to read an invalid ModelMate file now generates a warning message instead of a bug report. Bug fix: Attempting to open a ModelMuse file with a length of zero now results in an error message to the user rather than a bug report. Bug fix: In the PHAST Print Frequency dialog box, it is no longer possible to delete all the columns in the table. '' Enhancement: ModelMuse now checks the file date for MODFLOW and related models and warns the user if a more recent version has been released. Bug fix: ModelMuse again responds to the mouse wheel. '' Bug fix: ModelMuse now only allows a ModelMuse file to be saved if it has one of the correct extensions. Bug fix: Access violations that sometimes occurred when changing the names of layer groups have been fixed. Bug fix: In the MODFLOW Program Locations dialog box, "ModelMuse.exe" is no longer accepted as a valid name for any of the programs. Bug fix: Undo/Redo capability added for changes to the output control. Bug fix: ModelMuse can now import the gage package correctly when a lake gage has an OUTTYPE of 4 or a stream gage has an OUTTYPE of 8. Bug fix: ModelMuse now updates user-entered real numbers to the proper format when the the user changes the language settings. Bug fix: (bug not in released version) In MODFLOW-NWT models, switching to use the NWT or UPW packages no longer causes a stack overflow. Bug fix: Fixed in bug in which attempting to delete a row from a table in which no row was selected caused an exception. Bug fix: Fixed bug in which SFR data was corrupted if ICALC was not specified. '' Enhancement: Reduced memory usage when importing MODFLOW models that use the UZF package. Enhancement: When importing MODFLOW features from Shapefiles, most features can be imported into a single, multi-part object. Bug fix: Fixed bug importing the MNWI package from an existing MODFLOW-2005 model. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could sometimes prevent the Object Properties dialog box from being displayed when attempting to edit multiple objects. Bug fix: In the MODFLOW Time dialog box, attempting to use the Time Step Length Calculator without first specifying the Stress period length and multiplier now generates a warning message to the user instead of a bug report. Change: When running MODFLOW from ModelMuse, the lines in the batch file to display the listing file now occurs immediately after MODFLOW has finished instead of after the lines to run MODPATH and Zonebudget. '' Bug fix: When the user has customized the regional settings to use a decimal separator that is different from the usual one, this no longer causes an error when converting text to floating point values. '' Enhancement: The user can now specify the precision with which contour labels are written. '' Bug fix: The menus and buttons are now disabled while opening a file. Bug fix: Fixed bug importing model results. (bug not in released version.) '' Bug fix: When a message box is displayed, the mouse will move to the default button if the user has specified that option in the Windows Control Panel. '' Bug fix: When importing Shapefiles, failing to specify an attribute name or value no longer results in a range check error. '' Failing to completely specify information streams in the SFR package now results in an error message instead of a bug report. Bug fix: Fixed bug in setting data for SFR when multiple objects are being edited at once. '' Enhancement: added support for MT3DMS. Bug fix: Fixed bugs relating to display of data in MODFLOW-LGR models. '' Bug fix: Fixed another bug relating to display of data in MODFLOW-LGR models. '' Bug fix: Fixed another bug relating to display of data in MODFLOW-LGR models. Change: Added option to write SFR package input in the format used by GSFLOW. '' Bug fix: fixed export of SFR in MODFLOW-NWT or for GSFLOW. '' Enhancement: Added help for MT3DMS. '' Fixed bugs in generation of MT3DMS files. Bug not in released version. '' Fixed MT3DMS bugs. Bugs not in released version. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug with setting multiple flux observation values at once not working. Bug fix: Fixed bug in storing imported values when splitting objects. '' Enhancement: Added new macro for exporting images; %TrS will be replaced by the transport step. '' Bug fix: When reading an exporting a file from the command line, the "arrays" directory will be created as a subdirectory of the directory containing the file even if the full file path is not specified. '' Bug fix: attempting to animate a series of data sets in the Export Image dialog box without first displaying the Display Data dialog box no longer causes access violations. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug with reading .ini file when multiple copies of ModelMuse are running. '' Bug fix: When more than one instance of ModelMuse was running, sometimes one copy would not detect that another copy was running and would try to delete it's temporary files. That should no longer happen. '' Bug fix: (second attempt) When more than one instance of ModelMuse was running, sometimes one copy would interfere with the other's temporary files. Bug fix: fixed export of OC file when the defaults are selected. '' Bug fix: (third attempt) When more than one instance of ModelMuse was running, sometimes one copy would interfere with the other's temporary files. '' Enhancement: The "Run model" button now has a drop down menu next to it which can be used to run MODPATH, ZONEBUDGET or MT3DMS. Enhancement: It is now possible to import parameter values from a MODFLOW PVAL file. This can be done either from the Manage Parameters dialog box or from the command line. To import a PVAL file from the command line, add -p "Filename" to the command line where Filename is the full path of the PVAL file. If the path contains any spaces, Filename should be enclosed in double quotes. Enhancement: It is now possible to import global variables from a text file. This can be done either from the Global Variables dialog box or from the command line. To import a global variables file from the command line, add -g "Filename" to the command line where Filename is the full path of the global variables file. If the path contains any spaces, Filename should be enclosed in double quotes. Each line of the global variables files must be either empty, start with the # character to identify the line as a comment or list the name and value of an existing global variable. On a line defining a new value for a global variable, the name of the global variable must be at the beginning of the line must be first followed by one or more spaces followed by the value. A period must be used as the decimal separator. For boolean global variables, the value must be either "True" or "False" (without the quotes). For text variables, the value may optionally be enclosed in quotes. A global variables may also be saved from the Global Variables dialog box. '' Bug fix: Contour lines are now drawn at the correct positions on the front and side views when the grid is rotated. Bug fix: (fourth attempt) When more than one instance of ModelMuse was running, sometimes one copy would interfere with the other's temporary files. Bug fix: Fixed a bug in which the Data Sets dialog box sometimes did not prevent the user from setting up a formula that caused a data set to depend on itself. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause an assertion failure when coloring the grid with transient data such as the recharge rate. Bug fix (not in released version); global variable and .pval files weren't being imported correctly. '' Fixed bug in exporting MT3DMS BTN data set A6 when there are more than 40 layers. '' No additional changes. '' Bug fix: Fixed a bug that would cause interpolation to fail if an object did not intersect the grid. '' Enhancement: added support for running MODPATH with a child model in MODFLOW-LGR. '' Enhancement: added support for visualizing MODPATH output with a child model in MODFLOW-LGR. '' Bug fix: Fixed labeling of contours when contouring data sets whose data type is Text. Bug fix: fixed labels for TRPT and TRPV in MT3DMS. Bug fix: fixed export of SSM package when no source or sink concentrations have been defined. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that would cause an error if the user attempted to display data set values before generating the grid. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that would cause an error if the user attempted to give an aquifer a name that started with a number or a name that was too similar to the name of another aquifer. '' Change: In the hydmod package, The name of each observation has a unique number added to the end of the label. '' Bug fix: fixed bug that prevented the LPF options STORAGECOEFFICIENT and CONSTANTCV from being used simultaneously. Enhancement: Added support for the new STOPERROR option in the MODFLOW Basic package. Enhancement: Added support for the new NOPARCHECK option in the MODFLOW LPF package. Enhancement: Added support for the PCGN solver. Change: Changed SFR package to use new SFR format for MODFLOW-2000. Enhancement: Added IFACE to SFR input. Bug fix: fixed a bug that would cause range-check errors in certain MODFLOW-LGR models. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that would sometimes cause invalid SFR input files to be created when unsaturated flow was simulated beneath streams. Enhancement: When importing ASCII raster files into a MODFLOW-LGR model, it is now possible to specify the grid to use for the imported data. Bug fix: fixed bug that would sometimes cause the assigning data set values to fail in a MODFLOW-LGR model. '' Change: Reduced memory usage. Bug fix: Checking elevations in MODFLOW-LGR child models no longer results in a range check error. Bug fix: Fixed problem with reading invalid files. '' Bug fix: Previously, attempting to display the "Show or Hide Objects" dialog box would sometimes cause an error. Bug fix: In MODFLOW-LGR models, the legend displayed when coloring or contouring would not reflect more extreme values displayed in a child grid. Enhancement: You can now export grid data to a Shapefile for MODFLOW-LGR child grids. '' Bug fix: Fixed export of IFMTCN, IFMTNP, IFMTRF, and IFMTDP in the MT3DMS basic transport package. Enhancement: You can now use the command line option -mte to export just the MT3DMS input files. '' Bug fix: when importing a Shapefile to a multipart object, formulas for the Z-coordinate can now be imported properly. '' No additional changes. '' Enhancement: Added the ability to export .png and .jpg images. Bug fix: Importing model results for MODFLOW-LGR model and contouring them no longer causes a range-check error. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused access violations when importing results from a MODFLOW-LGR child model but not the MODFLOW-LGR parent model. Bug fix: Fixed bug in which the Kz data set was not created when a MODFLOW model was first created. Bug fix: Fixed bug that sometimes caused invalid elevation formulas in objects created by importing Shapefiles. '' Change: Date for the current version of MODFLOW-2005 changed to the date for MODFLOW-2005 version 1.9.01. '' Bug fix: In order to prevent range check errors, it is no longer possible to display the Manage Flux Observations dialog box when MT3D has been selected unless at least one chemical species has been defined. Enhancement: The "Data Sets" dialog box can now remain open while the user works with other parts of ModelMuse. However, it can not remain open when the Object Properties dialog box is open so if the user attempts to open the Object Properties dialog box, The Edit Data Sets dialog box will automatically close. Bug fix: Specifying values of Stress period length, time step multiplier, and initial time step size that would cause the number of time steps to exceed the limits of a 32-bit signed integer causes an error message to the user rather than a bug report. Bug fix: In the object properties dialog box, clicking the button for the formula editor when editing the formula for the Factor in an MT3DMS Flux observation, no longer causes an Assertion failure. Bug fix: In the MODFLOW Packages and Programs dialog box, changing the number of parameters in the UPW package no longer causes an Assertion failure. Enhancement: Tab ordering has been improved. '' Bug fix: Importing models containing the UZF package in which ET is not simulated, now works properly. Enhancement: X, Y, and Z axes are now drawn in the 3D view. Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused empty .bfh_head and .bfh_flux files to be created in MODFLOW-LGR models when one-way coupling is used. Bug fix: Merely selecting a data set in the Data Visualization dialog box no longer causes the data set values to be calculated. The user must now click "Apply" to cause the data set values to be calculated. Bug fix: Fixed bug importing the Subsidence package from existing models. '' no real change. '' Enhancement: Added support for importing the concentration in MT3DMS associated with a sink or source package. Change: In MODFLOW models using the BCF package, the "Vertical_Conductance" data set is renamed "Vertical_Leakance". Enhancement: Reduced the time required to open the Edit Data Sets dialog box in models with large numbers of data sets. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in importing Shapefiles that could allow an object to have one or more Z-formulas when setting the value of a layer definition data set. Enhancement: Added partial support for Unicode. Complete support is not possible because the groundwater models do not currently support Unicode. Change: The extension for MT3DMS configuration file changed from ._cnf to .cnf to facilitate viewing the output in Model Viewer. '' Bug fix: Importing a Global Variables file was from the command line now works properly. '' Bug fix: fixed a bug that would sometimes cause contouring to fail. Bug fix: Certain shapefiles that were previously rejected by ModelMuse as self-intersecting are now accepted. Enhancement: When importing images .pgw files are now accepted as a valid world file type. Bug fix: Fixed bug in which observation names were allowed to include the '/' character even though that character would not be processed by MODFLOW correctly. '' Bug fix: Fixed a bug in which attempting to import gridded data using an invalid layer caused an error. Invalid layers can no longer be specified. Enhancement: MT3DMS simulations can now have fewer stress periods than the corresponding MODFLOW model. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused incorrect stress periods to be exported if the stress periods were changed and the SFR package was in used. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that could cause interpolation to fail. '' Enhancement: Added 64-bit version for 64-bit operating systems. TIFF and PCX files are not supported in the 64-bit version. Change: The red background for missing files in the Files to Archive" dialog box has been changed to a red font. Change: The light blue background for a parenthesis and it's match in the formula editor has been changed to a light blue font. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused importing model results to fail. '' Bug fix: When exporting ModelMate files, ModelMuse now specifies the correct version of MODFLOW to use. Bug fix: The "Function Help" button on the Formula editor works again. '' no real change. Converted some text to make it easier to translate. '' Bug fix: Fixed export and import of head change observations to ModelMate. '' no change. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in export of gages for the Lake package. Bug fix: Fixed bug in export of Shapefiles in which the last character of the last field was not written to the file. Bug fix: Fixed export of unit numbers for lake gages. '' (Changed version of GLScene used to 5991.) '' no real change. '' Bug fix: Renaming parameters for the HUF package now causes any formulas based on data arrays for those parameters to be updated. Enhancement: Added support for MODPATH version 6. Change: Head observations that are at the end of a steady-state stress period now have their reference stress period set to that stress period rather than the beginning of the following stress period. '' Change: Updated link for model archiving policy. Bug fix: Fixed display of file names in the Files to Archive dialog box. Bug fix: The name file for MODFLOW models is now included in archives. Bug fix: Fixed import of binary Surfer grid files. '' Enhancement: Added support for exporting data set values for display in Model Viewer. '' Bug fix: Fixed coloring the grid for certain PHAST data sets. '' Bug fix: Fixed display of layer numbers on the status bar for the front and side views. {Bug not in released version.} Bug fix: fixed bug in export of MODPATH version 6 input (Bug not in released version.) '' Bug fix: Fixed how the "Child Models" dialog box for MODFLOW-LGR models responds to the user entering an invalid number for NCPP. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause some MODFLOW budget files to be incorrectly identified as invalid. '' Bug fix: Fixed detecting the version number of MODPATH used to create a pathline file. (Bug not in released version.) Bug fix: Fixed display of endpoints, pathlines and time series data from MODPATH on the front and side views when the grid is rotated. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused too much memory to be used when exporting the SSM package in MT3DMS. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused exporting the SSM file in MT3DMS to take more time than it should have. '' Enhancement: The Selection Cube for the top view of the model draws the grid outline only for simulated layers. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause an error in the export of the MT3DMS TOB package if duplicate times were specified. '' No further changes. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in which objects were not drawn as selected after clicking the OK button in the Object Properties dialog box. Bug fix: The tree control in the Show Or Hide Objects dialog box no longer collapses all its nodes just because there has been a change in which object is selected. Bug fix: The display of the data for the RCH, EVT and ETS packages has been fixed. '' Enhancement: Added support for PHIRAMP in the Well package of MODFLOW-NWT. Bug fix: Fixed export of starting locations file for MODPATH version 6 when no starting locations have been defined for some objects. Bug fix: Fixed export of MODPATH with MODFLOW-LGR child models when the MODPATH options differ between the parent and child models. '' Bug fix: Fixed problem with editing objects in translated version of ModelMuse. '' No real change. '' Bug fix: Attempting to read a head observation file in which some of the numbers are invalid now results in an error message to the user instead of a bug report. Enhancement: When exporting objects as Shapefiles, you can now export the formulas for many but not all MODFLOW Features. '' Bug fix: In the MODFLOW Layers dialog box, deleting sublayers graphically now works correctly. Bug fix: Fixed bug in importing the MNW2 package from existing models. '' Bug fix: If a pathline just has a single point, it is now drawn as a single point instead of being skipped. Bug fix: In the grid value dialog box, data for MODPATH pathlines and endpoints are now displayed for child models in MODFLOW-LGR models. Bug fix: When exporting images with MODFLOW-LGR models, MODPATH pathlines and other data can now be displayed for child models. Bug fix: Streamlinks of MODFLOW-LGR child models are now displayed. Bug fix: Fixed export of locations of pval and jtf file names to ModelMate when the model files are in a different directory from the ModelMuse file. (More changes in version Enhancement: Added support for exporting head observations to Shapefiles. (This is an extension of the enhancement in version '' Bug fix: Fixed export of ModelMate files when the model files are in a different directory from the ModelMuse file. '' Enhancement: The Grid Value dialog box was modified to allow multiple tabs to be displayed simultaneously. '' Bug fix: In the MODFLOW Layers dialog box, setting custom sub discretizations for layer groups now works properly. '' Bug fix: Added support for IUNITRAMP in data set 2B of the well package of MODFLOW-NWT. (Bug not in released version.) '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in exporting Shapefiles. Each record for the shapefile in the .dbf file now includes a space for indicating whether a record is deleted or not. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in exporting the TOB file for MT3DMS when no concentration observations are defined. '' Bug fix: Fixed updating of the initial NWT values. (Bug not in released version.) Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused ModelMuse to crash when it first starts on some systems. (Bug in GLScene fixed by updating GLScene to the latest version from SVN.) Bug fix: Fixed bug displaying 3D view on Windows 8. '' Enhancement: Added new function for use in Formulas: Closest. See the ModelMuse help for details. Enhancement: Added the ability to import binary grid files created by T-PROGS. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused ModelMuse to crash when changing the number of rows, columns or layers in the grid. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in adding new data sets when child models from a MODFLOW-LGR model have been created but the model is no longer a MODFLOW-LGR model. Enhancement: Changes to the file format of the MNW2 package in MODFLOW-NWT are now supported. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that would cause divide-by-zero errors when calculating Interlayer Kz in the HUF package if some of the data was not properly defined. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused ModelMuse to hang on some computers when using the search function in the ModelMuse help. Bug fix: Fixed bug that allowed an attempt to be made to export the PHAST input file even if the grid was not yet defined. Bug fix: Fixed bug that sometimes incorrectly prevented the user from importing the shapes in a Shapefile as a single multipart object. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in export of RCH package when parameters are used but the layer is not time-varying. '' Change: the user can now cut and paste data from the Imported Data tab of the Object Properties dialog box. '' Bug fix: Fixed a bug that would cause an error opening a ModelMuse file if an object used in the definition of a flux observation had been deleted. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that allowed MT3DMS to have zero stress periods defined. '' Bug fix: Attempting to import a file as a Surfer Grid file when it really is not one now results in an error message to the user instead of a bug report. Change: ModelMuse will no longer use the XSECTION option in the Basic package if MODPATH is active because MODPATH version 6 does not support the XSECTION option. Bug fix: If the user attempts to import a TProgs file before creating a grid, an error message is displayed to the user instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: The following functions all had bugs which have been corrected: ObjectCurrentVertexX, ObjectCurrentVertexY, ObjectCurrentVertexZ, ObjectCurrentSegmentAngle, ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleDegrees, ObjectCurrentSegmentAngleLimitedDegrees, ObjectCurrentSegmentLength Bug fix: Fixed bug in checking parameters in the SFR package that could cause ModelMuse to crash or to incorrect error messages. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause math errors when coloring data sets by the logarithm of their values. Failed Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause extra stress periods of negligible length to be generated when exporting from the 64-bit version of ModelMuse. '' Bug fix: Fixed evaluating objects on rotated cross sections in SUTRA. Bug not in released version. '' Made changes for SUTRA. '' Failed Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause extra stress periods of negligible length to be generated when exporting from the 64-bit version of ModelMuse. '' Change: When importing Shapefiles, if the number of Z-Formulas is set to 1 or 2, any new data sets that are created will be 3D data sets. Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause extra stress periods of negligible length to be generated when exporting from the 64-bit version of ModelMuse. '' Bug fix: Fixed sampling of DEM data. '' No real change. '' Bug fix: When saving ModelMuse projects to text files such as .gpt or .xml files, real numbers that were close to but not equal to zero were saved as zero. Bug fix: If the user enters an invalid formula for the Z coordinates of an object, ModelMuse will now display an error message to the user instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: Editing objects that defined streams in the SFR package when SFR parameters are defined works properly now.' Bug fix: If ModelMuse is unable to save an ini file, it displays a warning message to the user instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: Attempting to merge point objects no longer results in a bug report. However, point objects can not be merged. Bug fix: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an error when ModelMuse was shutting down. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that prevented layer elevations from being updated correctly. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused an error if two components in MT3DMS were given the same name. Now if the user attempts to assign the same name to more than one component in MT3DMS, only the first one is accepted. The others are deleted. '' Enhancement: Added new contouring method based on the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) algorithm 651. Enhancement: Added the ability for the user to add a custom coloring scheme for coloring the grid or for contour lines. Enhancement: Added support for the NOPRINT option in observation files. '' Change: When drawing contour lines, a white background is now drawn behind the contour labels. '' No additional changes. '' Bug fix: Attempting to import a .dxf file that is locked by another program will result in an error message to the user instead of generating a bug report. Bug fix: Fixed bug that caused problems on computers in which the decimal symbol is not a period when closing the "MODFLOW Packages and Programs" dialog box. Bug fix: When reading an empty endpoint file, ModelMuse now displays a warning message to the user instead of generating a bug report. '' Bug fix: When an object is defining multiple values at the same cell or element, holes in the object no longer define such values. An example would be an object that defines wells in MODFLOW with an object that contains multiple sections and in which some of those sections define holes. Change: A new checkbox has been added to the "Object Properties" dialog box labeled "Duplicates <cells/elements> allowed. It is checked by default. Under some conditions, a single object can allow multiple values to be assigned at a single cell. For example, in MODFLOW models, an object might define two or more wells at a single cell by having two separate point sections that are in the same cell. This ability can be turned off by unchecking this check box. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that could cause ModelMuse to hang when importing an existing MODFLOW-2005 model. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug introduced in ''. Not in released version. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug in limiting display of MODPATH end points with tracking time. Change: On some computers, bugs are encountered related to the 3D view. The 3D view is hidden on such computers to allow the program to continue running. '' Bug fix: Fixed bug that would cause access violations when generating the input file for the UZF package if a flow package other than the LPF or UPW was used. '' No additional changes.

StrPvalExt = '.pval';
StrJtf = '.jtf';
StandardLock : TDataLock = [dcName, dcType, dcOrientation, dcEvaluatedAt];
StrHUF = 'HUF2';
kTop = '_Top';
StrZonebudget = 'ZoneBudget';
StrFhd = '.fhd';
StrBhd = '.bhd';
StrFdn = '.fdn';
StrBdn = '.bdn';
StrCbcExt = '.cbc';
StrHuffhd = '.huf_fhd';
StrHufbhd = '.huf_bhd';
StrHufflow = '.huf_flow';
StrSubOut = '.Sub_Out';
StrSwtOut = '.Swt_Out';
StrSubSubOut = '.SubSubOut';
StrSubComMlOut = '.SubComMlOut';
StrSubComIsOut = '.SubComIsOut';
StrSubVdOut = '.SubVdOut';
StrSubNdCritHeadOut = '.SubNdCritHeadOut';
StrSubDCritHeadOut = '.SubDCritHeadOut';
StrSwtSubOut = '.SwtSubOut';
StrSwtComMLOut = '.SwtComMLOut';
StrSwtComIsOut = '.SwtComIsOut';
StrSwtVDOut = '.SwtVDOut';
StrSwtPreConStrOut = '.SwtPreConStrOut';
StrSwtDeltaPreConStrOu = '.SwtDeltaPreConStrOut';
StrSwtGeoStatOut = '.SwtGeoStatOut';
StrSwtDeltaGeoStatOut = '.SwtDeltaGeoStatOut';
StrSwtEffStressOut = '.SwtEffStressOut';
StrSwtDeltaEffStressOu = '.SwtDeltaEffStressOut';
StrSwtVoidRatioOut = '.SwtVoidRatioOut';
StrSwtThickCompSedOut = '.SwtThickCompSedOut';
StrSwtLayerCentElevOut = '.SwtLayerCentElevOut';
StrMt3dConcFile = '.ucn';
StrMtName = '.mt_nam';
strMtObs = '.mto';
kSUTRAMeshTop = 'SUTRA_Mesh_Top';
MaxString12 = 12;
MaxString20 = 20;
MaxString255 = 255;
StrTop = kTop;
StrSUTRAMeshTop = kSUTRAMeshTop;
StrSUTRASpecifiedPres = 'SUTRA Specified Pressure';
StrSUTRASpecifiedConcTemp = 'SUTRA Specified Concentration or Temperature';
StrSutraFluidFlux = 'SUTRA Fluid Flux';
StrMassEnergyFlux = 'SUTRA Mass or Energy Flux';


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:55