Unit FluxObservationUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


FluxObservationUnit defines classes for flux observations in MODFLOW.

The locations of flux observations will be defined by a list of objects that define a flux of the specified type (constant-head, general, river, or drain). Each object will have a formula for the FACTOR for each flux observation of which it is a part. If the formula evaluates to zero at any cell, that cell will not be included in the observation locations for that observation. Each observation group will also have a series of observation times and associated observation values. The group will have a name and this name will be used to assign an observation name at each observation time. Only the group names will be editable by the user.

Each object that defines a flux boundary will have a list of the observations of which it is a part and a formula to define the FACTOR for each list.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCustomFluxObservationItem  
Class TFluxObservation TFluxObservation represents a single flux observation
Class TCustomTFluxObservations  
Class TFluxObservations TFluxObservations is a collection of TFluxObservations.
Class TObservationFactor TObservationFactor stores a TScreenObject and an asociated factor.
Class TObservationFactors TObservationFactors is a collection of TObservationFactors.
Class TCustomFluxObservationGroup  
Class TFluxObservationGroup TFluxObservationGroup defines one group of flux observation.
Class TCustomFluxObservationGroups  
Class TFluxObservationGroups TFluxObservationGroups is a collection of TFluxObservationGroups.


TFluxObsType = (...);



TFluxObsType = (...);
  • fotHead:  
  • fotRiver:  
  • fotDrain:  
  • fotGHB:  


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:31