Class TDataSetItem




type TDataSetItem = class(TCollectionItem)


TDataSetItem is used to save or load a TDataArray from a stream or save it to a stream.

For the most part, writing to TDataSetItem simply stores the value being written to TDataSetItem in one of the private fields of TDataSetItem whereas reading from TDataSetItem reads data not from the private field but from the associated data set. The private procedure UpdateDataSet is used to transfer the stored values to an actual data set.

See TDataSetCollection.




Private FDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FDataSetFormula: string;
Private FMixtureFormula: string;
Private FParameterFormula: string;


Private function GetDataSetClass: string;
Private function GetDataSetFormula: string;
Private function GetMixtureFormula: string;
Private procedure SetDataSetClass(const Value: string);
Private procedure UpdateDataSet;
Private function GetParameterFormula: string;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;


Published property DataSetClass: string read GetDataSetClass write SetDataSetClass;
Published property DataSetFormula: string read GetDataSetFormula write FDataSetFormula;
Published property DataSetFunction: string read GetDataSetFormula write FDataSetFormula stored False;
Published property MixtureFormula: string read GetMixtureFormula write FMixtureFormula;
Published property MixtureFunction: string read GetMixtureFormula write FMixtureFormula stored False;
Published property ParameterFormula: string read GetParameterFormula write FParameterFormula;
Published property DataSet: TDataArray read FDataSet;



Private FDataSet: TDataArray;

FDataSet: TDataArray; FDataSet is set to a subcomponent in SetDataSetClass. This is required for the data set properties to be saved to file. See DataSet.

Private FDataSetFormula: string;

FDataSetFormula: string; See DataSetFormula.

Private FMixtureFormula: string;

FMixtureFormula: string; See MixtureFormula.

Private FParameterFormula: string;


Private function GetDataSetClass: string;

See DataSetClass.

Private function GetDataSetFormula: string;

See DataSetFormula.

Private function GetMixtureFormula: string;

See MixtureFormula.

Private procedure SetDataSetClass(const Value: string);

See DataSetClass.

Private procedure UpdateDataSet;

UpdateDataSet calls TDataArray.UpdateWithName.

Private function GetParameterFormula: string;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;

If Source is a TDataSetItem, Assign copies the published properties of Source. It seems that Assign is never called.


Published property DataSetClass: string read GetDataSetClass write SetDataSetClass;

DataSetClass is the name of the the class of DataSet. DataSetClass must be read before DataSet to ensure that DataSet is created before being read.

Published property DataSetFormula: string read GetDataSetFormula write FDataSetFormula;

DataSetFormula is the formula used with DataSet.

Published property DataSetFunction: string read GetDataSetFormula write FDataSetFormula stored False;

See DataSetFormula DataSetFunction is only for backwards compatibility.

Published property MixtureFormula: string read GetMixtureFormula write FMixtureFormula;

MixtureFormula is the formula for mixtures used with DataSet.

Published property MixtureFunction: string read GetMixtureFormula write FMixtureFormula stored False;

See MixtureFormula MixtureFunction is only for backwards compatibility.

Published property ParameterFormula: string read GetParameterFormula write FParameterFormula;
Published property DataSet: TDataArray read FDataSet;

DataSet is the TDataArray whose values are being saved or read. DataSet must be read after DataSetClass to ensure that it is created before being read.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:55