Unit AbstractGridUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


The main item in AbstractGridUnit is TCustomModelGrid which is an abstract class that defines the interface for a grid. It implements storage for columns and rows but not for layers.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class EInvalidGrid EInvalidGrid is used for grid related errors.
record T2DTopCell The row and column of a cell
record T2DFrontCell The column and layer of a cell
record T2DSideCell The row and layer of a cell
record T3DCell The columns, row, and layer of a cell
record T3DCellCoordinates  
record T3DElementCoordinates  
record TGridLimit  
Class TCustomDiscretization  
Class TCustomModelGrid TCustomModelGrid is an abstract class that defines the interface for a grid. It implements storage for columns and rows but not for layers.

Functions and Procedures

function GridFracToRainbow(const Fraction: real): TColor;
procedure ReadRealArray(const Reader: TReader; var Positions: TOneDRealArray; const Count: integer);
procedure WriteRealArray(const Writer: TWriter; const Positions: TOneDRealArray);
procedure ReadIntegerArray(const Reader: TReader; var Positions: TOneDIntegerArray; const Count: integer);
procedure WriteIntegerArray(const Writer: TWriter; const Positions: TOneDIntegerArray);
function IsUniform(const AnArray: TOneDRealArray): boolean;
function ConvertTop2D_Point(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;
function Convert2D_FrontPoint(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;
function Convert2D_SidePoint(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;


TColumnDirection = (...);
TRowDirection = (...);
TLayerDirection = (...);
TCellColors = array of array of array of TColor;
TGridLineDrawingChoice = (...);


OrdinaryGridLineThickness = 1.0;
ThickGridLineThickness = 2.85;
ThickLine = 2.0;
ThinLine = 1.0;
StrInvalidLayerNumber = 'Invalid layer number';


ExistingColumnSelectionCellColor: TColor;
ExistingRowSelectionCellColor: TColor;
ExistingLayerSelectionCellColor: TColor;


Functions and Procedures

function GridFracToRainbow(const Fraction: real): TColor;

GridFracToRainbow calls frmGoPhast.PhastModel.GridColors.FracToColor(Fraction);

procedure ReadRealArray(const Reader: TReader; var Positions: TOneDRealArray; const Count: integer);

ReadRealArray is used to read a one-dimensional array of real numbers from a stream. See DefineProperties

procedure WriteRealArray(const Writer: TWriter; const Positions: TOneDRealArray);

WriteRealArray is used to write a one-dimensional array of real numbers to a stream. See DefineProperties

procedure ReadIntegerArray(const Reader: TReader; var Positions: TOneDIntegerArray; const Count: integer);

ReadIntegerArray is used to read a one-dimensional array of integers from a stream. See DefineProperties

procedure WriteIntegerArray(const Writer: TWriter; const Positions: TOneDIntegerArray);

WriteIntegerArray is used to write a one-dimensional array of integers to a stream. See DefineProperties

function IsUniform(const AnArray: TOneDRealArray): boolean;

IsUniform returns True if all members of AnArray are the same.

function ConvertTop2D_Point(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;
function Convert2D_FrontPoint(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;
function Convert2D_SidePoint(const ZoomBox: TQRbwZoomBox2; const APoint: TPoint2D): TPoint;


TColumnDirection = (...);

TColumnDirection is used to indicate the direction in which columns are numbered.

  • cdWestToEast:  
  • cdEastToWest:  
TRowDirection = (...);

TRowDirection is used to indicate the direction in which rows are numbered.

  • rdSouthToNorth:  
  • rdNorthToSouth:  
TLayerDirection = (...);

TLayerDirection is used to indicate the direction in which layers are numbered.

  • ldBottomToTop:  
  • ldTopToBottom:  
TCellColors = array of array of array of TColor;

TCellColors is used to store a color for each cell in TCustomModelGrid.

TCellColors = array of array of array of TColor;

TGridLineDrawingChoice = (...);
  • gldcAll:  
  • gldcExterior:  
  • gldcActive:  
  • gldcActiveEdge:  


OrdinaryGridLineThickness = 1.0;

OrdinaryGridLineThickness is the thickness of thin grid lines when drawn in the top, front, or side views.

ThickGridLineThickness = 2.85;

ThickGridLineThickness is the thickness of thick grid lines when drawn in the top, front, or side views.

ThickLine = 2.0;

ThickLine is the thickness of thick grid lines when drawn in the 3D view.

ThinLine = 1.0;

ThinLine is the thickness of thin grid lines when drawn in the 3D view.

StrInvalidLayerNumber = 'Invalid layer number';


ExistingColumnSelectionCellColor: TColor;

ExistingColumnSelectionCellColor is the color used for the selected column (SelectedColumn).

ExistingRowSelectionCellColor: TColor;

ExistingRowSelectionCellColor is the color used for the selected row (SelectedRow).

ExistingLayerSelectionCellColor: TColor;

ExistingLayerSelectionCellColor is the color used for the selected layer (SelectedLayer).


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