Unit ClassificationUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


ClassificationUnit defines classes and procedures that are used to place objects in a TTreeView or TVirtualStringTree component in a way that reflects their classification.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TClassificationObject TClassificationObject is an abstract base class used in TClassificationList, and ClassifyListedObjects to arrange items in a hierarchical classification.
Class TDummyClassification  
Class TClassificationList TClassificationList is a list of TClassificationObjects.
record TClassificationNodeData  

Functions and Procedures

procedure ClassifyListedObjects( const ClassificationList: TStringList; ClassificationObjects: TClassificationList; SpecialObjects: array of TClassificationList);
procedure CreateClassifiedNodes(Classifications: TStringList; IndentationOffset: Integer; TreeView: TTreeView; const SelectedName: string);
procedure CreateClassifiedVirtualNodes(Classifications: TStringList; IndentationOffset: Integer; TreeView: TVirtualStringTree; const SelectedName: string; DummyObjects: TList);
function CompareStrings(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer;


PClassificationNodeData = ˆTClassificationNodeData;


Functions and Procedures

procedure ClassifyListedObjects( const ClassificationList: TStringList; ClassificationObjects: TClassificationList; SpecialObjects: array of TClassificationList);

ClassifyListedObjects fills ClassificationList with the classifications of all the TClassificationObjects in ClassificationObjects suitable for storage in a TTreeView component. The number of tabs before each item indicate parent child relationships. when the classification represents a TClassificationObject rather than just a parent node, the TClassificationObject is stored in the corresponding Objects property of ClassificationList.

Each member of SpecialObjects is a group of TClassificationObjects that must be classified in a special order that is different from alphabetical order.

procedure CreateClassifiedNodes(Classifications: TStringList; IndentationOffset: Integer; TreeView: TTreeView; const SelectedName: string);

CreateClassifiedNodes creates nodes in TreeView based on Classifications. Classifications is typically filled by ClassifyListedObjects. each object in Classifications.Objects must be a TClassificationObject or nil. The Data property of each node will be the corresponding TClassificationObject. IndentationOffset is the level of indentation of the first node. TreeView is the TTTreeView to which nodes are added. If any of the TClassificationObject that are added have a ClassificationName that is the same as SelectedName, that node will be selected.

procedure CreateClassifiedVirtualNodes(Classifications: TStringList; IndentationOffset: Integer; TreeView: TVirtualStringTree; const SelectedName: string; DummyObjects: TList);
function CompareStrings(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer;


PClassificationNodeData = ˆTClassificationNodeData;


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