Unit ModflowBoundaryUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCustomBoundaryStorage @name defines the starting and ending time for a particular boundary condition.
record TBoundaryValue TBoundaryValue defines a time and a formula used in Initialize.
Class TCustomBoundaryItem  
Class TCustomModflowBoundaryItem TCustomModflowBoundaryItem represents a boundary for one time interval.
Class TNoFormulaItem  
Class TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl is an abstract ancestor used with MODFLOW boundary conditions that may or may not be defined at cells.
Class TTimeListsModelLink  
Class TTimeListModelLinkList  
Class TBoundaryModelLink  
Class TBoundaryModelLinkList  
Class TCustomMF_BoundColl TCustomMF_BoundColl represents MODFLOW boundaries for a series of time intervals.
Class TCustomMF_ArrayBoundColl TCustomMF_ArrayBoundColl is used for boundary conditions in which the boundary conditions are either in the form of an array of values or where the individual boundary condition cells are linked into a larger structure.
Class TCustomMF_ListBoundColl TCustomMF_ListBoundColl is used for boundary conditions in which each section of an object is used to define a separate set of boundary conditions.
Class TModflowTimeList TModflowTimeList is used to store a series of TDataArrays for boundary conditions in MODFLOW.
Class TModflowParamItem Each TModflowParamItem stores a TCustomMF_BoundColl.
Class TModflowParameters TModflowParameters stores a series of MODFLOW boundaries associated with a series of MODFLOW parameters.
Class TModflowScreenObjectProperty  
Class TModflowBoundary TModflowBoundary represents the MODFLOW boundaries associated with a single TScreenObject.
Class TModflowParamBoundary  
Class TSpecificModflowBoundary  

Functions and Procedures

procedure GlobalRemoveModflowBoundarySubscription(Sender: TObject; Subject: TObject; const AName: string);
procedure GlobalRestoreModflowBoundarySubscription(Sender: TObject; Subject: TObject; const AName: string);


TFormulaInterpretation = (...);
TBoundaryValueArray = array of TBoundaryValue;
TBoundaryItemClass = class of TCustomBoundaryItem;
TMF_BoundItemClass = class of TCustomModflowBoundaryItem;
TTimeListsModelLinkClass = class of TTimeListsModelLink;
TMF_BoundCollClass = class of TCustomMF_BoundColl;
TModflowParamItemClass = class of TModflowParamItem;
TModflowParametersClass = class of TModflowParameters;


Functions and Procedures

procedure GlobalRemoveModflowBoundarySubscription(Sender: TObject; Subject: TObject; const AName: string);
procedure GlobalRestoreModflowBoundarySubscription(Sender: TObject; Subject: TObject; const AName: string);


TFormulaInterpretation = (...);

TFormulaInterpretation defines how a formula is interpreted.

  • fiSpecific - Formula / the length or area of intersection between the TScreenObject and grid cell.

  • fiTotal - Formula.

When fiSpecific is used, the formula will be multiplied by ObjectIntersectLength or ObjectIntersectArea. fiSpecific has no effect for TScreenObjects that have only one vertex.

  • fiSpecific:  
  • fiDirect:  
  • fiTotal:  
TBoundaryValueArray = array of TBoundaryValue;

TBoundaryValueArray defines an array of TBoundaryValues used in Initialize.

TBoundaryItemClass = class of TCustomBoundaryItem;
TMF_BoundItemClass = class of TCustomModflowBoundaryItem;
TTimeListsModelLinkClass = class of TTimeListsModelLink;
TMF_BoundCollClass = class of TCustomMF_BoundColl;
TModflowParamItemClass = class of TModflowParamItem;
TModflowParametersClass = class of TModflowParameters;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:44