Unit InteractiveTools

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


InteractiveTools defines descendants of TCustomInteractiveTool that manage the interaction between the user and the model.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TPoint64  
Class TZoomTool TZoomTool defines the behavior when the user wants to zoom in on a particular area that has been outlined.
Class TZoomInTool TZoomInTool is used to zoom in by a factor of 2 at the location where the user clicks the mouse.
Class TZoomOutTool TZoomOutTool is used to zoom out by a factor of 2 at the location where the user clicks the mouse.
Class TPanTool TPanTool is used to move the view of the model.
Class TCustomGridTool TCustomGridTool is an abstract base class for TCustomInteractiveTools that interact with the grid.
Class TCustomGridCursorTool TCustomGridCursorTool is an abstract base class for TCustomGridTools that have a different cursor depending on whether the mouse is or is not over a column, row, or layer boundary.
Class TAddGridBoundaryTool TAddGridBoundaryTool is used to add column, row, or layer boundaries to the grid at a position where the user clicks the mouse.
Class TMovingGridBoundaryTool TMovingGridBoundaryTool is used to move a column, row, or layer boundary.
Class TDeleteGridBoundaryTool TDeleteGridBoundaryTool deletes a column, row, or layer boundary.
Class TCustomCellSelectionTool TCustomCellSelectionTool is an abstract base class. Its descendants are used for cases where the user selects a range of cells on which to perform some action.
Class TColRowLayerSelectorTool  
Class TRotateGridTool TRotateGridTool is used to rotate the grid on the top view of the model.
Class TCustomStoreVerticesTool  
Class TCustomCreateScreenObjectTool TCustomCreateScreenObjectTool is an abstract base class for TCustomInteractiveTools for creating TScreenObjects.
Class TCustomCreateScreenObjectTool32  
Class TCustomEditScreenObjectTool  
Class TScreenObjectTool  
Class TLassoTool TLassoTool is used to select TScreenObjects by enclosing them with a polygon.
Class TRulerTool  
Class TCreatePointScreenObjectTool TCreatePointScreenObjectTool is used to create a point TScreenObject.
Class TCreateLineScreenObjectTool TCreateLineScreenObjectTool is used to create a line or polygon TScreenObject.
Class TCreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool TCreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool is used to create a line TScreenObject in which the segments are aligned with the grid.
Class TCreateRectangleScreenObjectTool TCreateRectangleScreenObjectTool creates a TScreenObject that is shaped like a rectangle aligned with the grid.
Class TCustomModifyGeometryTool TCustomModifyGeometryTool is meant to be the abstract ancestor of tools that need to edit TScreenObjects .
Class TDeleteSegmentTool TDeleteSegmentTool is used to delete a segment in a TScreenObject.
Class TInsertPointTool TInsertPointTool is used to insert a vertex into a TScreenObject.
Class TCustomAddPartTool  
Class TAddLinePartTool  
Class TAddPolygonPartTool  
Class TAddPointPartTool  
Class TCustomSelectScreenObjectTool TCustomSelectScreenObjectTool is the abstract ancestor of tools used to select and move TScreenObjects mainly by clicking on them.
Class TSelectPointTool TSelectPointTool is used to select and move one or more individual vertices in a TScreenObject.
Class TSelectScreenObjectTool TSelectScreenObjectTool is used to select and move one or more TScreenObjects.
Class TEditVertexValueTool  
Class TMoveSutraNodesTool  


SelectedCellsColor = clSilver;
SelectionWidth = 5;


SelectingObjectsWithLine: boolean = False;
ZoomTool: TZoomTool;
ZoomInTool: TZoomInTool;
ZoomOutTool: TZoomOutTool;
PanTool: TPanTool;
AddGridBoundaryTool: TAddGridBoundaryTool;
MovingGridBoundaryTool: TMovingGridBoundaryTool;
DeleteGridBoundaryTool: TDeleteGridBoundaryTool;
RotateGridTool: TRotateGridTool;
LassoTool: TLassoTool;
CreatePointScreenObjectTool: TCreatePointScreenObjectTool;
CreateLineScreenObjectTool: TCreateLineScreenObjectTool;
CreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool: TCreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool;
CreateRectangleScreenObjectTool: TCreateRectangleScreenObjectTool;
DeleteSegmentTool: TDeleteSegmentTool;
InsertPointTool: TInsertPointTool;
SelectPointTool: TSelectPointTool;
SelectScreenObjectTool: TSelectScreenObjectTool;
ColRowLayerSelectorTool: TColRowLayerSelectorTool;
AddLinePartTool: TAddLinePartTool;
AddPolygonPartTool: TAddPolygonPartTool;
AddPointPartTool: TAddPointPartTool;
EditVertexValueTool: TEditVertexValueTool;
RulerTool: TRulerTool;



SelectedCellsColor = clSilver;

TPositionedLayer is declared in GR32_Layers. TBitmap32, and TFloatRect are declared in GR32. SelectedCellsColor is the color (silver) used to draw selected cells or elements.

SelectionWidth = 5;

When selecting objects or nodes, the cursor may not be exactly over the object to be selected. SelectionWidth defines how far off the cursor can be and still select the object. SelectionWidth also controls how far you have to drag an object before it will actually move.


SelectingObjectsWithLine: boolean = False;
ZoomTool: TZoomTool;

ZoomTool is the instance of TZoomTool used in ModelMuse.

ZoomInTool: TZoomInTool;

ZoomInTool is the instance of TZoomInTool used in ModelMuse.

ZoomOutTool: TZoomOutTool;

ZoomOutTool is the instance of TZoomOutTool used in ModelMuse.

PanTool: TPanTool;

PanTool is the instance of TPanTool used in ModelMuse.

AddGridBoundaryTool: TAddGridBoundaryTool;

AddGridBoundaryTool is the instance of TAddGridBoundaryTool used in ModelMuse.

MovingGridBoundaryTool: TMovingGridBoundaryTool;

MovingGridBoundaryTool is the instance of TMovingGridBoundaryTool used in ModelMuse.

DeleteGridBoundaryTool: TDeleteGridBoundaryTool;

DeleteGridBoundaryTool is the instance of TDeleteGridBoundaryTool used in ModelMuse.

RotateGridTool: TRotateGridTool;

RotateGridTool is the instance of TRotateGridTool used in ModelMuse.

LassoTool: TLassoTool;

LassoTool is the instance of TLassoTool used in ModelMuse.

CreatePointScreenObjectTool: TCreatePointScreenObjectTool;

CreatePointScreenObjectTool is the instance of TCreatePointScreenObjectTool used in ModelMuse.

CreateLineScreenObjectTool: TCreateLineScreenObjectTool;

CreateLineScreenObjectTool is the instance of TCreateLineScreenObjectTool used in ModelMuse.

CreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool: TCreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool;

CreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool is the instance of TCreateStraightLineScreenObjectTool used in ModelMuse.

CreateRectangleScreenObjectTool: TCreateRectangleScreenObjectTool;

CreateRectangleScreenObjectTool is the instance of TCreateRectangleScreenObjectTool used in ModelMuse.

DeleteSegmentTool: TDeleteSegmentTool;

DeleteSegmentTool is the instance of TDeleteSegmentTool used in ModelMuse.

InsertPointTool: TInsertPointTool;

InsertPointTool is the instance of TInsertPointTool used in ModelMuse.

SelectPointTool: TSelectPointTool;

SelectPointTool is the instance of TSelectPointTool used in ModelMuse.

SelectScreenObjectTool: TSelectScreenObjectTool;

SelectScreenObjectTool is the instance of TSelectScreenObjectTool used in ModelMuse.

ColRowLayerSelectorTool: TColRowLayerSelectorTool;
AddLinePartTool: TAddLinePartTool;
AddPolygonPartTool: TAddPolygonPartTool;
AddPointPartTool: TAddPointPartTool;
EditVertexValueTool: TEditVertexValueTool;
RulerTool: TRulerTool;

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:42