Class TCustomGridCursorTool




type TCustomGridCursorTool = class(TCustomGridTool)


TCustomGridCursorTool is an abstract base class for TCustomGridTools that have a different cursor depending on whether the mouse is or is not over a column, row, or layer boundary.




Private FUseSelectedCursor: boolean;


Protected function GetNonSelectedCursor: TCursor; virtual;
Protected function GetSelectedCursor: TCursor; virtual; abstract;
Protected function IsOverFrontColumnOrLayer(X, Y: integer): boolean;
Protected function IsOverSideRowOrLayer(X, Y: integer): boolean;
Protected function IsOverTopColumnOrRow(X, Y: integer): boolean;
Protected procedure SetFrontCursor(X, Y: integer);
Protected procedure SetSideCursor(X, Y: integer);
Protected procedure SetTopCursor(X, Y: integer);
Public procedure MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;


Protected property UseSelectedCursor: boolean read FUseSelectedCursor write FUseSelectedCursor;



Private FUseSelectedCursor: boolean;

See UseSelectedCursor.


Protected function GetNonSelectedCursor: TCursor; virtual;

GetNonSelectedCursor returns the cursor to use when the mouse is not over a column, row, or layer boundary.

Protected function GetSelectedCursor: TCursor; virtual; abstract;

GetSelectedCursor returns the cursor to use when the mouse is over a column, row, or layer boundary.

Protected function IsOverFrontColumnOrLayer(X, Y: integer): boolean;

IsOverFrontColumnOrLayer determines whether (X,Y) (in screen coordinates) is over a column or layer boundary on the front view of the model.

Protected function IsOverSideRowOrLayer(X, Y: integer): boolean;

IsOverSideRowOrLayer determines whether the point Y) (in screen coordinates) is over a row or layer boundary on the side view of the model.

Protected function IsOverTopColumnOrRow(X, Y: integer): boolean;

IsOverTopColumnOrRow determines whether the point X,Y (in screen coordinates) is over a column or row on the top view of the model.

Protected procedure SetFrontCursor(X, Y: integer);

SetFrontCursor sets the cursor to GetNonSelectedCursor or GetSelectedCursor depending on whether X,Y is over a grid boundary on the front view of the model.

Protected procedure SetSideCursor(X, Y: integer);

SetSideCursor sets the cursor to GetNonSelectedCursor or GetSelectedCursor depending on whether X,Y is over a grid boundary on the side view of the model.

Protected procedure SetTopCursor(X, Y: integer);

SetTopCursor sets the cursor to GetNonSelectedCursor or GetSelectedCursor depending on whether X,Y is over a grid boundary on the top view of the model.

Public procedure MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;

MouseMove sets the cursor depending on whether X,Y is over a grid boundary.


Protected property UseSelectedCursor: boolean read FUseSelectedCursor write FUseSelectedCursor;

If UseSelectedCursor is true then SetTopCursor, SetFrontCursor and SetSideCursor will always set the cursor to the value returned by GetSelectedCursor.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:42