Unit QuadTreeClass

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


QuadTreeClass registers TRbwQuadTree which is used to quickly retrieve data by their X and Y coordinates.


This file is in the public domain.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TQPoint TQPoint is used to store data at a particular location. See TQtreeNode.FPts.
record TQuadPoint TQuadPoint records contain the X and Y coordinates of a location in a TRbwQuadTree, the distance from that point to a location for which a search was performed, and an array of pointers to the data associated with the location.
record TQuadPointInRegion TQuadPointInRegion records contain the X and Y coordinates of a location in a TRbwQuadTree, and an array of pointers to the data associated with the location. These points are all located inside the extent of a T2DBlock that was used in a search.
record T2DBlock T2DBlock delineates a region of space. T2DBlock's are used to perform a search for locations inside a TRbwQuadTree.
Class EQTreeError EQTreeError is a class for exceptions raised by TRbwQuadTree.
Class TQtreeNode TQtreeNode does the most of the real work of a TRbwQuadTree.
Class TRbwQuadTree TRbwQuadTree is used to quickly retrieve data by their X and Y coordinates.

Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;


TNorthOrSouth = (...);
TEastOrWest = (...);
PQPoint = ˆTQPoint;
TPointerArray = array of Pointer;
TQuadPointArray = array of TQuadPoint;
TQuadPointInRegionArray = array of TQuadPointInRegion;
TExpandDirection = (...);


Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;

Register registers TRbwQuadTree.


TNorthOrSouth = (...);

TNorthOrSouth is used in defining TQtreeNode.FChildren.

  • North:  
  • South:  
TEastOrWest = (...);

TEastOrWest is used in defining TQtreeNode.FChildren.

  • East:  
  • West:  
PQPoint = ˆTQPoint;

See TQPoint.

TPointerArray = array of Pointer;

TPointerArray = array of Pointer;

TQuadPointArray = array of TQuadPoint;

TQuadPointArray = array of TQuadPoint;

TQuadPointInRegionArray = array of TQuadPointInRegion;

TQuadPointInRegionArray = array of TQuadPointInRegion;

TExpandDirection = (...);

See TQtreeNode.ExpandBounds.

  • edNorth:  
  • edSouth:  
  • edEast:  
  • edWest:  


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:58