Unit UndoItems

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


UndoItems defines a series of TUndoItems used with GoPhast. Others are defined in ScreenObjectUnit, frmChemistryOptionsUnit, frmImportShapefileUnit, frmPhastGridOptionsUnit, frmPrintFrequencyUnit, frmPrintInitialUnit, frmImportDXFUnit, frmSolutionMethodUnit, frmSteadyFlowUnit, frmTimeControlUnit, frmUnitsUnit, and UndoItemsScreenObjects.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCustomUndo TCustomUndo is an abstract base class used as an ancestor of all TUndoItems in ModelMuse.
Class TCustomUndoChangeGridDimensions TCustomUndoChangeGridDimensions is the abstract ancestor of TUndoItems that make changes to the grid.
Class TUndoDeleteRow TUndoDeleteRow is used for deleting a row boundary from the grid.
Class TUndoDeleteColumn TUndoDeleteColumn is used for deleting a column boundary from the grid.
Class TUndoDeleteLayer TUndoDeleteLayer is used for deleting a layer boundary from the grid.
Class TUndoMoveRow TUndoMoveRow is used for moving a row boundary.
Class TUndoMoveColumn TUndoMoveColumn is used for moving a column boundary.
Class TUndoMoveLayer TUndoMoveLayer is used for moving a layer boundary.
Class TUndoAddColumn TUndoAddColumn is used to add a column boundary.
Class TUndoAddRow TUndoAddRow is used to add a row boundary.
Class TUndoAddLayer TUndoAddLayer is used to add a layer boundary.
Class TUndoSubdivide TUndoSubdivide is used to subdivide columns, rows, or layers.
Class TUndoSetAngle TUndoSetAngle is used to set the grid angle.
Class TUndoEditGridLines TUndoEditGridLines is used to change multiple column, row, and layer positions at one time.
Class TUndoCreateGrid TUndoCreateGrid is used to generate a new grid.
Class TUndoSmoothGrid TUndoSmoothGrid is used when adjusting grid lines so they meet a criterion regarding the maximum ratio of adjacent column, row, or layer widths.
Class TUndoVerticalExaggeration TUndoVerticalExaggeration is used to change the vertical exaggeration
Class TUndoFreeSurface TUndoFreeSurface is used to set TPhastModel.FreeSurface and TPhastModel.UseWaterTable.
Class TPhastDataSetStorage TPhastDataSetStorage stores the properties of a TDataArray or TCustomPhastDataSet for use in TUndoChangeDataSets.
Class TUndoChangeDataSets TUndoChangeDataSets is used to add, delete, and change the properties of TDataArrays.
record TMassFluxObs  
Class TUndoEditFluxObservations  
Class TUndoEditDisplaySettings  
Class TUndoMoveCrossSection  
Class TUndoRotateCrossSection  
Class TUndoSpecifyCrossSection  
Class TUndoSelectNodes TUndoSelectNodes is used to change which TSutraNode2Ds are selected.
Class TUndoChangeMesh  
Class TUndoMoveSutraNodes  
Class TUndoDrawElements  
Class TUndoRenumberMesh  


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:06