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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468

Running MFI

MFI is started by entering



mfi dataset

where dataset is a dataset name.

If the dataset name is not entered as part of the command, then the first screen to appear will prompt for a dataset name. A dataset name consists of up to 8 characters. This name is used as the beginning part of the names of many of the files that will be created. These file names are constructed using the dataset name followed by a dot plus a 2- or 3-character suffix. Some examples are:

.nam is the suffix for the file used to keep track of all files used by MODFLOW;
.log is the suffix for a log file of information generated by MFI;
.bas is the suffix for the Basic Package file of MODFLOW;
.bcf is the suffix for the BCF Package file of MODFLOW;
.mpn is the suffix for the MODPATH name file;
.mp is the suffix for the main MODPATH data file.
The dataset name cannot include characters that are invalid as part of a file name on the particular computer being used.

If a dataset exists, it is read. If a dataset is new, the next screen prompts for confirmation that it is acceptable to create a new dataset. If so, the following screen prompts for the grid size: the number of layers, rows, and columns. These grid size values cannot be changed within MFI after this screen is accepted, so be careful to specify them properly. If it is not acceptable to create a new dataset, MFI stops without doing anything more. MFI stops at this point because it is assumed that the user intended to enter the name of an existing dataset, but may have forgotten the name. The user can then take whatever steps are necessary to determine the correct name and restart MFI.

Main Menu
Data Editing Menus
Entering Two-Dimensional Arrays
Entering Data with the Spreadsheet Program
Obtaining Help When Using MFI
Data Recovery if MFI Aborts

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