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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468

Screen Commands

The commands available to a particular screen can vary. The available commands are listed at the bottom of each screen. Table 1 is a list of all the commands used in MFI screens.

Table 1. Screen commands for MFI (PostScript file of Table 1)

  Key   Command                   Command Description
F1     Help     Creates an optional window that displays help information
		related to the data window.  For screens in which data
		are being entered, help information is usually provided
		for each individual field.  If a message is longer than
		the help window can show, the lines of text can be
		scrolled.  When scrolling in the help window, processing
		in the data window is interrupted in order to allow the
		cursor movement keys to be used for the scrolling.  To
		continue in the data window, press the F3 key.  Scrolling
		in the help window is activated automatically when the
		help window is initiated if the current message is a long
		message.  If the help window is active and a long message
		is encountered after a previous short message, a second
		entry of F1 will activate scrolling.

F2     Accept   Accepts the contents of the screen.  This tells the
		program to capture any data entered in the screen and
		progress to the next screen.  A menu screen can also be
		accepted by entering a carriage return or by typing
		enough letters of the desired choice to uniquely define
		that choice.  For most screens in which data are being
		entered, screen acceptance occurs when a carriage return
		is used to terminate the value for the last field on the

F3              The primary use for F3 is to terminate other commands.
or ;            This use is described as part of the appropriate command
		descriptions (for example, F1).  F3 is also a command by
		itself.  When the F3 key is entered as a separate
		command, the display cursor moves to the command line; a
		command can then be selected by using the cursor keys to
		move the cursor to the desired command and entering
		carriage return.  This is the only way to access the Oops
		command.  Other commands are more easily invoked by using
		their own function keys, so using the F3 command is not
		generally useful for specifying commands other than
		Oops.  The F3 command is available in all screens
		although it is never displayed as an available command.
		To exit this command, simply select one of the commands
		or enter the F3 command a second time.

F4     Prev     Go back to the previous screen.  This command is included
		in screens for which the accept command (F2) results in
		more screens that eventually return back to the same
		screen. Without the F4 command, there would be no way to
		stop the process.  For example, when entering hydraulic
		arrays for the Block-Centered-Flow (BCF) Package of
		MODFLOW, a screen first prompts for a layer number. After
		this, the list of arrays are displayed for the selected
		layer, and the user can select arrays to edit.  When done
		editing arrays for that layer, the layer-number screen is
		again displayed.  The user can choose another layer, but
		ultimately the user will want to quit editing hydraulic
		data.  The F4 command is available on the layer-number
		screen for this purpose.

F5     Limits   Creates an optional window that shows the limits for
		values that can be entered into the data field in which
		the current cursor is located.  In addition to minimum
		and maximum values, a "Default" value is sometimes
		shown.  The Default has no function within MFI, and it
		should be ignored.  The Default is usually shown as
		"None."  Note that the Default is NOT
		substituted when a carriage return is entered for a
		field's value.  Entering a carriage return as a field's
		value results in the field keeping the value that is
		currently displayed.  When a screen is activated, most
		data fields are given a starting value.  The starting
		value is the previously entered value for that field, or
		if there is no previous value, MFI generates a starting
		value.  A field's starting value has no relation to the
		"Default" value in the limits window.

F8     Quiet    Deletes whatever optional window is being displayed
		(Limits, Help, or Scratch Pad), making more lines
		available for the data window.  This command is only
		available when an optional window has been activated.

F9     Xpad     Creates an optional scratch pad window that allows the
		user to write notes.  The notes are stored in the file
		XPAD.DAT.  After entering notes, use F3 to continue
		editing data.

       Oops     Restarts the current screen with data values set equal to
		their values when the screen was last started.  The only
		way to access this command is through the F3 command.

Page   Dnpg     When a window contains more lines of information than can
down            be displayed, scrolling is allowed in order to allow all
		lines to be seen.  If there are lines below the bottom of
		the window, Dnpg can be used to scroll downward.  The
		down arrow key can also scroll a line at a time.

Page   Uppg     When a window contains more lines of information than can
up              be displayed, scrolling is allowed in order to allow all
		lines to be seen.  If there are lines above the top of
		the window, Uppg can be invoked to scroll upward.  The up
		arrow key can also scroll a line at a time.

       Window   When a list (or table) of data is being entered using an
		MFI screen, the Window command is used to change more
		than one value at a time.  To do this, move the cursor to
		the first value to be changed, and activate the Window
		command.  Then use the cursor keys to highlight the block
		of values to be modified.  After highlighting, enter the
		desired data value, and press the "Enter" key.
		The only way to access this command is through the F3

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