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Water Resources of the United States

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics - IPT Group

WebMaker,a FrameMaker to WWW Converter

Configurable converter of FrameMaker documents to the World-Wide Web

The combination of WebMaker and FrameMaker enables you to publish simultaneously both the printed and the WWW versions of a document. WebMaker converts FrameMaker documents and books to a hypertext network of HTML files that may be viewed by World-Wide Web browsers such as Mosaic.

WWW is a global hypertext information network conceived at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.

WebMaker translates FrameMaker entities such as imported and native graphics, mathematics, tables, figures, anchored frames, cross-references, character highlights, indices and footnotes. It generates tables of contents automatically, and transforms into graphical images elements that are unknown to HTML. The user has control over a number of conversion aspects:

WebMaker is Copyright (C) 1994 CERN Geneva
WebMaker - CERN Programming Techniques Group - 12 October 94

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