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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468

Data Editing Menus

Selecting one of the data editing options in the Main Menu activates a data editing menu screen. All of the data editing menu screens have a DONE option, which will return to the Main menu. As noted earlier, the user must ultimately end up back in the Main menu in order to exit MFI. The data editing menus contain appropriate options for entering the required data. The data entry screens can be nested one or more levels depending on the complexity of the data. The selection of a data editing option automatically activates that option in MODFLOW or MODPATH.

The DEACTIVATE option is provided in the Main Menu in order to deactivate any undesired options that have been previously activated. If an option is deactivated, any changes that had been made to its data during the current MFI session will not be saved when MFI exits, and MODFLOW and MODPATH will not include that option when they are subsequently executed. However, if a file for a deactivated option existed prior to its deactivation, that file will still exist after MFI exits.

When entering data for the entire grid, such as hydraulic parameters, the data are entered a layer at a time. Before entering such data, the user will be prompted for the layer number unless the model consists of a single layer. The only way to stop entering data for layers is to use the Prev (F4) command when asked for a layer number, which returns to a menu.

When entering stress data for simulations with more than one stress period, the user will be prompted for the stress period prior to prompting for the actual stress data. When asked for a stress period, the only way to stop entering data for stress periods is to use the PREV (F4) command, which returns to a menu.

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