USGS Water-Quality Information
![]() USGS scientists deploy SPMD and POCIS samplers to collect waterborne contaminants in Manoa Stream on Oahu, Hawaii. NoteworthyPress Releases
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Water Quality DataToday's Water Conditions Get continuous real-time water-quality measurements from Water-Quality Watch maps. Water Quality Portal (WQP) Get current and historical USGS and EPA water-quality data at the WQP. BioData Get stream ecosystem aquatic bioassessment data from BioData. For More Data View a complete list of USGS water-quality data resources. USGS in Your AreaUSGS Water Science Centers are located in each state. ![]() |
Photos of flooding and USGS activities. USGS Water-Quality Sampling of Flood Waters
Please note: this page highlights USGS water-quality sampling related to flooding. For all USGS flooding activites, see the main USGS floods page. Overview: USGS Water-Quality Activities During FloodingWhen flooding happens, USGS field crews are among the first to respond. During and after storms and floods, USGS field crews measure the streamflow and height of rivers to ensure the accuracy and reliable operation of streamgages. Flooding can affect the quality of our Nation's water resources. The USGS responds to major events that can affect water quality by working with local, State, and Federal agencies and the citizenry to identify, quantify, and understand environmental issues and concerns. During and after flooding events, USGS may collect additional water samples to help us understand how flooding is affecting water quality in the short- and long-term. The frequency and location of water sampling varies by flood event and depends on the needs and concerns of our Cooperators and local communities. 2015 Activities2012 Activities2011 Activities
For more information:![]() The USGS WaterWatch ( web site displays maps, graphs, and tables describing real-time, recent, and past streamflow conditions for the United States. The real-time information generally is updated on an hourly basis. USGS Flood Monitoring and Data CollectionFor additional information on USGS flood monitoring and data collection activities, see USGS national flood activities web site, with links to USGS Water Science Centers, data, maps, multimedia, and more. For more information on USGS water-quality sampling, contact the USGS Office of Water Quality. To learn more about USGS water-quality sampling methods and protocols, see:
Flooding and Water-Quality Health and Safety InformationEvery effort should be made to limit contact with flood water due to potentially elevated levels of contamination associated with raw sewage and other hazardous substances. |