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This tab is on the SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package pane of the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to specify the channel geometry if either a rectangular channel or eight-point channel cross section is selected for ICALC.

The Starting time and Ending time of each time period is specified on the Time tab

Channel roughness is Manning’s roughness coefficient for the channel in all reaches in this segment.

Bank roughness is Manning’s roughness coefficient for the overbank areas in all reaches in this segment.

If an eight-point channel cross section is selected for ICALC, the user enters the coordinates of the eight points in the table on the right-hand side of the Channel tab. If unsaturated flow is not simulated in the SFR package, the user must enter a separate cross section for each time period. If it is simulated in the SFR package, the same cross section will be used for all stress periods. To edit a different cross section, select a different time period in the table of time periods.

X is the distance relative to the left bank of the stream channel (when looking downstream) for the eight points used to describe the geometry of this segment of the stream channel. By definition, location The first X represents the left edge of the channel cross section, and its value should be set equal to 0.0; values Each of the remaining X's should equal to or be greater than the previous distance.

Z is the height relative to the top of the lowest elevation of the streambed (thalweg). One value is needed for each of the eight horizontal distances defined by X. The location of the thalweg (set equal to 0.0) can be any location from the second X through the seventh X.

When an eight-point channel cross section is selected for ICALC, a diagram of the eight-point channel for the selected time period is displayed at the bottom of the tab. This diagram is intended to make it easier to detect gross errors in the cross section.