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This tab is on the SFR: Stream-Flow Routing package pane of the MODFLOW Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to specify the tables that define the relationships between flow in the stream and depth and width when a table is selected for ICALC.

The Starting time and Ending time of each time period is specified on the Time tab

To the right of the table containing the Starting time and Ending time is a table in which the values relating flow, depth, and width are entered. If unsaturated flow is not simulated in the SFR package, the user must enter a separate table for each time period. If it is simulated in the SFR package, the same table will be used for all stress periods. To edit a different table, select a different time period in the table of time periods.

Flow is the streamflow (units of volume per time) related to a given depth and width. One value is needed for each streamflow that has a corresponding value of depth and width up to the total number of values used to define the table

Depth is the average depth (units of length) corresponding to a given flow.

Width is the stream width (units of length) corresponding to a given flow.

At the bottom of the tab are two diagrams showing the relationships between flow and depth (on the left) and width (on the right). These diagrams are intended to make it easier to detect gross errors in the table.