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Grid or Mesh Value Dialog Box

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The Grid or Mesh Value dialog box is used to display the value of a data set or boundary condition at a grid cell or element and an explanation of how that value was assigned. If a single object is selected, it also shows the name of the selected object and (optionally) the 3rd dimension coordinates of the object in the cells or elements enclosed or intersected by the object.

The Grid or Mesh Value dialog box is displayed by selecting Data|Show Grid or Mesh Values or clicking the Show grid or mesh values button.ShowGridValuesButton.

The dialog box has several tabs that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the tab.

To use the Current Data tab of the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box, the user first colors the grid using the Color Grid pane of the Data Visualization dialog box or contours a data set with the Contour Data pane of the Data Visualization dialog box. Then the user displays the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box and moves the cursor over a grid cell or element. If Local Grid Refinement is being used, the user must also select either the parent model or one of the child models for which values will be displayed. The value of the data set or boundary condition will be displayed in the Current Data tab of the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box along with an explanation of how the value was assigned. In the case of boundary conditions, there may be more than one boundary condition value for a single cell. In such cases, either the sum or the average of the values is used to assign a color to a cell or element but the explanation in the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box will show all the values along with explanations of each.

If the value assigned to a cell or element is unexpected and the explanation does not clarify how the value was assigned, the procedures describe in Troubleshooting Data Set Values may help clarify the situation.

If a single object is selected, The Current Data tab of the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box shows the name of the selected object. If the cursor is over a cell or element containing a vertex or line segment that is part of the object, the vertex number of the beginning of the segment and the section number will be displayed. If in addition the Show selected object 3rd dimension coordinates checkbox is checked the 3rd dimension coordinates will be displayed for the selected object in the selected cell or element provided that cell or element is enclosed or intersected by the selected object. For cells not enclosed or intersected by the selected object, "not assigned" will be displayed instead.

To use the All Data Sets tab of the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box, the user selects a data set from the combo box at the top of the tab. If the data set values have been calculated, the value at the current location will be displayed along with an explanation. If they have not been calculated, the user can click the Update button to calculate them. (With PHAST and SUTRA models, only data sets that are evaluated at the same location as the data set on the Current Data tab can be displayed.)

If pathlines from MODPATH are visible, the Pathline tab will be visible. It will display information about the pathline point closest to the cursor if the cursor is within either 5 pixels or 1 cell of the closest pathline. It also displays information about the first and last point on that pathline. The pathline points are often at locations where a particular MODPATH particle enters or leaves a cell. Similarly, the End Point tab displays data about end points from MODPATH.

If the Surface Water Routing package is active, the SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process is active, and SWR Reach Connections are being displayed, the Surface Water Routing pane will be displayed. It displays information about the SWR reaches and structures in the cell under the cursor.

For MODFLOW 6 models, the Ghost Node Correction and XT3D panes can be used to display data about those aspects of the model.

The Grid or Mesh Value dialog box can be used to understand why a particular value has been assigned to a particular cell, element, or node. Typically, the user will use the Color Grid or Contour Data panes of the Data Visualization dialog box to display the distribution of data set values in the model. If an unexpected value is noticed, the Current Data tab of the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box can be used to show both the value at the location of the cursor and an explanation of how that value was assigned. If the explanation involves values from other data sets, the user can switch to the All Data Sets tab to investigate the values assigned to those other data sets at the same location and thus trace the source of the problem.