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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under Data are listed in table 6. The items under this menu are used to edit general characteristics of the model. This section also includes descriptions of the Formula Editor and the Data Type Problem dialog boxes. Both of these are accessed from the Data Sets dialog box.

Table 6. Data Menu

Menu Item


Edit Global Variables...

Edit the names, values and comments of global variables. See the Global Variables dialog box.

Edit Data Sets...

Edit the properties of data sets. See the Data Sets dialog box.

DataVisualizationButton Data Visualization

Color the grid with the values of a data set, boundary condition or observations, contour the values of a data set or visualize data in other ways. See the Data Visualization dialog box.

ShowGridValuesButton Show Grid or Mesh Values ...

Show the Grid or Mesh Value dialog box which shows the value of the current data set in the grid cell under the cursor along with an explanation of how that value was assigned.

Display Data Set Values

Show the Data Set Values dialog box which shows all the values of a selected data set.

Delete Model Results

Delete all the data sets for the model results classified under "Optional|Model results" as well as all the objects that set the values of those data sets. If you want to save some of the model results data sets, rename the ones you want to save first.