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ModelMuse Help

The SWR Reach Connections pane is on the Data Visualization dialog box. It is used to display how the SWR reaches in a model are connected to one another. Lines are drawn between the centers of cells containing connected reaches. By default the line color is blue but the line color can be changed by the user. If two reaches in the same cell are connected, a colored square is drawn in the cell. If a reach has no connections to other reaches a colored square is drawn in the cell. By default, the square will be red but the color can be changed by the user.

Items to plot controls which reaches are used for drawing connections. By default, None is selected so that no links are displayed. Other options are All objects, Visible objects, and Selected objects. With All objects, all reach connections will be displayed. With Visible objects, only connections defined between objects that are visible will be displayed. With Selected objects, only connections defined between objects that are selected will be displayed.

As a reminder, adjacent reaches defined by the same object are automatically connected. Connections between reaches defined by different objects are defined on the Reaches in SWR: Surface-Water Routing Process pane of the Object Properties dialog box.