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Navigation: Main Menu and Buttons > Model > PEST Properties Dialog Box > Observation Groups

Observation Group Assignments Pane

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The Observation Group Assignments pane is on the PEST Properties dialog box under Observation Groups.

The variable (OBGNME) specified on the Observation Group Assignments pane is described in the PEST User Manual, Part I, Section 4.11. A more extensive description of  OBGNME is in the PEST user manual. OBGNME is one of several variablesin the Observation Data section of the PEST control file.

Calibration observations are defined using objects. Each calibration observation must be assigned to an observation group. For MODFLOW 6 and SUTRA calibration observations, the assignment can be made on this pane or in the object used to define the calibration observation. For some observation types in earlier versions of MODFLOW, this pane is the only place where observation group assignments can be made.

The pane contains a tree control Each observation group is one of the base nodes on the tree control and observations are leaf nodes under the observation group to which they are assigned. There is also a base node labeled "(none)" for observations that have not been assigned to an observation group.

To assign observations to an observation group select them and drag them to the desired observation group. You can select a single observation by clicking on it with the mouse. You can select multiple observations by selecting a single observation and then clicking on additional observations while holding down the Ctrl key. Another way to select multiple observations is to select one and then hold down the shift key and click on another observation. All the observations from the first selected observation through the last selected observation will become selected.