Unit CustomModflowWriterUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


CustomModflowWriterUnit is used to define TCustomModflowWriter which is an abstract base class for writing MODFLOW input files.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TCustomFileWriter  
Class TCustomModflowWriter TCustomModflowWriter is an abstract base class used as an ancestor for classes that write MODFLOW input files.
Class TCustomPackageWriter TCustomPackageWriter is an abstract base class used to generate input for MODFLOW for a specific package.
Class TCustomSolverWriter  
Class TCustomFlowPackageWriter  
Class TCustomTransientWriter TCustomTransientWriter is used to export input files for MODFLOW for packages with time-varying data.
Class TCustomParameterTransientWriter  
Class TCustomListWriter TCustomListWriter is used as a base class for writing typical boundary condition files that allow for both parameter and non-parameter cells.
Class TTransientArrayWriter  
Class TFluxObsWriter TFluxObsWriter is used for packages that have an associated flux observation package.
Class TCustomTransientArrayWriter  
Class TCustomSubWriter  
Class TCustomNameFileWriter  
Class TNameFileWriter  
Class TMt3dmsNameWriter  

Functions and Procedures

function WriteModflowBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFiles: TStringList; OpenListFile: boolean; Before, After: TStrings; ExportModpath, ExportZoneBudget: boolean): string;
function WriteMt3dmsBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFiles: TStringList; OpenListFile: boolean): string;
function WriteModPathBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFile: string; OpenListFile: boolean; const LargeBudgetFileResponse: string; EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;
function WriteModPathBatchFileVersion6(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFile: string; OpenListFile: boolean; EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;
function WriteZoneBudgetBatchFile(Model: TCustomModel; FileName: string; OpenListFile, EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;
procedure ResetMaxUnitNumber;
function GetMaxUnitNumber: integer;
procedure SetCurrentNameFileWriter(NameFileWriter: TCustomNameFileWriter);


TFileOption = (...);
TCheckValueMethod = (...);
TErrorType = (...);
TArrayWritingFormat = (...);


StrObservationFactor = '(Observation factor for the ' + sLineBreak + '%s)';
StrNoValueAssigned = 'No value assigned';
StrArrays = 'arrays';


Functions and Procedures

function WriteModflowBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFiles: TStringList; OpenListFile: boolean; Before, After: TStrings; ExportModpath, ExportZoneBudget: boolean): string;

name writes a batch-file used to run MODFLOW.

function WriteMt3dmsBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFiles: TStringList; OpenListFile: boolean): string;
function WriteModPathBatchFile(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFile: string; OpenListFile: boolean; const LargeBudgetFileResponse: string; EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;

name writes a batch-file used to run MODPATH.

function WriteModPathBatchFileVersion6(ProgramLocations: TProgramLocations; FileName: string; ListFile: string; OpenListFile: boolean; EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;
function WriteZoneBudgetBatchFile(Model: TCustomModel; FileName: string; OpenListFile, EmbeddedExport: boolean): string;
procedure ResetMaxUnitNumber;
function GetMaxUnitNumber: integer;
procedure SetCurrentNameFileWriter(NameFileWriter: TCustomNameFileWriter);


TFileOption = (...);

TFileOption indicates whether the file in the name file is an input file and output file or undetermined.

  • foNone:  
  • foInput:  
  • foOutput:  
  • foInputAlreadyExists:  
TCheckValueMethod = (...);

TCheckValueMethod is used in CheckArray

  • cvmGreater: If the value in the array is greater than CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
  • cvmGreaterEqual: If the value in the array is greater than or equal to CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
  • cvmEqual: If the value in the array is equal to CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
  • cvmNotEqual: If the value in the array is not equal to CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
  • cvmLessThan: If the value in the array is less than CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
  • cvmLessThanEqual: If the value in the array is less than or equal to CheckValue in CheckArray, the value in the array is OK.
TErrorType = (...);

TErrorType is used in CheckArray to specify whether cases that don't pass the check should be treated as errors or warnings.

  • etError: If something doesn't pass the check, it should be treated as an error.
  • etWarning: If something doesn't pass the check, it should be treated as a warning.
TArrayWritingFormat = (...);
  • awfModflow:  
  • awfMt3dms:  


StrObservationFactor = '(Observation factor for the ' + sLineBreak + '%s)';
StrNoValueAssigned = 'No value assigned';

StrDATABINARY is the comment assigned to locations in a TDataArray where no value has been assigned but a value is still needed.

StrArrays = 'arrays';


Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:29