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Manage Head Observations Dialog Box

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The Manage Head Observations dialog box presents a unified list of the head observations and allows you to edit certain aspects of the head observations. The Manage Head Observations dialog box is displayed by select Model|Manage Head Observations...

The Manage Head Observations dialog box has two tabs: Observations and Filters.

The Observations tab has a table listing some of the properties of the head observations. The user can edit any of the properties in the table. Some of the properties relate to observation groups rather than observations so changing any them will change the values listed for all the observations in the table that are part of the same observation group. The Observed head and Time relate only to individual observations so editing them has no effect on the other observations.

If there are many head observations, it may be convenient to only display some of the head observations. The table on the Filters tab can help restrict the observations that are displayed. If a value is in the Low column of the table, only observations in which the corresponding value is greater than or equal to the value in the Low column will be displayed. Similarly, If a value is in the High column of the table, only observations in which the corresponding value is less than or equal to the value in the High column will be displayed.

Clicking the Highlight selected objects button will cause the objects that holds the head observations in the selected rows of the Observations table to become selected in the ModelMuse main window and the view will be shifted to put the object in the highlighted row in the center of the top, front, or side view of the ModelMuse main window.

The data in the table of head observations can be sorted based on any of the columns in the table. Simply click on a column header to sort the table using the data in that column.