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Data Sets Required by Well Footprint

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Data Sets



Required Data Sets


The DepthRateIndex is the maximum amount of withdrawal per unit area that can be applied to a cell


The Withdrawals data set contains the sum of all the withdrawals from a cell. The withdrawals can be specified in either of two ways.

1.With Footprint Wells. (See the Footprint Well tab of the Object Properties dialog box.) If there are multiple Footprint Wells in the same cell, there withdrawals will be added up automatically.

2.With a formula. If there are multiple objects that specify formulas for the Withdrawals data set in the same cell, only the formula for the object that is in front of all the others will be used.

If any Footprint Wells are used, formulas in objects that do not have Footprint Wells will be ignored.


Distributed withdrawals are only applied to cells in which the Active data set is True.

Model Results Data Sets


The Distributed_Withdrawals contains the amount of withdrawal for each cell after the withdrawals have been distributed.


Footprint_Code indicates one of the following states.

0: Cell is inactive.

1: Cell is active but no distributed withdrawals are present in the cell.

2: Distributed withdrawals in the cell are less than the capacity of the cell.

3. Distributed withdrawals in the cell are greater than or equal to the capacity of the cell but less than or equal to the capacity times (1 + the closure criterion)

4. Distributed withdrawals in the cell are greater than the capacity times (1 + the closure criterion)