Unit ModflowUzfUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TUzfExtinctionDepthRecord

  TUzfExtinctionDepthRecord = record
    Cell: TCellLocation;
    ExtinctionDepth: double;
    StartingTime: double;
    EndingTime: double;
    ExtinctionDepthAnnotation: string;

TUzfExtinctionDepthRecord stores the location, time, and ET extinction depth for a cell.

record TUzfWaterContentRecord

  TUzfWaterContentRecord = record
    Cell: TCellLocation;
    MinimumWaterContent: double;
    StartingTime: double;
    EndingTime: double;
    MinimumWaterContentAnnotation: string;

TUzfWaterContentRecord stores the location, time, and ET extinction water content for a cell.

Class TUzfExtinctDepthStorage TUzfExtinctDepthStorage extends TCustomBoundaryStorage by adding a TUzfExtinctDepthArray.
Class TUzfWaterContentStorage TUzfWaterContentStorage extends TCustomBoundaryStorage by adding a TUzfWaterContentArray.
Class TUzfExtinctDepthItem TUzfExtinctDepthItem represents a MODFLOW UZF Extinction Depth for one time interval.
Class TUzfWaterContentItem TUzfWaterContentItem represents a MODFLOW UZF Extinction water content for one time interval.
Class TUzfExtinctionDepthTimeListLink  
Class TUzfExtinctionDepthCollection TUzfExtinctionDepthCollection represents MODFLOW UZF extinction depth for a series of time intervals.
Class TUzfWaterContentTimeListLink  
Class TUzfWaterContentCollection TUzfWaterContentCollection represents MODFLOW UZF water content boundaries for a series of time intervals.
Class TUzfInfiltrationRateTimeListLink  
Class TUzfInfiltrationRateCollection  
Class TUzfEvtTimeListLink  
Class TUzfEvapotranspirationDemandCollection  
Class TUzfExtinctionDepthCell  
Class TUzfWaterContentCell  
Class TUzfBoundary  


TUzfExtinctDepthArray = array of TUzfExtinctionDepthRecord;
TUzfWaterContentArray = array of TUzfWaterContentRecord;



TUzfExtinctDepthArray = array of TUzfExtinctionDepthRecord;

TUzfExtinctDepthArray is an array of TUzfExtinctionDepthRecords.

TUzfWaterContentArray = array of TUzfWaterContentRecord;

TUzfWaterContentArray is an array of TUzfWaterContentRecords.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:52