Unit ModflowEvtUnit

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


ModflowEvtUnit defines how evapotranspiration package data for one TScreenObject is stored and processed.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TEvtRecord

  TEvtRecord = record
    Cell: TCellLocation;
    EvapotranspirationRate: double;
    StartingTime: double;
    EndingTime: double;
    EvapotranspirationRateAnnotation: string;

TEvtRecord stores the location, time and evapotranspiration rate for a cell.

record TEvtSurfDepthRecord

  TEvtSurfDepthRecord = record
    Cell: TCellLocation;
    EvapotranspirationSurface: double;
    EvapotranspirationDepth: double;
    StartingTime: double;
    EndingTime: double;
    EvapotranspirationSurfaceAnnotation: string;
    EvapotranspirationDepthAnnotation: string;

TEvtSurfDepthRecord stores the location, time, evaporation surface and evaporation depth for a cell.

record TEvtLayerRecord

  TEvtLayerRecord = record
    Cell: TCellLocation;
    EvapotranspirationLayer: integer;
    StartingTime: double;
    EndingTime: double;
    EvapotranspirationLayerAnnotation: string;

TEvtLayerRecord stores the location, and evaporation layer for a cell.

Class TEvtStorage TEvtStorage extends TCustomBoundaryStorage by adding the locations and evapotranspiration rates of series of evapotranspiration cells.
Class TEvtLayerStorage TEvtLayerStorage extends TCustomBoundaryStorage by adding the locations and evapotranspiration layers of series of evapotranspiration cells.
Class TEvtSurfDepthStorage TEvtSurfDepthStorage extends TCustomBoundaryStorage by adding the locations and evapotranspiration surfaces and depths of series of evapotranspiration cells.
Class TEvtItem TEvtItem represents a MODFLOW evapotranspiration for one time interval.
Class TEvtLayerItem TEvtLayerItem represents a MODFLOW ET layer for one time interval.
Class TEvtSurfDepthItem TEvtSurfDepthItem represents a MODFLOW ET layer for one time interval.
Class TEvtTimeListLink  
Class TEvtCollection TEvtCollection represents MODFLOW Evapotranspiration boundaries for a series of time intervals.
Class TEvtLayerTimeListLink  
Class TEvtLayerCollection  
Class TEvtSurfDepthListLink  
Class TEvtSurfDepthCollection  
Class TEvtParamItem Each TEvtParamItem stores a TEvtCollection.
Class TEvapotranspirationCell  
Class TEvt_Cell  
Class TEvapotranspirationLayerCell  
Class TEvtSurfDepth_Cell  
Class TEvtBoundary TEvtBoundary represents the MODFLOW Evapotranspiration boundaries associated with a single TScreenObject.


TEvtArray = array of TEvtRecord;
TEvtLayerArray = array of TEvtLayerRecord;
TEvtSurfDepthArray = array of TEvtSurfDepthRecord;


StrEvapoTranspirationSurf = 'Evapo- transpiration surface';
StrEvapoTranspirationDepth = 'Evapo- transpiration depth';



TEvtArray = array of TEvtRecord;

TEvtArray is an array of TEvtRecords.

TEvtLayerArray = array of TEvtLayerRecord;

TEvtLayerArray is an array of TEvtLayerRecords.

TEvtSurfDepthArray = array of TEvtSurfDepthRecord;

TEvtSurfDepthArray is an array of TEvtSurfDepthRecords.


StrEvapoTranspirationSurf = 'Evapo- transpiration surface';
StrEvapoTranspirationDepth = 'Evapo- transpiration depth';

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:45