Unit SparseDataSets

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


The classes in this unit are meant to act as sparse arrays to store boundary condition information in PHAST.

In PHAST, the locations of boundary conditions of boundaries are defined in the initial time step and subsequent time steps can redefine the associated values but not the locations of the boundaries.

GoPhast allows users to define changes in the boundaries at any time they like and then synthesizes the stress periods from the times that were defined. That is the reason why the Items property of each of the T2D<type>TimeData and T3D<type>TimeData classes does a search backwards in time to find the last previously defined data value for a particular location.

Before reading the Items property, the program should first call the IsValue method for the first time step. Only if it returns True should the Items property be read.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class T2DSparsePointerArray T2DSparsePointerArray acts like a 2D array of pointers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are nil, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T3DSparsePointerArray T3DSparsePointerArray acts like a 3D array of pointers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are nil, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T2DSparseRealArray T2DSparseRealArray acts like a 2D array of real numbers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T2DSparseBooleanArray  
Class T3DSparseBooleanArray T3DSparseBooleanArray acts like a 3D array of booleans. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T3DSparseIntegerArray T3DSparseIntegerArray acts like a 3D array of integers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T3DSparseRealArray T3DSparseRealArray acts like a 3D array of real-numbers. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.
Class T3DSparseStringArray T3DSparseStringArray acts like a 3D array of strings. It provides constant time access to its elements through the its Items property. However, when many of the elements are unassigned, it can use much less memory than an array.

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