Class TCustomBoundaryItem




type TCustomBoundaryItem = class(TOrderedItem)


no description available, TOrderedItem description follows

TOrderedItem is designed to allow TOrderedCollection to identify changed and new items during TOrderedCollection.Assign.




Private FStartTime: double;
Protected FObserverList: TList;


Private procedure SetStartTime(const Value: double);
Protected procedure AssignObserverEvents(Collection: TCollection); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure CreateFormulaObjects; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure GetPropertyObserver(Sender: TObject; List: TList); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure RemoveFormulaObjects; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetScreenObject: TObject;
Protected procedure ResetItemObserver(Index: integer);
Protected procedure UpdateFormulaDependencies(OldFormula: string; var NewFormula: string; Observer: TObserver; Compiler: TRbwParser);
Protected function GetBoundaryFormula(Index: integer): string; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetBoundaryFormula(Index: integer; const Value: string); virtual; abstract;
Protected function IsSame(AnotherItem: TOrderedItem): boolean; override;
Protected function BoundaryFormulaCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function NonBlankFormulas: boolean;
Protected procedure UpdateFormula(Value: string; Position: Integer; var FormulaObject: TFormulaObject);
Protected procedure RemoveSubscription(Sender: TObject; const AName: string);
Protected procedure RestoreSubscription(Sender: TObject; const AName: string);
Protected function CreateFormulaObject(Orientation: TDataSetOrientation): TFormulaObject; virtual;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property ScreenObject: TObject read GetScreenObject;
Public property BoundaryFormula[Index:integer]: string read GetBoundaryFormula write SetBoundaryFormula;
Published property StartTime: double read FStartTime write SetStartTime;



Private FStartTime: double;

See StartTime.

Protected FObserverList: TList;


Private procedure SetStartTime(const Value: double);

See StartTime.

Protected procedure AssignObserverEvents(Collection: TCollection); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure CreateFormulaObjects; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure GetPropertyObserver(Sender: TObject; List: TList); virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure RemoveFormulaObjects; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetScreenObject: TObject;
Protected procedure ResetItemObserver(Index: integer);
Protected procedure UpdateFormulaDependencies(OldFormula: string; var NewFormula: string; Observer: TObserver; Compiler: TRbwParser);
Protected function GetBoundaryFormula(Index: integer): string; virtual; abstract;

See BoundaryFormula.

Protected procedure SetBoundaryFormula(Index: integer; const Value: string); virtual; abstract;

See BoundaryFormula.

Protected function IsSame(AnotherItem: TOrderedItem): boolean; override;

IsSame returns True if AnotherItem is a TCustomBoundaryItem and StartTime is the same in the current TCustomBoundaryItem and in AnotherItem.

Protected function BoundaryFormulaCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
Protected function NonBlankFormulas: boolean;
Protected procedure UpdateFormula(Value: string; Position: Integer; var FormulaObject: TFormulaObject);
Protected procedure RemoveSubscription(Sender: TObject; const AName: string);
Protected procedure RestoreSubscription(Sender: TObject; const AName: string);
Protected function CreateFormulaObject(Orientation: TDataSetOrientation): TFormulaObject; virtual;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;


Public property ScreenObject: TObject read GetScreenObject;
Public property BoundaryFormula[Index:integer]: string read GetBoundaryFormula write SetBoundaryFormula;

Descendants of TCustomBoundaryItem define string properties that are the formulas for the unique features of each boundary condition. BoundaryFormula provides access to those properties without knowing what they are through the virtual abstract methods GetBoundaryFormula and SetBoundaryFormula. Descendants must override those methods. BoundaryFormula is used in TfrmScreenObjectProperties.StoreModflowBoundary and TfrmScreenObjectProperties.GetModflowBoundary.

See also
TCustomMF_BoundColl represents MODFLOW boundaries for a series of time intervals.
Published property StartTime: double read FStartTime write SetStartTime;

StartTime indicates the starting time of this boundary.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:44