Class TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl




type TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl = class(TEnhancedOrderedCollection)


TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl is an abstract ancestor used with MODFLOW boundary conditions that may or may not be defined at cells. For instance EquationValues of the SFR boundary is defined using a direct descendant of TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl. Boundaries that are defined at cells typically descend from TCustomMF_BoundColl which descends from TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl.




Private FScreenObject: TObject;
Private FBoundary: TModflowBoundary;


Private procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TCustomBoundaryItem);
Private function GetItem(Index: Integer): TCustomBoundaryItem;
Protected class function ItemClass: TBoundaryItemClass; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Boundary: TModflowBoundary; Model: TBaseModel; ScreenObject: TObject); virtual;
Public function Used: boolean;


Protected property BoundaryGroup: TModflowBoundary read FBoundary;
Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject;
Public property Items[Index:Integer]: TCustomBoundaryItem read GetItem write SetItem;



Private FScreenObject: TObject;

See ScreenObject

Private FBoundary: TModflowBoundary;

FBoundary is the TModflowBoundary that owns the current TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl.


Private procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TCustomBoundaryItem);

See Items.

Private function GetItem(Index: Integer): TCustomBoundaryItem;

See Items.

Protected class function ItemClass: TBoundaryItemClass; virtual; abstract;

ItemClass is the descendant of TCustomModflowBoundaryItem stored by classname.

Public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
Public constructor Create(Boundary: TModflowBoundary; Model: TBaseModel; ScreenObject: TObject); virtual;

Create is the TScreenObject for this boundary.

Public function Used: boolean;


Protected property BoundaryGroup: TModflowBoundary read FBoundary;

BoundaryGroup is the TModflowBoundary that owns TCustomNonSpatialBoundColl.

Public property ScreenObject: TObject read FScreenObject;

ScreenObject is the TScreenObject for this boundary. ScreenObject provides access to TCustomModflowBoundaryItem representing the boundary conditions for different time periods.

Public property Items[Index:Integer]: TCustomBoundaryItem read GetItem write SetItem;

Items is the TScreenObject for this boundary. Items provides access to TCustomModflowBoundaryItem representing the boundary conditions for different time periods.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:41:44