National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project

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Modeling and Software
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Attributes for MRB_E2RF1 Catchments by Major River Basins in the Conterminous United States (DS-491)


These data sets represent the average for each climatic variable for MRB_E2RF1 catchments in the conterminous United States.


These data sets represent the area of each variable type in square meters compiled for MRB_E2RF1 catchments in the conterminous United States.


These data sets represent the estimated area of each variable type in square meters compiled for MRB_E2RF1 catchments in the conterminous United States.

Hydrologic Variables

These data sets represent the average for each flow variable for MRB_E2RF1 catchments in the conterminous United States.

Physical Measures


These data sets represent the average or total of each variable compiled for MRB_E2RF1 catchments in the conterminous United States.

Stream network and catchments

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 04-Mar-2014 14:44:04 EST