National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project

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Headlines, Activities, and Publications


Urban Stressors Affect Health of Southeast Streams (January 2019)

Elevated manganese in some domestic wells (December 2018)

New model reveals links between Midwest land use, stressors, and stream ecology (December 2018)

Stream quality trends affected by streamflow and watershed management (December 2018)

Trends in nutrient loading to U.S. coastal waters (December 2018)

Groundwater Quality in Two U.S. Principal Aquifers (November 2018)

Nationwide evaluation of water-quality trends relative to drinking-water and aquatic-life benchmarks (October 2018)

New web-based tool to visualize water quality in Midwest streams (October 2018)

Updates to web tool for tracking water quality of the Nation's rivers and streams (October 2018)

Scientists discuss USGS research on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and nutrients(August 2018)

Updates to web tool for visualizing changes in groundwater quality (August 2018)

Major updates to Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs) database (July 2018)

Agriculture and the Quality of the Nation's Waters (June 2018)

Aquatic Critters Can Tell Us a Lot About How to Improve Stream Health (May 2018)
       Factsheet | Journal article: fish | Journal article: invertebrates | Journal article: algae


High radium levels and their causes in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer (December 2017)

Groundwater Quality in Four U.S. Principal Aquifers (December 2017)

Increasing Chloride in U.S. Rivers (September 2017)

Pesticides Prevalent in Midwestern Streams (August 2017)
      Press Release | Journal Article | Unformatted article

Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Not Currently Affecting Drinking Water Quality (May 2017)

Online Mapper Provides 40 year Look at River and Stream Quality (April 2017)
      Press Release | Online Mapper

National Groundwater Awareness Week, March 5-11, 2017 (March 2017)

Nation's River Quality Data Could Power Deeper Science Insights (January 2017)


Potential Corrosivity of Untreated Groundwater in the U.S. (July 2016)

Benefits of Ag Conservation in Upper Mississippi River Basin (June 2016)

Pharmaceuticals Commonly Detected in Small Southeastern Streams (June 2016)

Online Mapper Provides a Decadal Look at Groundwater Quality (June 2016)

Algal Toxins Detected in One-Third of Streams Assessed in Southeastern U.S. (March 2016)



U.S. Rivers Show Few Signs of Improvement from Historic Nitrate Increases
      Press Release | Article

Predicting Pesticides in Streams and Rivers: Where is Water-Quality at Risk? (September 2015)

New Online Tool Tracks Water Quality in the Nation's Streams and Rivers (July 2015)

Quality of the Nation's Groundwater (March 2015)



Mercury in the Nation's Streams - Levels, Trends, and Implications

Pesticides Still a Concern for Aquatic Life in U.S. Rivers and Streams (September 2014)

New USGS Health-Based Screening Levels Available (July 2014)

Human Activities Increase Salt Content in Many of the Nation's Streams (June 2014)

Trends in Nutrients and Pesticides in the Nation's Streams and Rivers (April 2014)

Tracking Nutrient Inputs to the Nation's Estuaries and Great Lakes (March 2014)

New Online, Interactive Sediment Data Portal (January 2014)



Ecological Health of the Nations Streams (2013)

Nitrate in the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries, 1980 to 2010: Are we making progress? (October 2013)

Factors Affecting Public-Supply-Well Vulnerability to Contamination (August 2013)

USGS Maps Show the National Distribution and Trends of Pesticide Use, 1992-2009 (May 2013)

NAWQA's Priorities and Strategies for 2013-2023 (April 2013)

Proposed 2014 Budget--Impacts to Lon-term Monitoring and Modeling


Radium occurrence and geochemistry in groundwater in the U.S. (press release, reports, and FAQs) (February 15, 2012)

Effects of Urban Development on Stream Ecosystems (press release, publications)

Quarterly Highlights (vol 5, vol 4, vol 3, vol 2, vol 1) (April 2012)

A National Assessment of Changes in Chloride, Dissolved Solids, and Nitrate in Groundwater (press release, report) (April 27, 2012)

Revised Health-Based Screening Levels available for 48 contaminants (April 10, 2012)

Radium occurrence and geochemistry in groundwater in the U.S. (press release, reports, and FAQs) (February 15, 2012)



Regional Assessments of Nutrient Sources and Transport to Streams, Reservoirs, and Estuaries (Online Decision Support System, articles, press release, stakeholder quotes) (September 6, 2011)

Arsenic, Uranium and Other Trace Elements, a Potential Concern in Private Drinking Wells (press release, report and supporting data) (August 30, 2011)

No Consistent Declines in Nitrate Levels in Large Rivers in the Mississippi River Basin (press release, article and related graphics) (August 8, 2011)

PAHs Increasing in Urban U.S. Lakes (fact sheet, presentation/video, FAQs, publications and additional information) (Congressional Briefing, April 14, 2011)

Tillage practices in the conterminous United States, 1989-2004, aggregated by watersheds (report) (March 29, 2011)

Organic carbon in our Nation's surface waters--Sink or Source? (report, technical announcement) (March 4, 2011)

Online guide to diatoms of the U.S. (guide, technical announcement) (January 25, 2011)

Regional Assessments of Nutrient Sources and Transport to Streams, Reservoirs, and Estuaries (articles, press release) (September 6, 2011)

Arsenic, Uranium and Other Trace Elements, a Potential Concern in Private Drinking Wells (press release, report and supporting data) (August 30, 2011)

No Consistent Declines in Nitrate Levels in Large Rivers in the Mississippi River Basin (press release, article and related graphics) (August 8, 2011)

PAHs Increasing in Urban U.S. Lakes (fact sheet, presentation/video, FAQs, publications and additional information) (Congressional Briefing, April 14, 2011)

Quarterly Highlights (vol 2, vol 1) (April 5, 2011)

Tillage practices in the conterminous United States, 1989-2004, aggregated by watersheds (report) (March 29, 2011)

Organic carbon in our Nation's surface waters--Sink or Source? (report, technical announcement) (March 4, 2011)

Online guide to diatoms of the U.S. (guide, technical announcement) (January 25, 2011)