Water Use in the United States
Estimated Use of Water in the United States
Column Tag | Data Element |
STATE | State postal abbreviation |
STATEFIPS | State FIPS code |
COUNTY | County name |
COUNTYFIPS | County FIPS code |
FIPS | Concatenated state-county FIPS code |
YEAR | Year of data=2010 |
TP-TotPop | Total population of county, in thousands |
PS-GWPop | Public Supply, population served by groundwater, in thousands |
PS-SWPop | Public Supply, population served by surface water, in thousands |
PS-TOPop | Public Supply, total population served, in thousands |
PS-WGWFr | Public Supply, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PS-WGWSa | Public Supply, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PS-WGWTo | Public Supply, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PS-WSWFr | Public Supply, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PS-WSWSa | Public Supply, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PS-WSWTo | Public Supply, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PS-WFrTo | Public Supply, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PS-WSaTo | Public Supply, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PS-Wtotl | Public Supply, total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
DO-SSPop | Domestic, self-supplied population, in thousands |
DO-WGWFr | Domestic, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
DO-WSWFr | Domestic, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
DO-WFrTo | Domestic, total self-supplied withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
DO-SSPCp | Domestic self-supplied per capita use, in gallons/day [DO-WFrTo/DO-SSPop*1000] |
DO-PSDel | Domestic, deliveries from Public Supply, in Mgal/d |
DO-PSPCp | Domestic, publicly supplied per capita use, in gallons/day [DO-PSDel/PS-TOPop] |
DO-TOTAL | Domestic, total use (withdrawals + deliveries) |
IN-WGWFr | Industrial, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IN-WGWSa | Industrial, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
IN-WGWTo | Industrial, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
IN-WSWFr | Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IN-WSWSa | Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
IN-WSWTo | Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
IN-WFrTo | Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IN-WSaTo | Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
IN-Wtotl | Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
IR-WGWFr | Irrigation, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IR-WSWFr | Irrigation, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IR-WFrTo | Irrigation, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IR-IrSpr | Irrigation, acres irrigated, sprinkler, in thousands |
IR-IrMic | Irrigation, acres irrigated, microirrigation, in thousands |
IR-IrSur | Irrigation, acres irrigated, surface (flood), in thousands |
IR-IrTot | Irrigation, acres irrigated, total, in thousands |
IC-WGWFr | Irrigation-Crop, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IC-WSWFr | Irrigation-Crop, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IC-WFrTo | Irrigation-Crop, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IC-IrSpr | Irrigation-Crop, acres irrigated, sprinkler, in thousands |
IC-IrMic | Irrigation-Crop, acres irrigated, microirrigation, in thousands |
IC-IrSur | Irrigation-Crop, acres irrigated, surface (flood), in thousands |
IC-IrTot | Irrigation-Crop, acres irrigated, total, in thousands |
IG-WGWFr | Irrigation-Golf, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IG-WSWFr | Irrigation-Golf, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IG-WFrTo | Irrigation-Golf, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
IG-IrSpr | Irrigation-Golf, acres irrigated, sprinkler, in thousands |
IG-IrMic | Irrigation-Golf, acres irrigated, microirrigation, in thousands |
IG-IrSur | Irrigation-Golf, acres irrigated, surface (flood), in thousands |
IG-IrTot | Irrigation-Golf, acres irrigated, total, in thousands |
LI-WGWFr | Livestock, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
LI-WSWFr | Livestock, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
LI-WFrTo | Livestock, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WGWFr | Aquaculture, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WGWSa | Aquaculture, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WGWTo | Aquaculture, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WSWFr | Aquaculture, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WSWSa | Aquaculture, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WSWTo | Aquaculture, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WFrTo | Aquaculture, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WSaTo | Aquaculture, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
AQ-WTotl | Aquaculture, total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
MI-WGWFr | Mining, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
MI-WGWSa | Mining, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
MI-WGWTo | Mining, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
MI-WSWFr | Mining, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
MI-WSWSa | Mining, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
MI-WSWTo | Mining, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
MI-WFrTo | Mining, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
MI-WSaTo | Mining, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
MI-Wtotl | Mining, total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
PT-WGWFr | Thermoelectric, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PT-WGWSa | Thermoelectric, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PT-WGWTo | Thermoelectric, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PT-WSWFr | Thermoelectric, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PT-WSWSa | Thermoelectric, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PT-WSWTo | Thermoelectric, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PT-WFrTo | Thermoelectric, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PT-WSaTo | Thermoelectric, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PT-Wtotl | Thermoelectric, total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
PT-Power | Thermoelectric, power generated, in gigawatt-hours |
PO-WGWFr | Thermoelectric once-through, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PO-WGWSa | Thermoelectric once-through, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PO-WGWTo | Thermoelectric once-through, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PO-WSWFr | Thermoelectric once-through, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PO-WSWSa | Thermoelectric once-through, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PO-WSWTo | Thermoelectric once-through, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PO-WFrTo | Thermoelectric once-through, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PO-WSaTo | Thermoelectric once-through, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PO-WTotl | Thermoelectric once-through, total withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PO-Power | Thermoelectric once-through, power generated, in gigawatt-hours |
PC-WGWFr | Thermoelectric recirculation, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PC-WGWSa | Thermoelectric recirculation, groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PC-WGWTo | Thermoelectric recirculation, groundwater withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PC-WSWFr | Thermoelectric recirculation, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PC-WSWSa | Thermoelectric recirculation, surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PC-WSWTo | Thermoelectric recirculation, surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d |
PC-WFrTo | Thermoelectric recirculation, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
PC-WSaTo | Thermoelectric recirculation, total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
PC-WTotl | Thermoelectric recirculation, total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
PC-Power | Thermoelectric recirculation, power generated, in gigawatt-hours |
TO-WGWFr | Total groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
TO-WGWSa | Total groundwater withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
TO-WGWTo | Total groundwater withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
TO-WSWFr | Total surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
TO-WSWSa | Total surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
TO-WSWTo | Total surface-water withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |
TO-WFrTo | Total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d |
TO-WSaTo | Total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d |
TO-WTotl | Total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d |