Water Resources of the United States
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A Data Input Program (MFI) for the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-468
MFI works by displaying screens to which the user responds. Each screen includes a data window, an instruction window, a line of available commands, and an optional third window. The data window is used to display information, allow information to be entered (or edited), or allow a choice to be selected from a menu. The instruction window shows error messages and instructions about using screen commands. The optional window can be a help window, data limits window, or a scratch pad window in which the user can enter notes. Figure 1 illustrates the structure of a screen.

Figure 1.--Screen structure of MFI.
The user enters data, makes a choice, or reads information displayed in a screen's data window, and then "accepts" the screen in order to proceed to the next screen. A screen is accepted by the F2 command described below. Choices are made in menu screens by using the arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired choice prior to accepting the screen. Data are entered by moving the cursor to desired fields and entering values.
- Screen Commands
- Running MFI
- Miscellaneous Details About Using MFI
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MFI page
The URL for this page is https://water.usgs.gov/software/mfi_manual/ofr94_468_6.html
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