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USGS Groundwater Policy > Groundwater Model Archiving > Review

Documenting, Archiving, and Public Release of Numerical Groundwater Flow and Transport Models: Instructions for Modelers - Review

Modeler Workflow - Review

Modeler Workflow - Review

This step describes the review process required to approve the model archive for public release. This model archive review is separate from the review of the information product that describes the model.

Submit the draft model archive (including metadata file) for review. The model archive should be compressed for the reviewers according to the Preparing a model archive for review and upload to the NSDI Water Node instructions

The model archive review steps include:

  1. At least one qualified colleague will conduct a data review of the model archive. (This review is separate from the review of the information product that describes the model.) The data reviewer will ensure that
  • the model archive meets the requirements presented herein;
  • the model or models run to completion and matches archived output;
  • selected model output matches with figures/tables/information in the model documentation report;
  • any PII, sensitive water-related information (for example exact locations of public-supply wells), proprietary data, undocumented data. or other information or data that cannot be publicly released is contained only within the "nonpublic" directory; and
  • the model archive structure is consistent with the OGW archive structure and naming conventions.
  1. A separate review of the metadata is required. The same person can review the model archive, metadata for the model archive, and the information product that describes the model.
  2. Submit model archive for approval by the Center Director and document in IPDS. The Center Director approval verifies that review comments have been adequately resolved, approves or rejects the model archive, and transmits the decision through IPDS.

Colleague reviewers should be familiar with the groundwater modeling process and, if possible, familiar with the modeling software used. These reviewers can include the Center Groundwater Specialist, a Groundwater Specialist from the Water Science Field Team, reviewers of the model documentation report, or other knowledgeable experts.

Reviewers should refer to the instructions for reviewers.

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