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ModelMuse Help

Most model configuration is done through the Model|SUTRA Options dialog box. For three dimensional models, layers are defined in the Model|SUTRA Layer Groups dialog box. The time periods to be simulated in the model are specified in the Model|SUTRA Time Controls dialog box.

Objects and Formulas are used to define the spatial data such as the distribution of hydraulic conductivity and the location of boundary conditions. The objects can be drawn on the top, or front views of the model or imported from external sources such as Shapefiles. It is also possible to import a background image to help when designing the model. The front view is only used with 3D models. With SUTRA, the front view shows a cross section that can be oriented at any angle.

To execute the model, select File|Export|SUTRA Input Files.

To view the model results, select File|Import|Model Results...