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ModelMuse Help

The menu items under Mesh are listed below. The items under this menu relate to creating or editing the mesh or cross section or to viewing information about the mesh. The Mesh menu is only visible with SUTRA models.

Mesh Menu

Menu Item


Generate Grid button Generate Mesh...

Create a grid using objects. See Using Objects to Specify the Mesh and the Mesh Generation Control Variables dialog box.

Draw Fishnet Mesh Quadrilaterals button Draw Fishnet-Mesh Quadrilaterals

Draw quadrilaterals to define a fishnet mesh. See Using Fishnet-Mesh Quadrilaterals to Specify the Mesh and the Fishnet Quadrilateral Properties dialog box.

View Mesh Information

View information about the mesh such as the number of nodes and elements. See the Mesh Information dialog box.

Renumber Mesh...

Renumber the nodes and elements in the mesh to improve bandwidth. See the Mesh Renumbering Method dialog box.

Specify Mesh...

Specify the mesh numerically. See the Specify Mesh dialog box.

Specify Fishnet Mesh Quadrilaterals...

Specify fishnet-mesh quadrilaterals numerically. See the Specify Mesh dialog box.

Set Default Cross Section

Move the cross section so that it is parallel to the X axis and crosses the mesh halfway between the minimum and maximum Y coordinates of any of the nodes.

Move Cross Section button Move Cross Section

When Move Cross Section is selected, the user can drag the cross section line or either of its end points to a new location by clicking on it with the cursor and dragging it. Just one end point will be moved if the user clicks on an end point. The entire cross section will be moved if the user clicks on the cross section between the end points.

Rotate Cross Section button Rotate Cross Section

When Rotate Cross Section is selected, the user can rotate the cross section line by clicking and dragging on the top view of the model.

Specify Cross Section...

Specify the coordinates of the cross section line numerically. See the SUTRA/DISV Cross Section dialog box.

Move or Delete Nodes or Elements button Move or Delete Nodes or Elements

When Move or Delete Nodes or Elements is selected, the user can click on nodes or elements to select them and then either move or delete them. See Editing the Mesh. The user can also select one or more nodes double-click on a node to specify the locations of the selected nodes numerically. See the Node Location dialog box.

Draw Elements Button Draw Elements

When Draw Elements is selected, the user can create new elements on the top view of the model by clicking on the top view. See Editing the Mesh.