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Mesh Renumbering Method Dialog Box

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The Mesh Renumbering dialog box is used to select the method used to renumber the nodes or elements in the mesh. It is displayed by selecting Mesh|Renumber Mesh...

For irregular meshes and meshes generated from more than one fishnet-mesh quadrilateral, the nodes and elements in the two dimensional mesh on the top view of the model are numbered using either the method described by Cuthill and McKee (1969) or the one described by Sloan and Randolph (1983). By default, with the three-dimensional mesh, the two-dimensional numbering system is used as a starting point and to number each set of vertically aligned nodes or elements sequentially starting from the top. However, sometimes the bandwidth of the three-dimensional mesh can be reduced by using using the method described by Cuthill and McKee or Sloan and Randolph for the full three-dimensional mesh.

When the user selects Mesh|Renumber Mesh..., the Mesh Renumbering dialog box is displayed and the user must choose between Vertical alignment (fast) and Complex (slow). Vertical alignment (fast) corresponds to the default method described above. With Complex (slow), either the Cuthill and McKee (1969) or the Sloan and Randolph (1983) method is used on the full three-dimensional mesh. After making a selection, the user clicks the OK button to renumber the mesh. the change in bandwidth will be displayed after the mesh is renumbered.

Minimizing the bandwidth is especially important when the Direct Solver is in order to reduce the execution time. It is less critical but still helpful to reduce the bandwidth for the iterative solvers.