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ModelMuse Help

We will import several Shapefiles while creating this model. The Shapefiles are installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\ModelMuse Examples\data\LakSfrCnc. To begin, we will import the model outline and use it to generate the grid.

Select "File|Import|Shapefile" and select the GridOutline shapefile. Check the "Set values of enclosed cells" checkbox and then click OK.

Screen capture of the Import Shapefile dialog box with the "Set values of enclosed cells" checkbox checked.

Screen capture of the Import Shapefile dialog box with the "Set values of enclosed cells" checkbox checked.

One object will be imported. Edit it in the Object Properties dialog box. You can edit it by double-clicking it either in the top view of the model or in the "Object|Show or Hide Objects" dialog box.

Screen capture of the Object Properties dialog box with the "Use to set grid cell size" checked and the cell size set to 400.

Screen capture of the Object Properties dialog box with the "Use to set grid cell size" checked and the cell size set to 400.

After clicking OK to close the Object Properties dialog box, select "Grid|Generate Grid." In the Generate Grid dialog box, click OK to generate the grid.