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The Generalized Transport pane is on the Sutra Features tab of the Object Properties dialog box. It is used to specify Generalized Transport boundaries in SUTRA 3.0.

The Generalized Transport pane is only visible if Evaluated at is set to Nodes.

The Schedule (BCSSCH) combobox is used to select a time schedule and a table where the boundary condition values are defined. The user can select Custom as the time schedule. With a Custom time schedule, the user can specify any time in the boundary condition table. Otherwise, only times defined in the time schedule can be selected.

The table on Generalized Transport pane has the following columns

Time defines when the boundary condition changes.

Used (IUBG) is used to define a formula  that will determine whether boundary condition on or off. Different formulas can be used at different times to control the nodes to which the boundary condition applies.

1'st Conc or Temp (UBG1) Concentration or temperature value at the first of two points that define the linear relation between solute mass or energy inflow/outflow and concentration or temperature at node IUBG. [Ms/M or C°].

1'st Solute or Energy Flow (QUBG1) Rate of inflow/outflow of solute mass or energy when the computed concentration or temperature equals UBG1 at node IUBG. [Ms/s or E/s].

2'nd Conc or Temp (UBG2) Concentration or temperature value at the second of two points that define the linear relation between solute mass or energy inflow/outflow and concentration or temperature at node IUBG. [Ms/M or C°].

2'nd Solute or Energy Flow (QUBG2) Rate of inflow/outflow of solute mass or energy when the computed concentration or temperature equals UBG2 at node IUBG. [Ms/s or E/s].

If the user wishes to program the subroutine BCTIME in SUTRA, the Use BCTime checkbox can be used to specify which nodes have their values set via BCTIME.

For SUTRA 3.0 models in which lakes are used, If Lake water present of absent and Interaction type can be used to override the values selected on the Lake-Boundary Interaction pane of the SUTRA Options dialog box. If Use defaults is selected, the value from the Lake-Boundary Interaction pane will be used.

For more information on the Generalized Transport boundary condition, see the SUTRA 3.0 documentation.