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ModelMuse Help

The Data Sets tab is on the Object Properties dialog box.

The Data Sets tab is used to specify which data sets will be affected by an object and the formulas used to set the values for each data set. Alternatively, the interpolation mechanism built into PHAST can be used to specify the values that will be assigned for a particular object in PHAST models.

The upper left part of the Data Sets tab has a tree-view control displaying the names of the data sets whose formulas can be set by the objects being edited. When one of the data sets is selected and its check box is checked, its formula will be displayed in the text field in the upper right. In addition the comment for the data set and the list of model inputs that is controlled by the data set will be displayed beneath the formula for the data set. The checkbox next to each data set name indicates whether the none, some or all of the objects being edited affect the values of the data set. The formula used to set the values is displayed in the Formula box. The formula can be edited directly in the formula box. Alternatively, the Formula Editor can be used to edit it by clicking the Edit F() button above the Formula box. However, if more than one of the objects being edited affects the data set and the formulas used to affect it vary among the objects, no formula will be displayed in the Formula box. The user can change which data sets can have their values set by changing their choices for Evaluated At and Number of X, Y, or Z Formulas on the Properties tab. Once the user has checked the checkbox for a data set, the user can enter a formula for the object or (in PHAST models) check the checkbox near the bottom of the tab labeled Use PHAST-style interpolation. PHAST-style interpolation is only applied to cells or elements enclosed or intersected by an object, not to cells or elements that are assigned by interpolation among objects. When interpolating among objects, the formula for the object is always used even if PHAST style interpolation is used when assigning values to enclosed or intersected cells. The only data set for which both the ModelMuse interpolation methods and the PHAST-style interpolation methods can be used is Initial_Water_Table. See PHAST-Style Interpolation for more information.