Class TUndoChangeDataSets




type TUndoChangeDataSets = class(TCustomUndo)


TUndoChangeDataSets is used to add, delete, and change the properties of TDataArrays.




Private FTopDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FFrontDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FSideDataSet: TDataArray;
Private F3DDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FDeletedDataSets: TList;
Private FNewDataSets: TList;
Private FOldDataSetProperties: TList;
Private FNewDataSetProperties: TList;
Private FOldNames: TStringList;
Private FNewNames: TStringList;


Private procedure StoreData;
Private procedure ClearExpressionsAndVariables;
Private procedure SetProperties(AddedDataSets, DeletedDataSets, DataSetProperties: TList);
Private procedure UpdateFormulas(DataSetProperties: TList);
Protected function Description: string; override;
Public Constructor Create(var DeletedDataSets, NewDataSets: TList; var NewDataSetProperties: TObjectList);
Public function DataSetsChanged: boolean;
Public Destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure DoCommand; override;
Public procedure Undo; override;



Private FTopDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FFrontDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FSideDataSet: TDataArray;
Private F3DDataSet: TDataArray;
Private FDeletedDataSets: TList;

FDeletedDataSets contains the TDataArrays to be deleted.

Private FNewDataSets: TList;

FNewDataSets contains the TDataArrays to be addead.

Private FOldDataSetProperties: TList;

FOldDataSetProperties is implemented as a TObjectList. It is used to store a series of instances of TPhastDataSetStorage for old properties of TDataArrays or TCustomPhastDataSets.

Private FNewDataSetProperties: TList;

FNewDataSetProperties is implemented as a TObjectList. It is used to store a series of instances of TPhastDataSetStorage for new properties of TDataArrays or TCustomPhastDataSets.

Private FOldNames: TStringList;
Private FNewNames: TStringList;


Private procedure StoreData;

StoreData stores the current state of frmGoPhast.Model.FDataArrayManager.DataSets and the TDataArrays that are being used to color the grid.

Private procedure ClearExpressionsAndVariables;

ClearExpressionsAndVariables clears expressions and variables in frmGoPhast.

Private procedure SetProperties(AddedDataSets, DeletedDataSets, DataSetProperties: TList);

SetProperties sets the properties of the TDataArrays.

the new data sets that have been created.
the existing data sets that have been deleted.
stores a series of TPhastDataSetStorage that store the properties of the TDataArrays.
Private procedure UpdateFormulas(DataSetProperties: TList);
Protected function Description: string; override;

Description describes what TUndoChangeDataSets does.

Public Constructor Create(var DeletedDataSets, NewDataSets: TList; var NewDataSetProperties: TObjectList);

Create creates and instance of TUndoChangeDataSets

DeletedDataSets contains a series of TDataArrays that have been deleted.
NewDataSets contains a series of TDataArrays that have been added.
NewDataSetProperties contains a series of TPhastDataSetStorages that define the changed properties of existing TDataArrays.
Public function DataSetsChanged: boolean;

DataSetsChanged returns True if any of the TDataArrays has changed;

Public Destructor Destroy; override;

Destroy destroys the current instance of TUndoChangeDataSets. Do not call Destroy directly. Call Free instead.

Public procedure DoCommand; override;

DoCommand does the command for the first time.

Public procedure Undo; override;

Undo undoes the command.

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2013-05-13 15:42:06