National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Project
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Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4222
Sacramento, California, 1999
Table 8. Human-health and aquatic-life criteria established for target compounds and the number of sites where the criterion value was exceeded.
[Type: H, herbicide; I, insecticide; d-H, herbicide degradation product; d-I, insecticide degradation product. Source: USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; MCL, USEPA-established maximum contaminant level for drinking water; HAL, USEPA-established human health advisory level for drinking water; CAN, Canadian aquatic-life criterion; RSD5, risk-specific dose associated with an excess cancer risk of 1 in 100,000 for a concentration in drinking water equal to the RSD; IJC, International Joint Commission.
mg/L, microgram per liter; , no criterion established]
Compound |
Type |
Human-health criteria |
Aquatic-life criteria |
Value (mg/L) |
Source |
Number of sites where value was exceeded |
Value ( mg/L) |
Source |
Number of sites where value was exceeded |
2,6-Diethylaniline |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Alachlor |
MCL | 10 |
-- | -- |
Atrazine |
MCL | 16 |
CAN | 17 |
Azinphos-methyl |
-- | -- |
USEPA | 16 |
Benfluralin |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Butylate |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Carbaryl |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Carbofuran |
MCL | 0 |
CAN | 1 |
Chlorpyrifos |
HAL | 0 |
USEPA | 20 |
Cyanazine |
HAL | 13 |
CAN | 10 |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
p,p'-DDE |
RSD5 | 0 |
-- | -- |
Deethylatrazine (DEA) |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Diazinon |
HAL | 9 |
IJC | 18 |
Dieldrin |
RSD5 | 4 |
USEPA | 1 |
Disulfoton |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Ethalfluralin |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Ethoprop |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Fonofos |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
a -HCH3 |
RSD5 | 1 |
CAN | 1 |
Lindane |
MCL | 0 |
USEPA | 3 |
Linuron |
-- | -- |
CAN | 0 |
Malathion |
HAL | 0 |
USEPA | 13 |
Methyl parathion |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Metolachlor |
HAL | 0 |
CAN | 5 |
Meteribuzin |
HAL | 0 |
CAN | 0 |
Molinate |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Napropamide |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Parathion |
-- | -- |
USEPA | 3 |
Pebulate |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Pendimethalin |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Permethrin, cis |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Phorate |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Prometon |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Pronamide |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Propachlor |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Propanil |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Propargite |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Simazine |
MCL | 6 |
CAN | 0 |
Tebuthiuron |
HAL | 0 |
CAN | 0 |
Terbacil |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Terbufos |
HAL | 0 |
-- | -- |
Thiobencarb |
-- | -- |
-- | -- |
Triallate |
-- | -- |
CAN | 2 |
Trifluralin |
HAL | 0 |
CAN | 3 |