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USGS Water Resources Links for:
10270102 - Middle Kansas
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Online USGS Watershed Information For:
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Cataloging Unit 10270102 - Middle Kansas
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Accounting Unit 102701 - Kansas
- Surface Water in Kansas
- Groundwater in Kansas
- Quality of Water Stations in Kansas
- Sediment in Kansas
- National Atmospheric Deposition Program in Kansas
- National Trends Network Stations in Kansas
- Logistic and linear regression model documentation for statistical relations between continuous real-time and discrete water-quality constituents in the Kansas River, Kansas
- Phytoplankton data for Cheney Reservoir near Cheney, Kansas
- Irrigation water use in Kansas
- Public-supply water use in Kansas
- Relations between continuous real-time physical properties and discrete water-quality constituents in the Little Arkansas River, south-central Kansas
- Effects of aquifer storage and recovery activities on water quality in the Little Arkansas River and Equus Beds aquifer, south-central Kansas
- Estuarine bed-sediment-quality data collected in New Jersey and New York after Hurricane Sandy
- Occurrence and trends of selected nutrients, other chemical constituents, diatoms, and cyanobacteria in bottom sediment, Lake Maxinkuckee, northern Indiana
- Streamflow characteristics and trends at selected streamgages in southwest and south-central Kansas
- U.S. Geological Survey quality-assurance plan for surface-water activities in Kansas
- Summary of hydrologic conditions in Kansas
- Flood-inundation maps for Indian Creek and Tomahawk Creek, Johnson County, Kansas
- Water quality of the Little Arkansas River and Equus Beds Aquifer before and concurrent with large-scale artificial recharge, south-central Kansas
- Groundwater-level and storage-volume changes in the Equus Beds Aquifer near Wichita, Kansas, predevelopment through January 2015
- U.S. Geological Survey quality-assurance plan for continuous water-quality monitoring in Kansas
- Relations between continuous real-time turbidity data and discrete suspended-sediment concentration samples in the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers, East-Central Kansas
- Effects of wastewater effluent discharge and treatment facility upgrades on environmental and biological conditions of Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas
- Fate and Transport of Cyanobacteria and Associated Toxins and Taste-and-Odor Compounds from Upstream Reservoir Releases in the Kansas River, Kansas, September and October 2011
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Subregion 1027 - Kansas
- Central Midwest Regional Aquifer System
- Up-Midwest Triazine Herbicide Recon
- Pumping Centers Project
- Fort Riley Installation Restoration Program
- Atmospheric Deposition in Kansas
- Model documentation for relations between continuous real-time and discrete water-quality constituents in Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas
- Revised shallow and deep water-level and storage-volume changes in the Equus Beds Aquifer near Wichita, Kansas
- Suspended-sediment loads and reservoir sediment trap efficiency for Clinton Lake, Kansas
- Occurrence and variability of mining-related lead and zinc in the Spring River flood plain and tributary flood plains, Cherokee County, Kansas
- Simulation of groundwater flow, effects of artificial recharge, and storage volume changes in the Equus Beds aquifer near the city of Wichita, Kansas well field
- Irrigation trends in Kansas, 1991-2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
- Relations between DNA- and RNA-based molecular methods for cyanobacteria and microcystin concentration at Maumee Bay State Park Lakeside Beach, Oregon, Ohio
- Continuous real-time water-quality monitoring and regression analysis to compute constituent concentrations and loads in the North Fork Ninnescah River upstream from Cheney Reservoir, south-central Kansas
- Model documentation for relations between continuous real-time and discrete water-quality constituents in the North Fork Ninnescah River upstream from Cheney Reservoir, south-central Kansas
- Irrigation trends in Kansas
- Relations between DNA- and RNA-based molecular methods for cyanobacteria and microcystin concentration at Maumee Bay State Park Lakeside Beach, Oregon, Ohio, 2012
- Model documentation for relations between continuous real-time and discrete water-quality constituents in Cheney Reservoir near Cheney, Kansas
- Sediment transport to and from small impoundments in northeast Kansas, March 2009 through September 2011
- Fate and transport of cyanobacteria and associated toxins and taste-and-odor compounds from upstream reservoir releases in the Kansas River, Kansas
- Status of groundwater levels and storage volume in the Equus Beds aquifer near Wichita, Kansas
- Streamflow of 2011-Water Year Summary
- Description of 2005-10 domestic water use for selected U.S. cities and guidance for estimating domestic water use
- Determination of streamflow of the Arkansas River near Bentley in south-central Kansas
- Quality of streams in Johnson County, Kansas
- Protocols for collection of streamflow, water-quality, streambed-sediment, periphyton, macroinvertebrate, fish, and habitat data to describe stream quality for the Hydrobiological Monitoring Program, Equus Beds Aquifer Storage and Recovery Program, city of Wichita, Kansas
- Lagrangian sampling of wastewater treatment plant effluent in Boulder Creek, Colorado, and Fourmile Creek, Iowa, during the summer of 2003 and spring of 2005-Hydrological and chemical data
- Relations between hydrology, water quality, and taste-and-odor causing organisms and compounds in Lake Houston, Texas
- Effects of experimental passive artificial recharge of treated surface water on water quality in the Equus Beds Aquifer
- Limnological Conditions and Occurrence of Taste-and-Odor Compounds in Lake William C. Bowen and Municipal Reservoir #1, Spartanburg County, South Carolina
- Suspended-sediment loads, reservoir sediment trap efficiency, and upstream and downstream channel stability for Kanopolis and Tuttle Creek Lakes, Kansas
- Sedimentation and Occurrence and Trends of Selected Nutrients, Other Chemical Constituents, and Cyanobacteria in Bottom Sediment, Clinton Lake, Northeast Kansas
- Microphotographs of cyanobacteria documenting the effects of various cell-lysis techniques
- Assessment of energetic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and trace elements in streambed sediment and stream water from streams draining munitions firing points and impact areas, Fort Riley, Kansas
- Occurrence of Antibiotic Compounds in Source Water and Finished Drinking Water from the Upper Scioto River Basin, Ohio
- Effects of wastewater effluent discharge and treatment facility upgrades on environmental and biological conditions of the upper Blue River, Johnson County, Kansas and Jackson County, Missouri
- Sedimentation, sediment quality, and upstream channel stability, John Redmond Reservoir, east-central Kansas
- Effects of urbanization, construction activity, management practices, and impoundments on suspended-sediment transport in Johnson County, northeast Kansas
- Water quality in the Equus Beds aquifer and the Little Arkansas River before implementation of large-scale artificial recharge, south-central Kansas
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Region 10 - Missouri
- Occurrence and trends of selected chemical constituents in bottom sediment, Grand Lake O' the Cherokees, northeast Oklahoma
- Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005
- Transport and sources of suspended sediment in the Mill Creek watershed, Johnson County, northeast Kansas
- Quality Characteristics of Ground Water in the Ozark Aquifer of Northwestern Arkansas, Southeastern Kansas, Southwestern Missouri, and Northeastern Oklahoma
- Guidelines and procedures for computing time-series suspended-sediment concentrations and loads from in-stream turbidity-sensor and streamflow data
- Stormwater Runoff: What it is and why it is important in Johnson County, Kansas
- Quality of streams in Johnson County, Kansas, and relations to environmental variables
- Twelve years of monitoring phosphorus and suspended-solids concentrations and yields in the North Fork Ninnescah River above Cheney Reservoir, South-Central Kansas
- Occurrence of Cyanobacterial Toxins and Taste-and-Odor Compounds in the Midwestern United States
- Cyanobacteria In Lakes And Reservoirs: Toxin And Taste-And-Odor Sampling Guidelines
- Guidelines for design and sampling for cyanobacterial toxin and taste-and-odor studies in lakes and reservoirs
- Algal and water-quality data for Rapid Creek and Canyon Lake near Rapid City, South Dakota
- Sediment Quality and Comparison to Historical Water Quality, Little Arkansas River Basin, South-Central Kansas
- Sedimentation and occurrence and trends of selected nutrients, other chemical constituents, and diatoms in bottom sediment, Fall River Lake, southeast Kansas
- Characterization of suspended-sediment loading to and from John Redmond Reservoir, east-central Kansas
- Comparison of two cell lysis procedures for recovery of microcystins in water samples from Silver Lake in Dover, Delaware with microcystin producing cyanobacterial accumulations
- Precipitation-frequency and discharge-frequency relations for basins less than 32 square miles in Kansas
- Hydrologic droughts in Kansas-Are they becoming worse
- Estimation of constituent concentrations, loads, and yields in streams of Johnson County, northeast Kansas, using continuous water-quality monitoring and regression models
- Continuous Water-Quality Monitoring of Streams in Johnson County, Kansas
- Water quality of streams in Johnson County, Kansas
- Status of Ground-Water Levels and Storage Volume in the Equus Beds Aquifer Near Wichita, Kansas
- Estimation of sediment sources using selected chemical tracers in the Perry Lake and Lake Wabaunsee Basins, northeast Kansas
- Bottom-sediment accumulation and quality in Shawnee Mission lake, Johnson County, Kansas
- Significant Findings from a Water-Quality Study on Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation, Northeastern Kansas
- Assessment of Biological Conditions at Selected Stream Sites in Johnson County, Kansas, and Cass and Jackson Counties, Missouri
- Biological Conditions in Streams of Johnson County, Kansas, and Nearby Missouri
- Geochemical effects of induced stream-water and artificial recharge on the Equus Beds aquifer, south-central Kansas,
- Water Quality on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation, Northeastern Kansas
- Water quality and relation to taste-and-odor compounds in the North Fork Ninnescah River and Cheney Reservoir, south-central Kansa