Locate Your Watershed (Legacy 8-digit HUC)
Locate Your Stream Site by 12-digit HUC
Locate Your Groundwater Site by 12-digit HUC
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Links By Watershed:
You Can Locate Your Watershed and the Additional Information For This Watershed Links by using these tools:
- Locate Your Watershed (Legacy 8-digit HUC)-this mapping interface allows users to subdivide water resource regions of the United States from Regions to Subregions,
to Accounting Units, and finally to Cataloging Units - through the use of the hydrologic units codes (HUCS). This application gains access to watershed information for all of the 21 U.S. regions, which includes Alaska (19),
Hawaii (20) and Puerto Rico (21).
There are "Additional Information for this Watershed" links available directly under every Cataloging Unit map for every HUC.
This dynamic link searches, creates and finds specific information associated with your watershed.
- Mapping Interface with Selection Menu (Legacy 8-digit HUC) - This Mapping Interface with a pull-down menu selection combination works together to help you find
your watershed. The menu interface will automactically map to your closest watershed selection if you select a non-existing HUC value, and a "Message From the Web Page" will help guide you to find the
correct HUC watershed map. This application gains access to watershed information for all of the 21 U.S. regions, which includes Alaska (19), Hawaii (20) and Puerto Rico (21).
- Find Your Watershed (Legacy 8-digit HUC) - This fill in the blank form generates the same result as the Mapping Tool above - except it does not use a mapping interface.
This tool also gains access to watershed information for all of the 21 U.S. regions, which includes Alaska (19), Hawaii (20) and Puerto Rico (21).
- Pull-Down Selection Menu (Legacy 8-digit HUC) - This Pull-Down Selection Menu generates the same result as the Mapping Tool above - except it does not use a mapping interface.
This tool gains access to watershed information for all of the 21 U.S. regions, which includes Alaska (19), Hawaii (20) and Puerto Rico (21).
- Single Cascading Menu (Legacy 8-digit HUC) - This Menu basically operates as the one above, but is more memory intensive. You may have to click CONTINUE to allow the script to continue to load.
All HUC names and values are viewable through this menu interface. This tool gains access to watershed information for all of the 21 U.S. regions, which includes Alaska (19), Hawaii (20) and Puerto Rico (21).
Locate Your Stream Site by 12-digit HUC
- This interface utilizes the ESRI javascript API accessing NWIS real-time, daily and historic data.
You can click on the green triangles, the colored dots, or on the huc boundaries on the maps for more information. The colored dots depict streamflow conditions generated from WaterWatch as a percentile, which is computed from the period of record for the current day of the year. Only stations with at least 30 years of record are used. The small green triangles indicate stations that were not ranked in percentiles either because they have fewer than 30 years of record or because they report parameters other than streamflow. Some stations, for example, measure stage only. The HUC Subbasin(8-digit) and Subwatershed(12-digit) boundaries are also linked to the "Additional Information for HUC8 or HUC12" respectfully for every subbasin subwatershed. The Improved mapping functionality includes zooming in/out, panning, dynamic scaling, dynamic lat/long coordinate referencing, Find Your Address or place field, clickable Switch Basemap (9) layers to choose from, a closeable location map, TOHUC, a 3-D model view of your choosen 12-digit Subwatershed and COMID values which link to EPA's water quality stats for the rivers in the region are presently available in Subwatersheds: (01xxxxxxxxxx, 02xxxxxxxxxx, 14xxxxxxxxxx, 18xxxxxxxxxx, 20xxxxxxxxxx, 21xxxxxxxxxx, 22xxxxxxxxxx) at this time.
Locate Your Groundwater Site by 12-digit HUC or Aquifer
- This interface utilizes the ESRI javascript API accessing groundwater sites displayed as (real-time wells-green circles), (continuous wells-green squares), and (periodic wells-green triangles).
You can click on the groundwater sites within the HUC boundaries on these maps to display the well information located with USGS Groundwater Data for the Nation. A link to Additional Information within the "8-digit Subbasin maps,
Example: Additional Information for this Watershed" page for every Subbasin and 12-digit Subwatershed.
We have also improved the mapping functionality of this interface which includes zooming-in, panning, dynamic scale adjustment, dynamic lat and long referencing, location address field, switchable basemap (9) layers, and a closeable location map.
You can click on the Surficial Aquifers graphics to access further information.