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USGS Water Resources Links for:
18020104 - Sacramento-Stone Corral
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Online USGS Watershed Information For:
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Cataloging Unit 18020104 - Sacramento-Stone Corral
- Mercury and Methylmercury Concentrations and Loads in the Cache Creek Basin, California
- Summary and Synthesis of Mercury Studies in the Cache Creek Watershed, California
- Organic Carbon Trends, Loads, and Yields to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Evaluation of Carbon Fluxes in Flooded Organic Soils in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Analysis of Pesticides in Surface Water and Sediment from Yolo Bypass, California
- Data on Dissolved Pesticides and Volatile Orgainic Compounds in Surface and Ground Waters in the San Joaquin-Tulare Basins, California
- Water-Quality Assessment of the San Joaquin-Tulare Basins-Entering a New Decade
- Investigation of Hydroacoustic Flow-Monitoring Alternatives at the Sacramento River at Freeport, California
- Summary and Synthesis of Mercury Studies in the Cache Creek Watershed, California
- Changes in Rice Pesticide Use and Surface Water Concentrations in the Sacramento River Watershed, California
- Summary of Total Mercury Concentrations in Fillets of Selected Sport Fishes Collected during 2000-2003 from Lake Natoma, Sacramento County, California
- Occurrence and Transport of Diazinon in the Sacramento River and Selected Tributaries, California
- Hydrogeologic Data from a Shallow Flooding Demonstration Project, Twitchell Island, California
- Estimating Tidal and Residual Circulation in San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Sacramento Basin National Water-Quality Assessment Program
- Quality-Control Results for Ground-Water and Surface-Water Data, Sacramento River Basin, California
- Carbon Fluxes, Water Levels, and Related Environmental Data, Twitchell Island, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Occurrence and Transport of Diazinon in the Sacramento River, California, and Selected Tributaries During Three Winter Storms
- Water-Quality Assessment of the Sacramento River Basin, California: Water-Quality, Sediment and Tissue Chemistry, and Biological Data
- Pesticides in Surface Water Measured at Select Sites in the Sacramento River Basin, California
- Hydrologic Treatments Affect Gaseous Carbon Losses From Organic Soils, Twitchell Island, California
- Metals Transport in the Sacramento River, California
- Do Herbicides Impair Phytoplankton Primary Production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta?
- Degradation Rates of Six Pesticides in Water from the Sacramento River, California
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations and Compositions, and Trihalomethane Formation Potentials in Waters from Agricultural Peat Soils, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: Implications for Drinking-Water Quality
- USGS Drinking Water Initiative: Assessing the Quality and Vulnerability of Drinking Water in the San Joaquin Delta, California
- Pesticides in Surface and Ground Water of the San Joaquin-Tulare Basins, California
- Inputs of the Dormant-Spray Pesticide, Diazinon, to the San Joaquin River
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Accounting Unit 180201 - Lower Sacramento
- Assessment of the Effects of Potential Climate Change on the Water Resources of the American, Truckee, and Carson River basins
- Precipitation-Runoff Processes in the Feather River Basin, Northeastern California, with Prospects for Streamflow Predictability
- Geochemical Characterization of Water, Sediment, and Biota Afftected by Mercury Contamination and Acidic Drainage from Historical Gold Mining, Greenhorn Creek, Nevada County, California
- Geochemistry of Mercury and other Trace Elements in Fluvial Tailings Upstream of Daguerre Point Dam, Yuba River, California
- Assessing the Susceptibility to Contamination of Two Aquifer Systems Used for Public Water Supply in the Modesto and Fresno Metropolitan Areas, California
- Periphyton and Macroinvertebrate Communities at Five Sites in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Dissolved Pesticide and Organic Carbon Concentrations Detected in Surface Waters, Northern Central Valley, California
- Dissolved Pesticide Concentrations Detected in Storm-Water Runoff at Selected Sites in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Diazinon and Chlorpyrifos Loads in Precipitation and Urban and Agricultural Storm Runoff during January and February 2001 in the San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Diazinon and chlorpyrifos loads in San Joaquin River Basin, California
- Mercury Contamination from Historic Gold Mining in California
- Mercury Bioaccumulation in Fish in a Region Affected by Historic Gold Mining: The South Yuba River, Deer Creek, and Bear River Watersheds, California
- Fish Community Structure in Relation to Environmental Variables Within the Sacramento River Basin and Implications for the Greater Central Valley, California
- Water Quality in the Sacramento River Basin, California
- Mercury contamination from hydraulic placer-gold mining in the Dutch Flat mining district, California
- Review of seismic-hazard issues associated with the Auburn Dam project, Sierra Nevada foothills, California
- Sacramento River Basin NAWQA
- Assessment of Shallow Ground-Water Quality in Recently Urbanized Areas of Sacramento, California
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Subregion 1802 - Sacramento
Links to Projects, Publications and Information for Region 18 - California
- Availability of Ground-Water Data for California
- Classification and Mapping of Agricultural Land for National Water-Quality Assessment
- Colloid Geochemistry and Transport Research
- Comprehensive Organic Analysis of Water
- Coupled Transport and Geochemical Processes Determining the Fate of Chemicals in Surface Waters
- Current Projects - USGS California Water Science Center
- Department of Interior Irrigation Drainage Program
- Development and Application of Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) for Estimating Atrazine Concentration Distributions in Streams
- Water-Quality Stations in California
- Discharge Measurements Using a Broad-Band Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
- Environmental Behavior and Fate of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE
- Environmental Fate of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane in the Central San Joaquin Valley, California
- Estimated Use of Water in the United States
- Field Guide for Collecting Samples for Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Stream water for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program
- Framework for a Ground-Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Program for California
- Geochemistry of Clay-water Reactions
- Ground-water Resource Investigations, Edwards Air Force Base, California
- Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program
- Hydrogeochemical Controls on the Migration of Radionuclides From Uranium Mill Tailings
- Hydrogeology of the Blaine Aquifer and Associated Units in Southwestern Oklahoma
- Implications for Water Resources and Earthquake Hazards
- Land Subsidence in the United States
- Maps of Recent Earthquake Activity in California-Nevada
- Measuring Antidepressants, Fungicides, and Insecticides in the Environment
- Measuring Land Subsidence from Space
- Mercury Contamination from Historical Gold Mining in Calfornia
- Paleohydrology
- Pesticide Fate Research
- Pesticides in the Atmosphere
- Pesticide National Synthesis Project
- Pesticide Toxicity Index for Freshwater Aquatic Organisms
- Recent Earthquakes for Los_Angeles
- Reconnaissance of 17B -Estradiol, 11-Ketotestosterone, Vitellogenin, and Gonad Histopathology in Common Carp of United States Streams: Potential for Contaminant-Induced Endocrine Disruption
- River Mechanics
- Statistical Analysis of Errors in Hydrologic Models
- Surface Water Quality Assurance Plan for the California District of the U.S. Geological Survey
- Transport and Deposition of Sediments and Sediment-borne Contaminants in Tidal Rivers and Estuaries
- Transuranium Research
- U.S. Geological Survey Programs in California
- USGS and the Great Southern California ShakeOut!
- USGS California Water Science Center - Mercury
- USGS California Water Science Center - Mercury Contamination from Historic Gold Mining In Calif
- USGS California Water Science Center Water Programs in California
- USGS, California Water Science Center, Webcam Home Page
- USGS California Water Science Center - MTBE
- USGS California Water Science Center - NAWQA
- USGS California Water Science Streamgage Program
- USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-Northern California
- USGS Minerals Information: California
- USGS Water Data for California
- Water-Data Reports for California
- Water Resources Data California Water